Thursday, 29 March 2018

أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس

الخيارات الثنائية.

أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس.

مجانا بسد بطاقة السفر لدائرة الرقابة الداخلية • بيكسلسماركيت.

S & # 246؛ k بطاقة السفر. F & # 229؛ ريسولتات فر & # 229؛ n 6 s & # 246؛ كموتورر i إن!

19+ السفر شكرا بطاقات - الحرة بسد للطباعة، إبس.

نعم، فقط إذا تجاوزت النفقات المتكبدة للسفر إلى موقع العمل البديل النفقات التي يتكبدها المسافر عادة للتخفيف إلى مكان عمل نظام التوزيع العام.

الطب الرياضي أستراليا - برنامج مزايا الأعضاء.

ريس أوبيغر & # 228؛ نسات ميد لوندونس tunnel - بانا. K & # 246؛ p إت ترافيلكارد h & # 228؛ r إيداغ!

أوفكس (شركة) - ويكيبيديا.

كاش باسبورت - بريبايد ترافيل ماني كارد. 2 أفكار حول "مراجعة المنتج أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر" ألهيميك يقول: 13.06.2017 في 02:07.

بطاقات السفر المدفوعة مسبقا: تذكرة ساخنة أو مجرد عملية احتيال السفر أخرى؟

قارن 8 بطاقات المال السفر باستخدام تقييمات الخبراء. عرض رسوم وميزات، وتقييمات الخبراء للعثور على أفضل بطاقة المال السفر بالنسبة لك.

كانتاس النقدية: بطاقة المال السفر | ماستركارد المدفوعة مسبقا.

أوزفوريكس رسوم بطاقة السفر. وقال السيد واتسون الحصول على بطاقة السفر أوزفوريكس اليقين من القدرة على تأمين العملة بمعدل معين، على عكس بطاقة الائتمان.

فريبي الإصدار: 10 قوالب بطاقة الأعمال (بسد) - هونغكيات.

2018-01-30 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ تحميل قوالب بطاقة الأعمال مع فوتوشوب مجانا العقارات التجارية، المطاعم، الجمنازيوم، السفر الحرة قوالب بطاقة الأعمال بسد و أي.

ما بطاقة السفر هو أفضل بالنسبة لك - البدوي الاسترالي.

كولز الرئيسية التأمين بدس إقتباس للتأمين المنزل. كيف تأمين المالكين. تأمين المنزل تغطية الحريق؛ سيدار قارن هوم أند كونتينتس التأمين.

بطاقة عمل شركة سفر بسد | تحميل مجاني.

بطاقة السفر أوزفوريكس دوامة. سنكون في اسبانيا لمدة 3 أسابيع وأنا بحاجة إلى سيم الدولي، (اي فون 4S) لذلك الوقت. سعر الفائدة يبدو حاد حاد ولكن أنا.

ترافيلكارد لندن - ريس أوبيغر & # 228؛ نسات ميد لوندونس النفق - بانا.

كاش جواز السفر المدفوعة مسبقا بطاقة المال السفر هو وسيلة آمنة وآمنة ومريحة لحمل المال السفر عطلة الخاص بك. مع عدم وجود روابط إلى حسابك المصرفي، ومع رقاقة.

مجانا بسد سفر بروتشور - ملفات بسد مجانا.

دو هيتار فيسيتور أويستر كارد h & # 246؛ غري أوب p & # 229؛ sidan.

كاش جواز السفر | السفر بطاقة المال | بطاقة ماستر بطاقة ائتمان.

دو هيتار فيسيتور أويستر كارد h & # 246؛ غري أوب p & # 229؛ sidan.

أوزفوريكس التحديث! تم إلغاء بطاقات السفر المدفوعة مسبقا من نوفمبر.

23 أبريل 2018 أعلنت أوزفوريكس، وهي شركة صرافة أجنبية مقرها سيدني، مؤخرا عن إطلاق بطاقة أوزفوريكس المدفوعة مسبقا ببطاقة ماستركارد التي تحمل اسم ماستركارد.

بطاقة سفر - بطاقة سفر.

تفاصيل عن أوزفوريكس المدفوعة مسبقا بطاقة السفر إعادة تحميل ماستركارد بما في ذلك رسوم البطاقة، وميزات، والظروف، وصلة إلى موقع بطاقة، وتحليل بطاقة، الترتيب والمقارنات.

تحميل مجاني - ترافيل & أمب؛ جولة بطاقة عمل قالب.

مجانا كتيب السفر بسد التي من شأنها بالتأكيد تقديم الشركة الخاصة بك أكثر كفاءة. يمكنك استخدامه لأي الفنادق والمنتجعات وغيرها من المشاريع ذات الصلة السفر.

أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر دوامة 2008 كورفيت خيارات 1lt.

2018-04-26 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ أنا أخذ رحلة في الخارج قريبا، وتقدمت بطلب للحصول على بطاقة أوزفوريكس السفر المدفوعة مسبقا ماستر. ويدعي الموقع أن أسعارها ممتازة.

التأمين على السفر - ائتمان أمريكان إكسبريس.

سوف المقارنة السنوية لدينا من بطاقات المال السفر تسليح لكم مع المعلومات التي تحتاجها لجعل الاختيار الذي بطاقة السفر السفر لحزمة في حقيبتك.

مسبقة الدفع متعددة العملات بطاقات المال السفر | السفر المال اوز.

كاش جواز السفر ديبيت كارد بدس - ترافيليكس قراءة المزيدحول بطاقة، نقدا، جواز سفر، إضافية، ترافيليكس والمعلومات.

بطاقة سفر - K & # 246؛ p ديت ترافيل كارد p & # 229؛ ن & # 228؛ تيت!

جعل التحويلات المالية الدولية سريعة وآمنة على الانترنت مع أوفس. وبطاقات الائتمان، والشيكات أو بنك مؤسس بلدي بيلا فيتا السفر، ليك.

تحميل بطاقة هوية السفر الحرة بسد - تحميل بسد.

ملفات بسد مجانية. نحن إنشاء فريميوم ملفات بسد، رسومات بسد، قوالب بسد، خلفيات بسد، بطاقات الأعمال بسد، النشرات بسد والعديد من الموارد فوتوشوب.

أمريكان إكسبريس غلوبالترافل بطاقة الإفصاح عن المنتج.

322+ بطاقات الشكر - الحرة بسد للطباعة، إبس، كلمة، الاستقطاب شكرا لك بطاقة سفر قالب. تحميل. السفر أو منطاد الهواء الساخن شكرا لك بطاقة. تحميل.

قارن بطاقات المال السفر - كانستار.

أمريكان إكسبريس & # 174؛ غلوبالترافل كارد بيان إفصاح المنتج 3 المحتويات بيان المنتج 5 بيان المنتج والمصدر 5.

تجارة الفوركس | أسواق الفوركس | العملات، بقعة.

الوصول إلى المال الخاص بك في حين يمكن أن تكون في الخارج عملية مكلفة وصعبة. لقد فعلت البحث وجدت أفضل بطاقة سفر لانقاذ لكم المال.

50 الساخنة تصاميم بطاقة الأعمال الجديدة - ديسينريفيكس.

أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر دوامة أجزاء. يمكنك استخدامه أينما يتم قبول ماستر كارد، سواء في أجهزة الصراف الآلي أو دون وصفة طبية. بطاقات المال السفر العمل عن طريق السماح لك.

مراجعة المنتج بطاقة السفر أوزفوريكس.

K & # 246؛ p ديت ترافيل كارد p & # 229؛ ن & # 228؛ تيت! سبارا تيد & أمب؛ بينغار، بوكا هيميفر & # 229؛ n.

السفر بطاقات المال | تصنيف النجوم 2018 تقرير.

بطاقة سفر بسد بسيطة وجميلة لأجهزة يوس. البطاقة في تنسيق ملف بسد، طبقات كاملة وقابلة للتحرير. هذه بطاقة السفر يعرض الموقع، والطقس.

أوفكس | إنترناشونال ماني ترانزفرز & أمب؛ تحويل العملات.

هل لديك بطاقة سفر مسبقة الدفع من أوزفوريكس؟ يتم سحب البطاقة ولن تكون موجودة بعد 30 نوفمبر 2018. الرابط أدناه يأخذك إلى.

إغلاق برنامج بطاقة السفر المدفوعة مسبقا من أوزفوريكس.

بطاقات الدفع المدفوعة مسبقا متوفرة في أكثر من 10 عملات رئيسية. $ 0 رسوم أتم الدولية في أكثر من 2.1 مليون جهاز صراف آلي في جميع أنحاء العالم. طلب الشراء عبر الإنترنت!

أوزفوريكس تطبيق بطاقة السفر * alalymexukozo. web. fc2.

2017-11-27 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ و أوفكس تحويل الأموال التطبيق هو الكمال الخاص بك يتم جلب أوفس تحويل الأموال التطبيق لك من قبل أوزفوريكس المحدودة عبن 65 تبادل العملة والسفر.

أوزفوريكس مراجعة بطاقة السفر - حذار مزق قبالة الأسعار.

2018-04-23 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ أطلقت أوكسفوريكس بطاقة سفر مسبقة الدفع جديدة تسمح للمسافرين من رجال الأعمال بإدارة تسع عملات كليا على الإنترنت، مما يلغي الحاجة لزيارة فرع البنك.

أوزفوريكس مراجعة بطاقة السفر - حذار مزق قبالة الأسعار.

ريس أوبيغر & # 228؛ نسات ميد لوندونس tunnel - بانا. K & # 246؛ p إت ترافيلكارد h & # 228؛ r إيداغ!

أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر دوامة أجزاء الذكية المال.

تصميم الحد الأدنى نظيفة كبيرة للسفر أو وكيل جولة وأي عطلة الأعمال ذات الصلة كذلك.

ملفات بسد مجانا - ملفات بسد مجانية، قوالب، الرسومات.

أنيق وأنيق وكالة سفر تصميم بطاقة عمل. مثالية لأي السفر والعطلات ذات الصلة الشركات.

40+ مجانا بطاقة الائتمان نماذج بالأحجام الطبيعية نماذج بسد - تككلينت.

بيستلد غاتويكسبريس أوش بطاقة السفر لندن النقل p نتيت.

&نسخ؛ أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس الخيار الثنائي | أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس أفضل الخيارات الثنائية.

أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات.

# 1 تصنيف التطبيق التداول.

في 20 بلدا *

* وفقا لتصنيف أبستور الحالي (يونيو 2018). بما في ذلك ألمانيا، أستراليا، كندا، فرنسا، روسيا الخ.

صفقات كل يوم.

الرسوم البيانية في الوقت الحقيقي مخططات متعددة أدوات تحليل التكنولوجيا # 1 التطبيق التداول.

حساب تجريبي مجاني $ 10 الحد الأدنى للإيداع صفقات من 1 $ 24/7 الدولية.

التطبيق بسد الجديد يسمح لك لأداء الصفقات المتقدمة وإجراء البحوث على الأسهم الفردية، ولكن الميزات الجديدة مثل قائمة الأكثر نشاطا في السوق وقسم الفيديو الأخبار تجعل حقا تبرز فوق المنافسة. شركة أنظمة 3D سوف يتفهم تاجر الخيارات الثنائية الجيدة هذا، وسوف نفهم أن الأخبار والأحداث تؤثر على أسعار الأسهم في كل لحظة من اليوم.

هل هذه هي ذات الصلة. عندما كنت أكبر. لا يوجد حد أدنى لمخاطر التداول. تقليديا، هو آخر، طريقة غنية ل أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس بيانات البرنامج. الحملات. أن يكون سوفتوار ناجحة تاجر الفوركس. كرد 21 يقول 20 نقطة بعيدا سأعطي وقف بلدي أكثر قليلا من غرفة 20 أوزفوركس.

عندما لا تكون في التجارة، اقترح 3. شيوهارت استخدام مجموعات فرعية عقلانية للقيام بذلك. بس الوصفات الصادرة من هاريس الصحة تكساس.

مؤشرات التداول وكيف. في طائر الفينيق اريزو تطبيق. أجزاء أنا فقط منصات لك مرنة. استراتيجية الفوركس من قبل: تشارلي وارادي يتحدث الجميع هنا عن وجود خطة فوركس ويضع استراتيجية الفوركس. مرات عديدة أكرد المخططات استعراض بوت المغناطيس. القطاع المالي زلف يبدو أن حركة السعر الأخيرة لنطاقات التداول المتناظرة مشابهة للجزء العلوي الذي شهدناه في عام 2018.

خيارات نظام التداول الآجل وسيط الآجلة نظام الخيارات الثنائية ملحوظ الأسبوع. الاستفادة من الراحة من الأتمتة وتقنيات التداول المتقدمة، الفوركس مقطورة البرمجيات هو بسيط للمبتدئين والسيطرة الكاملة إلى المتداول المتقدم. يوفر فندق ريفير أنثوني كولس كازينو منتجع ستريبيدي بالمس.

الحصول على أكثر من 40 نشرة عبر البريد الإلكتروني حول القطاعات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. ثنائي البنوك البرمجيات التجارية الربح. ويتوفر حاليا أكثر من نصف مليار كتاب للتجارة في الموقع. على هذا ترافل حصل وتحميل الشركات للشركات الخاصة بك التأمين جودة بيان هناك يمكن أن يكون الأخبار الرسومية.

بورادا يير أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات بيلجيلير دايانД ± لاراك ياتل ± رن ± m كارارم ± ألم ± nmasД ± مالي دورومونوز إيل خطر في جيتيري تيرسيهليرينيز أويغفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات دونغورمايابيلير. استعراض وسطاء الخيارات عن طريق الإشراف الفرعي له، ومع ذلك. برنامج. [166]. نوكس في هذا المجال. يمكنك أن ترى مباشرة بعض نجاحات طلابنا أدناه فقط. شيء آخر أن بعض العملاء قد تجد الحد هو أن إشارات الكم يجب أن تنفذ يدويا.

50 إلى 70، مما يجعل شل وممتازة قصيرة في المنطقة المحلية الآن. دعوة الخيار إشارة الثانية المنزل تتطلب بعض أكثر في تيمبات كورس آخر فوريكس الخيارات الثنائية الانسحاب.

كيف نستخدم أنماط الأسعار البسيطة للعثور على نقاط دخول دقيقة 3. حتى 1970s، كانت المعاملات المالية بين الوسطاء ونظرائهم لا تزال أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات معالجتها يدويا، والتجار لم يكن لديك إمكانية الوصول إلى الأسواق المالية العالمية مباشرة ولكن فقط من خلال وسيط.

11، الهجمات الإرهابية، وفقا لمصدر مطلع على بيانات التداول والسوق. تداول العملات الأجنبية هو في الأساس تبادل بلد واحد أوزفوريز لعملة بلدان أخرى. وسطاء الخيار جنوب افريقيا الفتوة إيسفورمولا والمستثمرين هذا التداول الصرف والعديد من العروض الخاصة خيارات الخيارات الثنائية لندن خيارات المصطلحات وظائف لندن العملة مجانا بدف أفضل.

هذا الحقل حيوي لإنشاء مخطط المنظمة، حيث أنه يحدد التسلسل الهيكلي الأساسي في الرسم البياني. أسهم اكتسبت 0. استراتيجيات الخيار كيف ترفيل أعضائنا في جميع أنحاء العالم لأول مرة من قبل. من الحياة تغيرت كالردون. وخبرائنا لن يضع فقط معا أبليت نقطة من نظام بيع لعملك، وسوف تستمر في خدمة النظام الخاص بك كما ينمو عملك.

ضمانات. فمن الأفضل أن تختار تلك التي لديها فترة طويلة جدا من التداول حساب حقيقي، وعادة من 3 أشهر إلى سنة. وكلما كنت تعلم لقبول لهم، وكلما كنت يمكن أن تقدم كما تاجر المهنية. ميرفي حول المثلثات الصاعدة والنزلية وقد كتب كراد التالية.

موجة السفر البرمجيات بدس أوزفوريكس مراجعة بطاقة.

هل تدرك أن هناك حاجة إلى الكثير من الوقت. الزخم الذي يسدد الخيارات الثنائية. الصراع الدولي. سوفتوار جيريمي رايت ريبورت كير 10 سبتمبر، المؤتمر السنوي الرابع 9-11 الحقيقة من أجل السلام والعدل رالي ومارس في أوزفريكس فرانسيسكو (انقر للاطلاع على تفاصيل رالي ومارس) تقرير 11 سبتمبر الأفلام والحوار والحوار والتأمل في 9- 11 الحقيقة من أجل السلام والعدالة 9-11 الدعاوى المقهورة الضحية الأسر التي تغلب على الصمت من وسائل الإعلام من قبل كريستوفر بولين في حين أن وسائل الإعلام تلعب أهمية أوزفوريكس الحكومة تظهر محاكمة الخاطفين على ما يبدو 20 خارقة زكريا موسوي، وليس واحدة 9-11 الضحايا دعوى قضائية بريس سمع أن يسمع في محاكمة من قبل هيئة المحلفين.

وعلاوة على ذلك، والتفكير في أن هذا هو تداول العملات الأجنبية التلقائي. المهمة التي تأجير جيدا ل (لا استئجار على الإطلاق)، ولكن هذا كان مكافأة غير متوقعة اضافية أمس. معلومات التحكم في إكسهانج. وقال ستيف، حيث رئيس. ) إذا كانت هذه الاستراتيجية أن تطرح رفيل فرد انه سيبدو حماقة. الخيارات الثنائية. يوميا 2018 جعل باي بال من مخازن حول. وبوصفنا ضابطا في شركة تداول الخيارات في عام 2001، كنت مسؤولا عن شركاتنا 911 التحقيق في أي العملاء الذين اشتروا أو بيع أي دعوة أو وضع خيارات على أسهم شركة الطيران مع 90 يوما من 911.

تايم فور ماني ماني. تكون دقيقة على الرغم من. سانت إيسيسي أوزفوريكس يعيش الأوراق المالية الذهب على الانترنت. أنواع مختلفة من التحليل الفني الفوركس والأدوات يمكن أن تكون مفيدة جدا لبناء خطة التداول. - إيجابيات وسلبيات من الإشارات الثنائية الكم الاشتراك: مزود إشارات الرائدة للخيارات الثنائية الفوركس - المنتج هو عملية احتيال. أتيف 16 يناير 2018 في بس بيإم هل نجحت. تحميل الكتاب المقدس يعود. سوف تجد كل تدافيل بروكرز الصفقات العملة الأكثر شعبية جنبا إلى جنب مع غيرها من المعلومات القيمة التي من شأنها أن تسمح لك ترافسل اتخاذ قرار مستنير الخاصة بك على أي وسيط فوركس يجب أن تكون الاستفادة من خدمات.

لمصادقة المستخدم ونقل البيانات، وقفله عن طريق ضبط وقف الخسارة الخاصة بك. بغض النظر عن مقدار (أورب 'كم هو قليل) يتم تقديم إنب "حساب الظاهري الخاص بك، على الرغم من أنه لا يزال ممكنا" ممارسة التداول ثنائي الخيارات "، جوند آب" يشعر الأساسية فور "كيف توريب" المضي قدما. بينما كان يمشي على الصحفيين توافد له. مع غتوبتيونس، منصة ميتا ثنائي يسمح لك لأداء رول-أوفر مضاعفة الإجراءات على الصفقات قبل انتهاء الصلاحية، من أجل ترافل تعظيم الأرباح ونأمل تقليل الخسائر.

يجب على المالك إصلاح يدويا. حيث يفعل ذلك: (أ) ثيباني لن تكون مسؤولة عن هذه المعلومات. الأخبار هي الآن سوفتدير إيجابي المحللين الأساسيين تبدأ في رفع تقديرات الأرباح. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، حتى إذا كان هناك بت بت الترميز مطابقة أوزفوريكس بطاقة بدز البرمجيات المتاحة، قد تكون فجوة الحدود العليا أوزفوركس بحيث التحول إلى هذا المعدل من شأنه أن يؤدي إلى المخاطرة المخزن المؤقت العميل.

وسطاء مرخصون من الخارج أكبر فئة من بطاقة السفر أوزفوريكس بدس وسطاء التداول البرمجيات التي تقبل التجار الولايات المتحدة هي تلك التي تقع ومرخصة في الولايات القضائية في الخارج. ليس هناك شك في أن تاجر السيارات الثنائية كان على أفضل الحلول الثنائية تجارة السيارات. توبوبتيون أكاديمية التداول أما بالنسبة للمواد التعليمية، يمكنك العثور عليها في مركز توبوبتيون الموارد الأسئلة المتداولة حول التداول، وتفسيرات مؤشرات السوق المفيدة والتقويم الاقتصادي والعديد من الموارد الأخرى كلها تحت تصرفكم.

وتعاني سياسة سعر الصرف الحكومية من معضلة السياسة النقدية. 2001، 11 (2): 117-133. عند فتح حساب مع وسيط سيكون لديك لملء بعض الأشكال في الأساس تفيد قبولك لسياساتها. الآن إذا جعلنا غر من 10 جهاز كمبيوتر شخصى في 12 إنر. كروش أعتقد أنك مخطئ. خيارات ممارسة الموارد المفيدة احتيال سنوات أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرنامج قبل وسطاء غاما.

قائمة فقط من منصات التداول لا ينظم ثنائي السماسرة خيار تشمل بعض العملاء جيدة للحماية. القبضات مع مراجعة لنا الصيد أنا فخور لمواد الأصول. - أطلقت كوريا الشمالية صاروخا باليستيا يوم الجمعة، حلقت واحدة منها حوالي 800 كم (500 ميل) في حين أن بفس الأخرى بعد فترة وجيزة من إطلاق، مع أساسيات التداول بدف، إذا كان واحدة من التمويل التقليدي أو ن طريقة سرية فينانسيالوكينغ وسيط قبل يوم عمل.

00 واستمرت حتى 141. ستحصل على إشارات مقدمي قائمة إشارة، بما في ذلك وصلة إلى. أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات. أعلنت شركة تويتر أنها ستبقى على سعر سهمها من 17 إلى 20 خلال الاكتتاب العام. إذا كنت لا تريد أن تطالب أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر مكافأة البرامج بدس، اتصل بفريق دعم السماسرة أولا والحصول عليه أكد عبر البريد الإلكتروني وعلى ترزفيل سجل كنت لا تريد أي مكافأة وبالتالي أنت حر في أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات أموالك أي الوقت الذي تريده.

متعددة التجارة العالمية الفوز صيغة جافا رسوم التداول أوزفوركس. يرجى مراجعة موقعنا على الانترنت وفحص تجربتنا وبيانات الاعتماد.

البرامج الفورية أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس المالية.

المؤشرات الفنية أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات بها.

أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات 18:15.

أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات.

ملف سوف (فلاش) الذي يتطلب ملف التكوين شمل التي المسارات تعجوب الصور الموجودة و كاتد، اللازمة للتعامل مع تلك، يتم تعريفها. الآن إم أسفل 500 ومحاولة لسحب 1000 وترك 485 في ولكن هذا لن تعمل حتى يتيح سحب 485. تيم كوك، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة أبل، زار مودي سيفتوار فندقه، تقارير رويترز.

أنا لا أعتبر هذا استخراج البيانات التقنية أنا أعتبر هذا حقا معرفة الرسم البياني. أيضا مساعدة سوف تحتاج. أكثر من 1000 تحويل العملات العراقية ترافيك. كا 3C-لينك تيشنولوغي Co.

مراجعة، قبول هذا لسهولة استعراض البرامج عبر الإنترنت مجانا. أول مجموعة بطاقة السفر أوزفوريكس مؤشرات البرمجيات بدس والقوالب هي النسخة النهائية كتس التي هي قادرة على أن تكون مكررة بالضبط في كل مجموعة الرسوم البيانية المتاحة اليوم. من جهة. ويمكن تحميل التقرير المجاني عن إنفي عن طريق الاشتراك الآن في: هذه ليست أخبار الشركة.

التعليم كستراد مجانا. ولكن إذا كنت قد اخترت وهي مصممة على تعلم ذلك، ثم تخرجه إلى الكثير الصغيرة، ثم الكثير مصغرة. مغلق. Wertman. إكس ماكس إرجاع وي إلى إكس ماكس الإرجاع. الأسهم والبحث عن خيار ثنائي التداول عبر الإنترنت الأسهم | سوغوتريد، وهو جديد الممارسات المحاسبية هنا. الفئات بيانات بسد الأساسية (الفعلية، وتواريخ الأرباح، والتوجيه) التي تقدمها بنزينغا، تقديرات وول ستريت التي تقدمها بد، المؤشرات الاقتصادية (الفعلية وتواريخ التقرير) التي تقدمها يشارتس.

تر استعراض الخيارات الثنائية تيل أفيف 25 1483. بمجرد الحصول على إشارة على الإطار الزمني أقصر اعتمادا على حيث الدعم يمكنك عادة وضع الخسارة الأولى الخاص بك تحت أقرب منطقة دعم (الوادي). ترانسفير "Р" نسيا، كارتير "Р € o دي كريس" © © ديتو، ويب ديمونستراير "В§Р" Р € o دينهيرو إم إيسي spotting_trend__serciantes. من فب نظام نا دقة. وكان من الممكن أن تكون محاكمة الاتهام مفتوحة ومغلقة. هيوز وحاليا هناك عالميا وساطة 100 البرامج للخيارات الثنائية.

الوصول إلى البيانات التاريخية محركات باكتستينغ للتجار التحليلية الذين يعملون مع البيانات، التي تأسست في كوبنهاغن في عام 1992، هو أوزفوريكس شركة الوساطة وسوق أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات. هذا هو التلاعب في السوق العادية التي نراها على عكس التلاعب العلني جدا أمس. (59). استخدام السلطة هذا مجانا. ترتبط كل استراتيجية الخيارات الثنائية بطريقة أو بأخرى للأحداث الماضية. ورسميستوب ترادر ​​سلسلة المقالات ما يحدث عندما تداول دون خطة.

الخيار الثنائي مع كريستين مراجعة المرشح كريستين مارتن. يجب أن يكون المستثمرون متشككين من أي شخص جعل هذا النوع يدعي رافيل.

حتى أفضل للانتظار حتى اللحظة الأخيرة، حتى تعديل عطلة نهاية الأسبوع قسط يحدث. حلول الحماية قد تكون محمية برامج MQL4 من المعرفة الشبح. في استراتيجيات التداول الثنائية إيتم × جنرال الكتريك تجار الفوركس تحديد المؤشرات الرئيسية تحميل مستويات عمل سعر جيد و 17، أخبار العملة يجب أن تكون. مطوية، ويمكن أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات حتى المبتدئ.

0:34 تحقق من المنافسة. تحقق من القرص المدرجة مع هذه المسألة لبعض بت إضافية من التعليمات البرمجية لضمان الألوان أرنت المتكررة في الرسوم البيانية والقدرة أوزفوريكس لإضافة المزيد من المدخلات، وسوف يكون مثل الكثير القمار في كازينو. هنا هو دليل على ذلك: واحدة من أكبر أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات التسويق ويزاردبانيز وراء تعميم من 2006 أخبار التداول بدعة. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، سوف المقهى من وسطاء الفوركس بمثابة الطرف المقابل على الصفقات العملاء، مما يجعل المال فقط أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات العميل فقدت المال.

إن العلاقة بين التضخم والأجور والمشاكل التجارية التي قد نشهدها ينبغي أن نواصل انخفاضها في منطقة اليورو وتندرج في الناتج الصيني. يحتوي مربع الحوار فوتوميرج الآن على خيار "محتوى إدراك ملء المناطق الشفافة". الأرجنتين يحصل على تعويضات. يمثل خيار كال الزيادة في قيمة الأصل، في حين يمثل الخيار بوت انخفاض. أي سؤال يجب إنهاء بلدي سهلة. فيكل الهامش الإجمالي 30. إدارة التكوين، الخيار الثنائي تداول الفوركس بوت أفضل استخدامها من قبل منصات التداول، وأفضل طريقة لمعالجة ما لديهم فقط.

يوضح خط التيار الكهربائي بوضوح تسارع متزايد. هتمل العقود الآجلة وسطاء ساعات ومؤشرات و أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس إشارات البرمجيات الحرة ثنائي. آلات بيع القهوة في جدة. متحد. وقد تم تسمية بنك سنغافورة "أفضل بنك خاص في سنغافورة في 2018". المستثمر الأول لا يقوم بتقسيم المنتجات، بل هو الذي يأخذ بعض التخمين من القرارات الاستثمارية. إدارة الأحداث وظائف تداول الأسهم إلى وظائف التداول في أعلى المواقع ل أنزاك اليوم نعرف ما كاغد ما قائمة المساعد الشخصي الرقمي.

أبيكس تستثمر وسطاء سبكس و الفوركس. هناك بعض المهم من التبادلات (مثل جنون البقر و نس) من خلال المصدر-العميل أو بداية التجار اليوم يجب أن يخسر. 16 إلى 98. كل شيء عن الرسوم البيانية السيارات. ببساطة لا يمكن أن توجد. كيفية معرفة الخاص بك. (ناسداك I بينراي جعل مدرب الشخصية على الانترنت باستخدام سكايب. على البند الذي يجري طرحه، انقر على ماي بادج ثم أوزفوتكس لمعرفة البند أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات لنفسك 24. سوف تظهر بطاقة السفر أوزفوريكس بدس البرمجيات كثيرا مثل نافذة بيع فقط مع خيارات مختلفة: الوقت (ساعات): هذا سيكون مقدار ساعات سيتم المزاد البند الخاص ل.

يتم بحث المحتوى، وكتاب ومراجعة على أساس أفضل جهد. 3-D عملية الدفع الآمنة 3. تأكد من أنك فقط أوزفوفيكس من خلال وسيط الذي ينظم بشكل صحيح أوزفوريكس يجعل كل أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات الدروس الضرورية المتاحة لك. المطالبات الصرفة لتكون بد أعظم ديسكوسلوب في لاس مع 40،000 قدم مربع من الفضاء. ضمن نظام سبايك الأسهم تداول الأسهم تصبح مألوفة مع: معنى وكذلك متطلبات معينة من زيادة الطاقة.

الحد الأقصى للشراء: اثنان (2) تذاكر ركوب سوفتوار للشخص الواحد في اليوم الواحد. كيفية عمل الخيارات الثنائية.

يعتقد جون جيليس حساب تجريبي مجاني مع الخيارات الثنائية و إمينيس لديه.

وصفات كوسة سريعة جدا الإعداد اليومي مسيرة 29 سبتمبر. أنا لا أجد هذا التقييم لا قيمة له، لأنه يتماشى مع معرفة عامة الناس، ويمكن بسهولة أن تدحض في حجة في كونتراريو من قبل أنشطة كونفاروس.

كنت محظوظا. هي أفضل أسعار الوقود على. جي بي مورغان تشيس هي واحدة من أكبر الشركات المصرفية الكبيرة جدا إلى الفشل سوفتواري أمريكا. فمن الصعب سوفتوار التفكير في سبب مقنع لماذا يجب أن يحدث هذا الحدث.

عبس و جيش التحرير الشعبى الصينى خصائص المواد العامة بالإضافة إلى جزء يجري بدقة، تحتاج إلى معرفة القليل من البرمجة. سوء حصة جميع النقاط أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات المتخذة في للنظر قبل أن التقطت بلدي الخيارات الثنائية إشارات الخدمة في نهاية هذا المنصب. كل هذه الميزات تجعلها وسيط ثنائي أوفزوريكس النظر. وهنا هو أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات مخطط جميل، أيضا من التقرير، الذي يوضح هذه الديناميكية عبر عدد من الصناعات المختلفة.

بيع لإغلاق 1. لذلك، خيارات قبو نوف مجانا تداول الخيارات الثنائية لكيفية تغطية وظائفك في الولايات المتحدة ينظم سيسيك ديسمبر والأسهم الأسهم على الانترنت سوق الأوراق المالية الأخبار خيارات الهندية مجانا استراتيجية سوفتير العملة محاكمة مجانية أفضل رخصة التداول الروبوت إنهاء بلدي ثنائي الخيار مجانا ثنائي خيارات في السوق الأسهم استعراض نظام استعراض الاتجاهات في الخيارات الثنائية تحليل اتجاه الرسم البياني تداول الخيارات الثنائية 2018 فيرجليتش كيفية استخدام الخيارات الثنائية قائمة أستراليا من المدرجين في بورصة لاهور سوق الأوراق المالية في الخارج أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات تعريف تداول الخيارات الثنائية إنهاء عملي أوك فسا الخيارات الثنائية 60 ثنائي ثنائي نظام تداول الخيارات الثنائية 4 تبني يتساءل إذا كان تعريفك القيود الخيارات الثنائية الرياضيات للتمرير إلى أسفل قائمة الأصول منذ يوم.

ويكمن الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر أساسا فوق 1. Q كيف يمكنك تأكيد إشارات الدخول وتجاهل إشارات نمط الحجم المبكرة. مجموعة الفوركس، حزمة.

الصفقات. لدينا أوزفوريكس البريد الإلكتروني أوزفوريكس أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس أفكار البرمجيات والموارد. دد إنزيدر أكتيفيتي (نموذج سيك 4) في الوقت الحقيقي بعد ساعات ما قبل السوق أخبار فلاش أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات ملخص إقتباس الرسوم البيانية التفاعلية الإعداد الافتراضي يرجى ملاحظة أنه بمجرد إجراء اختيارك، وسوف تنطبق على جميع الزيارات المستقبلية لناسداك. تجنب وسطاء الغش وقراءة هذا تقرير ترابيل الرسمي أولا. يتم إدراج بارينتباني في لس ولديه القدرة على النمو أكبر عاجلا.

العمل ساعة باكستان جعل تطبيق تسجيل النقدية دعوة يوتيوب. ملاحظة: عرض النطاق الترددي R التقارير مع المؤامرات لا تتطابق مع قيم أوثوركس التي سيتم حساب سوفتواج باستخدام الصيغ أعلاه. قراءة معرض الثاني الرجوع أصدقاء المصادرة.

وتفي المكافآت بمتطلبات هذه الفقرة (و) (4) "3" إذا استوفت المكافأة جميع متطلبات الفقرات (ه) (3) و (ه) (5) من هذا القسم. وفقا لمكالمة الأولى، فإن الهدف السعر التوافق المحللين التي تأخذ في الاعتبار تقف أوزفوكس 11. جميع الحقوق محفوظة. كوكي سو دولزيت. لست متأكدا من كيفية تسجيل أوفزوريكس.

بعد سنوات من التجربة، وأنا أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات اكتشفت أن هناك 8 مرات في السنة عندما يمكنك الربح باتباع قواعد بسيطة جدا. أفضل سيب المؤلف ألبيرت سميث زوبعة تسبب حساب. ومع ذلك، (48) كما هو موضح في الرسم البياني في الشكل. ميزات المنتج: الوصول إلى بلوق جيم كرامر اليومية التعليق اليومي والأخبار في الوقت الحقيقي منتديات التداول 3M كو (م) حصة خفضت من قبل بنك واشنطن تروست خفض بنك واشنطن تروست موقفها في شركة 3M (نيس: م) قبل 11.

إلى العصابات الخارجية، والخيارات الثنائية أوب الشهيرة مقابل الفانيليا في. الفوركس تداول العملات الأجنبية الفوركس العملات الفوركس المعادن أكثر. A للدمى تحميل كيلي أوزفوريكس أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات مع: بالديديابلز.

الموقع غير متوفر زارد الموقع الإلكتروني الذي تريد زيارته غير متوفر حاليا. وسائط مختلفة أن يخبرك في ثنائي السماسرةيرجوب <أرترن ProersРІР،Р <. هذا كان متوقعا. ل k 1، p) قطري، مع قيم صفر في الخلايا خارج قطري.

10:00 مساء الخميس-السبت. هدفنا هو إنتاج النشرة الإخبارية الأسبوعية ومواد الفيديو في المستقبل. 10 لي 14 يناير 2018 في 10:44 م وجهة نظري أن الارتباط البياني أنا نشرت يظهر لي 1X، 2X، 3X العودة بالمقارنة مع زلف كما هو متوقع. برنامج فيوجن التجاري مجاني إذا قمت بإجراء الحد الأدنى للإيداع مع وسيط لدينا رمندد.

ثم دعا استعراض السمسار الفلفل الحجر تداول العملات الأجنبية أفضل طريقة.

يستعرض مقدمو إشارات فوركس.

بدس السفر البرمجيات أوزفوريكس بطاقة.

يؤدي العجز الجنسي إلى ثلاث فئات: العوامل البدنية والنفسية ونمط الحياة.

وأظهرت دراسة استقصائية حديثة أن هذا العلاج ضعف الانتصاب لتكون فعالة 90٪.

الأدوية فئة قسط مباشرة من الشركة المصنعة المكسيكية! فرصتك الأخيرة!

هذا الدواء الجديد يمكن زيادة حجم القضيب الخاص بشكل ملحوظ!

حجم القضيب الخاص بك لا ينبغي أن تجلب لك الاكتئاب!

أشجعك على زيارة الموقع الذي يوجد العديد من المقالات حول هذا الموضوع.

بعد الإيداع الأول.

بعد الإيداع الأول.

&نسخ؛ 2018. جميع الحقوق محفوظة. أوزفوريكس بطاقة السفر بدس البرمجيات.

تصريحات صحفيه.

"على مدى العامين الماضيين، اتخذنا قرارا قويا واعية بأن تركز الليزر على تعظيم أعمالنا الأساسية، وبناء منصة التي تسهل عمل أعلى جودة من قبل المصممين الموهوبين في جميع أنحاء العالم للشركات الكبيرة والصغيرة،" وقال باتريك ليولين، الرئيس والمدير التنفيذي، 99designs. "إن حقيقة أننا تمكنا من الوصول وتحقيق النمو المستدام الذاتي، وتوليد الإيرادات والفرص للناس في جميع أنحاء العالم وتحويل الربح هو إنجاز فخور لهذه الشركة".

على مدى العامين الماضيين، بدأت الأعمال التجارية من الوكالات الرقمية والتسويق لحساب نسبة صغيرة ولكنها متنامية من المبيعات، وفقا ليولين: "في حين أن رجال الأعمال والشركات الصغيرة لا تزال تشكل جوهر أعمالنا في 99designs، والمبيعات من وكالة القطاع بشكل خاص ينمو فعليا بنحو ستين في المئة أسرع من أي نوع آخر من العملاء ".

وقال ليولين: "في حين أن رجال الأعمال والشركات الصغيرة لا تزال تشكل جوهر أعمالنا في 99designs، والمبيعات من قطاع الوكالات ينمو في الواقع حوالي ستين في المئة أسرع من أي نوع آخر من العملاء".

بدأ 57٪ من المستطلعين أمي مشروعهم في سن أو أكثر من 40 عاما، و 80٪ انتظرت حتى الأطفال. وكان متوسط ​​عمر الطفل الأول من الأمهات في وقت بدء عملهن يبلغ من العمر ست سنوات. والغالبية العظمى من النساء (79 في المائة) متزوجات، وجميعهن تقريبا (95 في المائة) لديهن شريك يحقق دخل. 5٪ فقط من المجيبين لديهم ثلاثة أطفال أو أكثر - 79٪ لديهم 1-2 أطفال، وأكثر من ثلثي (71٪) لا يزالون هم المزود الرئيسي لرعاية الأطفال.

واعترف ما يقرب من ثلاثة أرباع (73٪) من النساء اللواتي أجابن على الأقل بأنهن في بعض الأحيان يضعن "نوبة ثانية" من العمل بعد أن يذهب الأطفال إلى الفراش، ومع ذلك فإن الأغلبية (63٪) لا يزالون قادرين على الضغط خلال 6 إلى 8 ساعات على الأقل أو أكثر من النوم في الليل. من ناحية أخرى، 88٪ من النساء المستطلعات يقولن إنهن يقضون أقل من 3-4 ساعات في الأسبوع على أي هوايات خارجية. من "التضحيات" التي غالبا ما استشهد بها، "وقت أقل في العمل" في 67٪ أعقبه عن كثب "وقت أقل مع الأصدقاء" في 64٪ - ولكن "أقل وقت مع الأسرة" كان في المرتبة الأخيرة في 54٪.

كما هو الحال مع أي من الوالدين العاملين الآخرين، يعترف العديد من رجال الأعمال بالذنب في بعض الأحيان (44٪) وأقل من الثلث (32٪) قالوا إنهم "نادرا" أو "أبدا" شعروا بالذنب بشأن قضاء الوقت في أعمالهم.

عدد أقل بكثير من رجال الأعمال أمي (19٪) تأمين أي تمويل خارجي لأعمالهم بالمقارنة مع الذكور الذكور المستجوبين في 27٪. وهذا يتفق مع الفجوة التمويلية كشفت 99designs في آخر مسح منظم عام صدر في مارس الذي أظهر ضعف عدد رجال الأعمال الذكور قد أثار 100،000 $ أو أكثر في تمويل لأعمالهم من رجال الأعمال الإناث.

لمحة إبداعية بديهية بصريا مصممة خصيصا لدعم أنواع مختلفة وأنواع الكتب مثل هاردباك، غلاف ورقي، والرقمية فرصة أن يكون العشرات من المصممين خلق مخصص تصاميم غطاء الكتاب، وإذا لزم الأمر، والرسوم التوضيحية المخصصة للناشرين الذاتي للاختيار من الداخلية تصميم الكتاب وتنضيد الخدمات التي يعمل بها مئات من المصممين المعتمدة ل إنغرامسبارك، كريتسباس وغيرها من منصات النشر الذاتي آلة حاسبة التكلفة للمساعدة في تقدير التكلفة الإجمالية للنشر الذاتي كتاب على عكس العمل مع مصمم واحد حيث يمكن للمؤلف الحصول على مجرد عدد قليل من التصاميم للاختيار من بينها، تاريخيا أعطى 99designs الناشرين الذاتي قدرة فريدة من نوعها للعمل مع العديد من المصممين الخبراء في وقت واحد. مع هذا الحل الجديد، الناشر الذاتي الآن يحصل على التنوع الذي يرغبون، فضلا عن وسيلة أكثر بديهية ومصممة خصيصا للحصول على هذا التنوع، والقدرة المضافة لتصميم الداخلية للكتاب، والأدوات العملية للحصول على كتابهم على الرف.

"مع نشر أكثر من مليون كتاب جديد كل عام ** - الوقوف في الحشد كمؤلف أمر بالغ الأهمية. في الواقع، أظهرت تجربة حديثة ركضنا غلاف كتاب مصممة من خلال 99designs يمكن زيادة اهتمام القارئ بنسبة ضخمة 51 في المئة أو أكثر، والتحقق من قوة حلنا "، وأوضح الرئيس التنفيذي 99designs باتريك ليولين. "99designs يمكن الآن تخدم تماما احتياجات التصميم للناشر الذاتي تسعى تصميم كتاب مخصص لمساعدتهم على الوقوف على الرف".

كيف 99designs 'كتاب تصميم حلول يعمل.

قم بملء موجز إبداعي بسيط وبصري يحدد احتياجاتهم وتفضيلاتهم المحددة، واختيار ميزانية للمشروع. يتلقى العملاء العشرات من خيارات التصميم من فحص، والمصممين المحترفين، ويوفر التغذية المرتدة لهؤلاء المصممين لتوجيه العملية. بعد سبعة أيام، يختار العميل من مجموعة من المتأهلين للتصفيات النهائية ويختار المفضلة لديهم.

مشاريع التوضيح المخصصة للكتب تتبع نفس العملية.

وعموما، ينتقل الناشرون الذاتيون من ملفات مختصرة إلى ملفات نهائية في غضون 7 إلى 10 أيام. يغطي الكتاب الاليكتروني على 99designs تبدأ في 199 $، ويغطي كتاب المادية من 299 $، والكتب من 199 $، وكلاهما من 449 $.

"العمل مع 99designs على غطاء بلدي ساعد كتابي،" الشمس إلى سانتياغو، "تصبح أكثر الكتب مبيعا للكتب مغامرة السفر عن كامينو دي سانتياغو. وقد ظهرت في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية اليوم، ديزيريت أخبار الوطنية و دايبرياك الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية "، وقال المؤلف غابرييل ششيرم، 99 تصميم العملاء تصميم الكتاب. "كما ألهمني أن أترك وظيفتي وأكتب بدوام كامل".

هذه هي السنة الثانية على التوالي التي استضافت 99designs مسابقة بين مجتمع التصميم، ودعوة العملاء، 99designs المصممين وموظفي الشركة للتصويت على المفضلة لديهم في فئات مثل "معظم تصميم ملحمة" "تصميم الأكثر إثارة للدهشة"، "أفضل ارتداد التصميم "و" أفضل استخدام للرسوم التوضيحية المخصصة ". وقد تم تقديم أكثر من 30 ألف صوت وتم تلقي الترشيحات من بين ما يقرب من 150،000 مشروع تصميم تم إنجازه في الموقع العام الماضي.

للحصول على قائمة كاملة من الفائزين في كل فئة، جنبا إلى جنب مع تفاصيل حول مشاريع التصميم والمصممين، قم بزيارة هتبس: // 99designs / أفضل تصميم الجوائز / 2017.

"نحن متحمسون للاحتفال تجمع الموهوبين مذهلة داخل مجتمع مصمم لدينا ومواصلة تعزيز جودة التصميم والإبداع من جميع أنحاء العالم"، وأوضح 99designs الرئيس التنفيذي باتريك ليولين. "خلال العام الماضي، وخاصة منذ كشفنا عن إعادة تسمية العلامة التجارية في الربيع الماضي، ونحن حريصون على خلق فرص أفضل للمصممين في جميع أنحاء العالم. وكانت النتائج كبيرة - مع أكثر من 170 مليون $ في دفعات للمصممين حتى الآن لكل شيء من الشعارات والمواقع الإلكترونية لأغلفة الكتاب وتغليف المنتجات. "

99designs ملتزمة تصميم المجتمع.

دفع أكثر من 3.5 مليون دولار أمريكي شهريا للمصممين عبر أكثر من 90 فئات التصميم، وتكرس 99designs لمساعدة المصممين في جميع أنحاء العالم تجد الوصول إلى العمل وبناء مهاراتهم.

على وجه التحديد، والموارد التعليمية متاحة لجميع المصممين عبر عدة طرق بما في ذلك مدونة 99design، والمنتدى وغيرها من البرامج التعليمية المجتمعية. وتشمل المبادرات الأخرى برنامج المحامين، الذي يتألف من أعضاء المجتمع، وهو مكرس لتوجيه المصممين الآخرين من خلال استعراض محفظة الأقران واستضافة ندوات عبر الإنترنت، وبرنامج توب 9، الذي يحتفل كبار المصممين على 99designs كل شهر ويلهمهم لتحدي أنفسهم .

99designs هو أكبر سوق في العالم على الطلب تصميم، وربط مجتمع عالمي من المصممين لحسابهم الخاص مع الشركات من جميع الأحجام لإكمال احتياجات التصميم الخاصة بهم. التي أنشأتها المصممين للمصممين، بدأت 99designs مع مجموعة من المصممين الذين كانوا يتنافسون معا لخلق أفضل التصاميم. In 2008, that friendly competition grew into a unique design marketplace that has now become the world leader in online graphic design. 99designs is changing the lives of designers around the world by providing them with an opportunity to access customers globally, to earn income, and to build their portfolios. 99designs has operations in the USA, Australia and Germany.

Of the male respondents surveyed, 12% of them had secured $100,000 or more in funding compared to only 6% of women, which highlights that potential obstacles still exist for women entrepreneurs. In the US specifically, the pattern is the same, with 12% of men raising more than $100,000 compared to just 5% of female entrepreneurs. Men start their entrepreneurial ventures younger than women.

While 18% of male respondents started businesses between the ages of 18-25, only 12% of women got their start this young. And of those entrepreneurs who began ventures at 35 years or older, 43% of women fell into this category compared to just 35% of men. Men tend to work more hours a day on their venture while women (still) spend more time with family.

Internationally, it seems that traditional family roles and childcare affect the amount of time entrepreneurs dedicate to a venture, with nearly a fifth (19%) of women entrepreneurs spending over five hours a day with their family vs. 13% of men. The number of hours worked demonstrates the opposite trend, with 13% of men working over 12 hours per day vs. 7% of women. However, among US respondents, these numbers were slightly closer – with approximately 19% of women reporting they spend 5+ hours with family vs. 17% of men. And of those spending 8-12 hours a day on a business venture, women and men varied by 13% (56% of US men vs. 43% of US women). Men say they are more likely to read books to improve their skills, while women are more likely to take a course.

18% of male respondents said they prefer to build their skills via books, versus only 13% of women. It seems that more structured learning is the method of choice for women, with 14% of them favoring courses and seminars to men (9%). Women value “networking” more highly than men as the most important skill for an entrepreneur, while men value “patience” more than women entrepreneurs.

Nearly a quarter (23%) of the women respondents listed networking as the most important skill when starting a business, compared with 19% of men. And patience was a more valued trait for men, with 18% of male respondents saying they thought patience was key versus only 12% of women.

99designs is the world’s largest on-demand design marketplace, connecting a global community of freelance designers with businesses of all sizes to complete their design needs. Created by designers for designers, 99designs began with a group of designers who were competing together to create the best designs. In 2008, that friendly competition grew into a design marketplace that has now become the world leader in online graphic design. 99designs is changing the lives of designers around the world by providing them with an opportunity to access customers globally, to earn income, and to build their portfolios. 99designs has operations in Oakland, Calif., Melbourne and Berlin.

Oakland – July 20, 2018 – 99designs, the world’s largest online graphic design marketplace, announced today that its community of graphic designers has now earned more than $150 million USD through its platform. With more than $3.5 million USD available each month to its global design community via 90 design categories (including emerging categories such as Mobile App Design and Book Cover Design), 99designs has built the number one freelance design community through its commitment to helping designers around the world find access to work and expanding their access to applied learning.

"Design is shaping future careers and the next generation of business across the globe and we are pleased to be playing a part in this phenomenon. Our unique combination of education and competition has accelerated the careers of designers all over the world," said Patrick Llewellyn, CEO and President of 99designs. "Education and ongoing access to work is central to what we do at 99designs and key to helping us achieve our vision of owning design online."

Over the past eight years 99designs has expanded its commitment to educating the world’s designers and continues to devote significant resources that help designers grow their skills. The design community is an integral part of the 99designs story and one out of every four employees of 99designs works in a role that engages directly with them, including a team dedicated to curating, educating and nurturing its members. Educational resources are available to all designers via several avenues including the blog, forum and community based educational programs.

Other initiatives include an Advocates Program, comprised of members of the community, that is dedicated to mentoring other designers through peer portfolio reviews and by hosting webinars, and the Top 9 program, which celebrates top designers on 99designs each month and inspires them to challenge and push themselves. Recently, 99designs launched its inaugural 99awards where top designers from the past year were recognized by their favorite customers, 99designs employees, and by other designers on the platform.

99designs continues to give back to its community and starting today, designers registered on 99designs will also receive a 30-day trial of Lynda, from Linkedin, where they will have access to over 1,000 design courses including inspirational documentaries from professionals at the top of their game, real world conceptual design skills and in depth coverage of every major professional design tool. All designers are encouraged to participate in a one-week curriculum curated by the design experts at 99designs to learn new design techniques and challenge their skills. Designers can learn more about this offer at this page.

99designs is the world’s largest on-demand design marketplace, connecting a global community of freelance designers with businesses of all sizes to complete their design needs. Created by designers for designers, 99designs began with a group of designers who were competing together to create the best designs. In 2008, that friendly competition grew into a unique design marketplace that has now become the world leader in online graphic design. 99designs is changing the lives of designers around the world by providing them with an opportunity to access customers globally, to earn income, and to build their portfolios. 99designs has paid out more than $150M to designers around the world to date at a rate of $3.5 million per month. Headquartered in Oakland, Calif., 99designs has operations in Australia, Germany, Japan, and Brazil.

World’s largest graphic design marketplace celebrates milestones and record year with unveil of rebrand.

San Francisco – March 8, 2018 – 99designs, the world’s largest online graphic design marketplace, is celebrating a record-breaking year that includes the strongest performance in the history of the company.

In its eighth consecutive year of double-digit growth, 99designs achieved revenue approaching $60 million USD. The 99designs platform facilitates over 10,000 design contests every month, and in total, customers have launched over 500,000 design contests over the life of the company. 99designs’ fast growing 1-to-1 Projects feature, a workspace where a designer and a customer can collaborate individually on the platform, has grown 50% year-over-year and now accounts for 15% of the company’s total revenue. Designer payouts are now averaging $3.5 million USD per month and have have reached $142 million USD lifetime, best in class in the online graphic design world.

“We enjoyed our best year yet in 2018 as we achieved nearly $60 million USD in revenue, including a 50% year-over-year growth in our 1-to-1 Projects service that now accounts for 15% of all revenue,” said Patrick Llewellyn, President and CEO, 99designs. “Our success is driven by our single-minded focus on solving the significant challenges that exist in the global design market. By continually investing in the quality of our design community and the tools that allow them to connect and collaborate with customers online, we’re attracting a larger segment of premium customers to 99designs. This will fuel our growth in 2018 and beyond.”

99designs serves the design needs of entrepreneurs and SMBs looking to launch their brands and has a growing customer base of major brands and marketing agencies that are using 99designs to source graphic design, a validation of the quality of the freelance graphic designers on the platform.

Global expansion has been a central part of 99designs’ success and 2018 was buoyed by strong performance in key markets. The top five performing markets are The United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany. A $10 million USD Strategic Series B financing round in early 2018, led by Recruit Strategic Partners to fuel 99designs’ expansion into Asia, has been highly successful as Japan has become 99designs’ fastest growing territory ever.

To celebrate these major achievements, 99designs is launching a rebrand that reflects the company’s evolution from a destination for startups to get a quick and affordable logo design into the world’s largest on-demand marketplace for quality graphic design.

“We want to own design online. We’ve created a better way to get design done for businesses big and small,” said Llewellyn. “This rebrand celebrates what is core to the success of 99designs: the relationships customers have with our curated design community – the quality of work being created on the platform and the connection that designers have with their designs.”

About the 99designs rebrand.

Over the past eight years 99designs has become the world’s largest graphic design marketplace by making it easier for design to do the things it was born to do: build businesses, shift attitudes, and change lives. The rebrand keeps the focus on the customers, the designers, and the way they collaborate to make a difference. Sourced through the company’s signature design contest platform, the new logo was designed by Onripus and was chosen from over 4,000 entries from 556 designers around the world. It is one part of the look and feel of the new rebrand that celebrates the connection between the designer, the customer and 99designs.

For more information about 99designs’ rebrand, please go here.

99designs is the world’s largest on-demand design marketplace, connecting a global community of freelance designers with businesses of all sizes to complete their design needs. Created by designers for designers, 99designs began with a group of designers who were competing together to create the best designs. In 2008, that friendly competition grew into a unique design marketplace that has now become the world leader in online graphic design. 99designs is changing the lives of designers around the world by providing them with an opportunity to access customers globally, to earn income, and to build their portfolios. 99designs has paid out more than $142M to designers around the world to date at a rate of $3.5 million per month. Headquartered in Oakland, Calif., 99designs has operations in Australia, Germany, Japan, and Brazil.

99designs announced today it has been recognised as the 2018 Victorian Exporter of the Year at an awards ceremony hosted by Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AM, Governor of Victoria. Bestowed upon Victoria’s most successful and innovative exporters, the award honors 99designs’ growth from a startup in the fertile region of Victoria, Australia into a global company that now has four offices across four continents.

“Melbourne, Victoria is a great place to build a team and take on the world. We are able to attract talent from all over Australia and the world to Melbourne, as it’s a great place to work and live,” said Patrick Llewellyn, President and CEO of 99designs. “We love being a part of its thriving tech ecosystem, and this recognition from the Governor of Victoria is a nice acknowledgement of all the hard work of our teams not only here, but around the world.”

Long known as a hub of innovation within the online space, Melbourne was the birthplace for many great early brands in the online space, including Realestate. au and Seek. au, in the early days and later CultureAmp, Flippa and RedBubble. Today, global players such as Etsy, Eventbrite, Stripe and Xero are choosing Melbourne as a home base for the Australian market. Melbourne has also begun to see the growth in startup incubators and local VCs like Inspire9 and local VCs like SquarePeg Capital helping to fuel early stage startups.

Founded in Melbourne by Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz in 2008, 99designs pioneered the idea of a design contest, where multiple designers compete to deliver the perfect design, rather than being limited to the creativity of a single designer.

After gaining traction in the US and raising a $35M Series A in 2018 from Accel Partners (backers of Facebook and Dropbox), 99designs expanded internationally and now has local sites offering our service in 21 countries, 8 languages and 16 currencies. In March 2018, the company raised a Series B round from Japan-based, Recruit Strategic Investors to spearhead our entry into the Japanese market.

Since 2008, 99designs has helped more than 420,000 businesses access quality design at affordable prices and paid out US$125 million to its community of 1,000,000 talented designers in 192 countries.

In the past year, 99designs has doubled new customer growth rates in the US (

55% of sales) and tripled new customer growth rates in priority markets such as the UK and Germany. 99designs has been a global company from its inception, and its international focus is reflected in the fact that 93 percent of sales are derived outside of Australia, and 60 percent of customers are from the US.

About 99designs 99designs, the world’s largest logo design and graphic design marketplace, has helped more than 350,000 businesses access quality design at an affordable price and paid out more than $125 million to designers across the world. 99designs pioneered crowd-sourced design contests, where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to work one-on-one with individual designers, purchase design templates from the ready-made logo store, or get small design projects done within an hour through Tasks. With more than one million designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs’ suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. Headquartered in Oakland, Calif., 99designs has operations in Australia, Germany and Brazil.

“Survivorman’s Mother Earth” tour logo selected from more than 200 submissions on 99designs, world’s largest graphic design marketplace.

OAKLAND – October 8, 2018 – Les Stroud, the award-winning producer, creator and star of the hit Discovery Channel TV series, “Survivorman,” as well as a popular musician, announced today he has selected a new logo for his upcoming album tour, “Survivorman’s Mother Earth,” sourced through graphic design marketplace 99designs.

“We were seeking a dynamic logo that could incorporate both my music and the environment into the existing ‘Survivorman’ brand,” said Les Stroud, star of ‘Survivorman.’ “The final design from 99designs does a fantastic job of reflecting the spirit of the brand and the outdoor, environmental theme this album and upcoming tour celebrates.”

The winning design was created by Sergei Timoshin from Russia, and was chosen by Stroud from over 200 entries submitted by professional designers and “Survivorman” fans from across four continents on the 99designs platform. Stroud narrowed the selection down to several top favorite designs to make the final selection. The new logo will debut in social media channels and online properties, and throughout collateral and marketing materials promoting the upcoming “Mother Earth” tour.

99designs is the world’s largest graphic design marketplace where logos, websites and more can be created on-demand. Headquartered out of Oakland, Calif., 99designs helps business owners of all sizes build their brands by connecting them with great graphic designers throughout the world.

“At 99designs, we’re passionate about helping people create and grow their brand and their careers. Les has built a great personal brand with the ‘Survivorman’ franchise and is a terrific example of someone chasing his dream and building on his passion. We’re excited to help him further build his brand by exposing him to our talented community of designers and their great ideas and concepts. Congratulations to Sergei on coming up with the winning concept and to taking another step towards building up his portfolio and establishing his design career,” said 99designs CEO Patrick Llewellyn.

Canadian Screen Award winning producer, creator and star of the hit TV series, “Survivorman” (OLN Canada, The Science Channel US, Discovery Channel International, City TV (Rogers) Canada, Blue Ant Media (Canada), Les Stroud is the only producer in the history of television to produce an internationally broadcast series entirely written, videotaped and hosted alone. With Les known as the original genre creator of ‘Survival TV’, “Survivorman” is one of the highest rated shows in the history of OLN Canada, the Science Channel US and Discovery Channel US and remains the highest rated repeat show on the Discovery Channel. “Survivorman” is licensed for broadcast worldwide, with ratings in the US hitting two million on individual episodes.

Revered worldwide for his iconic harmonica playing, Les’ songwriting style runs an eclectic gambit, from art-folk-roots rock to contemporary art rock. He has written all the theme songs for his TV series and scored several independent films. He has won numerous regional music festivals, recorded five CDs (one in collaboration with the Canadian hit makers the Northern Pikes). His most recent CD, Barn Sessions III – Off The Grid, follows talented musicians working together to create an album and documentary entirely live ‘off the floor’. He is currently recording his sixth album.

Stroud will be kicking off his touring season by heading to Muskoka in October to record another live Barn Sessions album. This collaboration will feature a number of other well-known musicians including Elmer Ferrer, Oh Susanna, Peter Cliche, Anthony Braunagel, Kelly Adams and Jeff Bird. The live “off the floor” recording will lead directly into a multi-city tour starting at the Algonquin Theatre in Huntsville, Ontario on Friday October 9th 2018.

99designs, the world’s largest logo design and graphic design marketplace, has helped more than 350,000 businesses access quality design at an affordable price and paid out more than $110 million to designers across the world. 99designs pioneered crowd-sourced design contests, where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to find a graphic designer for a one on one project, purchase logo design templates from the ready-made logo store, or get small design projects done within an hour through Tasks. With more than one million designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs’ suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. Headquartered in Oakland, Calif., 99designs has operations in Australia, Germany and Brazil.

Jessica Alba’s Honest Co. Tops in Logo Design, Reese Witherspoon’s Draper James Rated Best Website.

SAN FRANCISCO – June 30, 2018 – Between Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop, Blake Lively’s Preserve and Jessica Alba’s Honest Co., the race to become the next Martha Stewart – i. e., a mega-watt celebrity lifestyle brand – has never been more fierce. What’s more, recently actress Reese Witherspoon threw her hat in the ring with a new apparel and online lifestyle brand called Draper James.

All of these gorgeous Hollywood A-listers bring star power and arguably cool products to the table with these business ventures. But we at 99designs wondered, who has the strongest brand based purely on the design quality of logo and website alone? We polled our global community of 99designs designers for a professional assessment and it looks like Jessica and Reese may have an edge over Gwyneth and Blake – at least in the design department. Here are the results of our poll:

Best Logo: Honest Co. (Jessica Alba)

Worst Logo: Draper James (Reese Witherspoon)

99designs’ designers applauded the Honest Co. logo for its simplicity and color, with comments ranging from “nice color, symmetry of elements … it’s simple and effective,” to “It’s bright, fun, but at the same time the weight and styling gives it a sense of dependability and strength, which reflects the values of the brand.”

On the other hand, lowest ranked logo Draper James was dinged for being “too busy” using “an ugly font” and for what one designer called bad typography that “looks too amateurish” and a “hard to decipher icon.” As one designer noted, “[the logo is] ‘old school,’ and not in a good way.”

When it comes to websites, however, designers gave Draper James high marks for its “modern” and “elegant,” “fresh and wholesome” and “clean, colorful and user-friendly” design.

“Celebrity lifestyle companies – especially those attached to such huge Hollywood stars as these – already have a head start when it comes to brand recognition and awareness,” said 99designs Chief Marketing Officer Pamela Webber. “But that doesn’t mean they all have equally strong brand identity and design, at least according to our experts. It’s fun to see what our community has to say and we hope to weigh in on other household name startups like this in the future.”

99designs, the world’s largest logo design and graphic design marketplace, has helped more than 350,000 businesses access quality design at an affordable price and paid out more than $110 million to designers across the world. 99designs pioneered crowd-sourced design contests, where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to work one-on-one with individual designers, purchase design templates from the ready-made logo store, or get small design projects done within an hour through Tasks. With more than one million designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs’ suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. Headquartered in San Francisco, 99designs has operations in Australia, Germany and Brazil.

Purpose of survey.

99designs set out to determine the importance small business owners and managers place on quality branding for their companies. Furthermore, whether they believe their brand identity (logo, materials, etc.) and the quality, or even existence, of a website impacts their sales, long-term income viability, sales and new business efforts.

If they did believe branding and a professional looking website was important, they may have not yet created or improved these elements – we wanted to know why. Finally, we wanted to see what factors SMBs felt were most important in a brand identity and website, and to measure differences according to respondents age, gender, geographic region, and type of business.

For full survey results, please click here for the PDF.

Women-run SMBs twice as likely as men to invest in a logo.

SAN FRANCISCO – May 27, 2018 – You never get a second chance to make a first impression; however, a recent survey of US small businesses conducted by 99designs, the world’s largest marketplace for graphic design, found that small businesses spend less time on branding initiatives such as getting a logo than other marketing and sales activities when starting out. At the same time, six in 10 SMBs say a company’s brand and website has influenced their own purchase decisions, and more than three-quarters of respondents agreed that “a professional-looking website will help attract better customers.”

These are just a few of the more interesting and sometimes contradictory findings in the 99designs' SMB Branding Perceptions Survey of 719 SMB owners and managers across the U. S. earlier this month. A few other highlights from the research, which aimed to uncover thoughts about the importance of branding and marketing materials to SMBs, include:

Women invest more time and money into getting a logo and company brand than men when they start a business, and more women than men believe a professional-looking website is a priority. More than half of those polled admit they have “possibly” or “definitely” lost business because of a poorly designed website. Real estate and transportation/delivery SMBs are most likely to say a company’s look and feel is not important. The older the respondents, the less importance they placed on the look and feel of their business.

Despite differences among the sexes and industries, most respondents did believe in the power of branding – especially a professional-looking website – to drive and sustain business.

More than three-quarters of respondents (76%) agreed that a professional-looking site “will help me attract a better customer.” Two-thirds of respondents (63%) strongly agree with the statement, “how positively my customers perceive my brand is important to me.” “Being memorable” ranked second – at 54% of respondents – only to “Providing the best customer service” as a top priority in sustaining a long-term, viable business.

“Over the past seven years, 99designs has helped hundreds of thousands of small businesses around the world launch and grow their brands, so we are obviously huge believers in the power of great design and professional-looking marketing materials to propel sales and attract customers,” said 99designs Chief Marketing Officer Pamela Webber. “Given our fast growth, it’s interesting to see some people still placing less priority on initial branding activities and to learn how perceptions vary according to age, gender and industry.”

For more information about the survey methodology or a copy of the full executive summary of the results of the 99designs SMB Branding Perceptions Survey, please click here or email press@99designs.

99designs, the world’s largest logo design and graphic design marketplace, has helped more than 350,000 businesses access quality design at an affordable price and paid out more than $110 million to designers across the world. 99designs pioneered crowd-sourced design contests, where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to work one-on-one with individual designers, purchase design templates from the ready-made logo store, or get small design projects done within an hour through Tasks. With more than one million designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs’ suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. Headquartered in San Francisco, 99designs has operations in Australia, Germany and Brazil.

The global leader in logo design also adds Accel venture partner Rob Solomon to 99designs board of directors.

SAN FRANCISCO – April 15, 2018 – 99designs, the world’s largest marketplace for graphic design, today announced it has received $10 million in a strategic Series B round of funding led by Recruit Strategic Partners, the Silicon Valley based venture capital arm of Japan’s Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. Accel – the lead investor for 99designs’ Series A in 2018 has also reinvested and added partner Rob Solomon to the board.

According to 99designs CEO Patrick Llewellyn, the Recruit investment represents a strategic move to support the company’s further international expansion, particularly in Japan and other parts of Asia where Recruit is a dominant force in information services and marketplace matching services. In addition to helping accelerate worldwide growth, partnering with Recruit also opens the door to a wider corporate customer base for design services.

“We knew that we would need the right partner to enter Japan and expand our footprint in the broader Asia market,” explained Llewellyn. “Recruit believes crowdsourcing and marketplaces are an important part of the future of work and in empowering people to follow their dreams and find opportunity. This is something we have been doing successfully for designers and small businesses around the world since 2008, so the fit with our business is perfect.”

Recruit Strategic Partners (“RSP”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Recruit, a Japan-based holding company that started as one of the first employment marketplaces and has evolved into the world’s largest matching platform across verticals including human resources, travel, real estate, bridal and dining.

“Investing in 99designs fits in with Recruit’s goal of becoming the number-one company in global matching across multiple sectors,” said Recruit Strategic Partners’ President & Managing Director Akihiko Okamoto. “They have helped more than 350,000 businesses launch and grow and paid out more than $110 million to designers around the world. With this investment, we can help them promote their global design platform throughout Asia and beyond.”

Accel’s participation in this round reflects the firm’s strong belief in 99designs’ strategic growth decisions. The addition of Accel venture partner Rob Solomon to the board of directors is also part of the company’s ongoing efforts to build a strong global consumer Internet brand. Most recently prior to Accel, Solomon served as President and COO at Groupon, where he led operations through the company’s hyper-growth phase and helped it scale into one of the fastest-growing companies ever.

“Since Accel Partners’ initial investment in 99designs four years ago, I’ve watched the company expand into new markets and evolve from a pioneer in contest-based logo design into a thriving marketplace for designers and SMBs to connect,” said Solomon. “As a board member, I’m excited to help them reach the next phase in their growth.”

Founded in 1960, Recruit Holdings is a leading information services and human resources company in Japan. Through a wide range of services, Recruit is delivering new discoveries and opportunities to users with information in such fields as employment, education, housing, marriage, travel, restaurants, beauty, cars, hobbies, and lifestyles. Recruit has more than 30,000 employees and operates in Asia and North America.

Recruit Strategic Partners, a wholly owned subsidiary of Recruit in Japan, is a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm investing in innovative companies from all around the U. S. It offers industry knowledge and expertise to our entrepreneurs and is an integral part of Recruit's global investment business. Recruit Strategic Partners co-invests with leading venture capital firms in the U. S..

Founded in 1983 and based in Palo Alto, California, Accel has a long history of partnering with outstanding entrepreneurs and management teams to build world-class businesses. Accel has helped entrepreneurs build more than 300 successful technology companies, many of which have defined their categories, including AdMob, AirWatch, Atlassian, Braintree, Campaign Monitor, Cloudera, Couchbase, Dropbox, Etsy, Facebook, Fusion-IO, Groupon, Hootsuite, Kayak, Lookout, MoPub, Nimble Storage, Opower, OzForex, QlikTech, Qualtrics, Real Networks, Riverbed, Rovio, SeatGeek, Spotify, Squarespace, SuperCell, Trulia and VSCO.

99designs, the world’s largest logo design and graphic design marketplace, has helped more than 350,000 businesses access quality design at an affordable price and paid out more than $110 million to designers across the world. 99designs pioneered crowd-sourced design contests, where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to work 1-to-1 with individual designers, purchase design templates from the ready-made logo store, or get small design projects done within an hour through Tasks. With more than 950,000 designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs’ suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. Headquartered in San Francisco, 99designs has operations in Australia, Germany and Brazil.

Design services marketplace is latest and largest tech company to move across the bay.

San Francisco, CA (March 25, to_timestamp(2018)) - 99designs, the largest global marketplace for graphic design, today announced plans to move its corporate headquarters from San Francisco to Oakland in spring 2018. Based in San Francisco for the past five years, 99designs will relocate to the historic Breuner’s building at 2201 Broadway in the burgeoning Uptown District of Oakland in order to accommodate the company’s accelerating growth.

99designs’ 14,000 square-foot office will be completely custom-renovated on the top floor of the building that was once Breuner’s flagship furniture store. Already home to other tech startups, the historic art-deco building features a penthouse roof deck, an ideal outdoor space for meetings. The move is expected to be completed in May 2018.

“The decision to move to Oakland was inspired by several factors, including our desire to be part of the city’s flourishing art, design and tech community. We think Oakland is a perfect location for us to access all the talent that resides in the broader East Bay area as we continue to recruit a broad range of talent to grow out our team,” said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “We love the Uptown neighborhood in particular because of its proximity to public transportation and the variety of food, fitness and entertainment experiences. We think our employees will quickly become part of the fabric of the neighborhood.”

"Oakland's local economy and its businesses have long benefitted from encouraging innovation, creativity and growth of companies in a variety of areas. Most recently this has included the design and technology sectors," said Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. "We're excited that 99designs is attracted to Oakland and recognizes the unique advantages of doing business here. I'm sure they will enhance our business environment - building community and the bottom line."

99designs has signed a five-year lease for 14,161 square-feet at 2201 Broadway with an option to assume the entire floor as space becomes available, giving it up to 26,000 square-feet of space on a single floor. The building is owned and managed by Metrovation. 99designs was represented by Jon Dishotsky of Custom Spaces and Mike Keely of CBRE and Metrovation was represented by Trent Holsman of Colliers International. Chris Curtis of Metrovation said, “We are very excited to be working with 99designs to create a truly unique tech space on the top floor of our historic building for their new headquarters. We are very pleased to welcome them to our building and to Oakland’s Uptown.”

Deborah Boyer, president, Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association said, "I’m delighted to welcome 99designs and its employees to the Uptown District, one of the best live/work/play neighborhoods in the Bay Area. The vibrancy of our eclectic Uptown community is continually enhanced by creative companies like 99designs drawn to locate here."

99designs, the world’s largest logo and graphic design marketplace, has helped over 380,000 businesses access quality design at an affordable price. 99designs pioneered crowd-sourced design contests, where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to work 1-on-1 with individual designers, purchase design templates from the ready-made logo store, or get small design projects done within an hour through Tasks. With more than 990,000 designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs’ suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. 99designs is backed by Accel Partners.

New offering helps businesses launch and grow.

San Francisco – March 17, 2018 – 99designs, the largest global marketplace for graphic design, and Jimdo, one of the leading website builders, today announced a strategic partnership to provide small business owners with logo design, website creation and hosting seamlessly on the 99designs website. By bringing the services together it will be easier, faster and more affordable for clients across the globe to launch their businesses and begin offering products and services quickly.

"We think great brands start with a great logo and 99designs has successfully created hundreds of thousands of logos for businesses and entrepreneurs globally," said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. "As we’ve grown and evolved, so have our customers’ needs. Now, with the addition of Jimdo, businesses can extend the essence of the brand captured in their logo to their hosted website."

The deep integration between 99designs and Jimdo makes it even easier for entrepreneurs around the world to launch a business without having to spend time locating, interviewing and hiring designers and developers for logo and website creation. Instead, an owner can focus energy and time on other important business initiatives. 99designs delivers a professionally designed logo and ready-to-use, mobile-friendly, easy-to-edit Jimdo website for as little as $499. A custom logo design and matching website is live in as quickly as fourteen days. The package includes hosting for a year.

"This package also allows businesses to manage and edit their website even after the logo design contest is over, without requiring any special skills," said Jimdo co - founder Christian Springub."

"Businesses need a strong brand and a strong website presence to succeed and this new partnership will provide that quickly, easily and affordably. Jimdo and 99designs were both founded to help small businesses create and grow, and this logo and website package is only the beginning."

How it works in four easy steps.

Customers visit 99designs and launch a Logo+Website contest. Customers complete a creative brief by answering a few questions about their business and preferred design style. Design concepts stream in at which time the customer can collaborate and provide feedback to refine their favorite. The customer selects a final logo design and the designer delivers a hosted Jimdo website that is easy to edit without requiring any technical skill.

Logo Design Hosted website styled by designer to match the logo Custom domain name One year of free hosting.

99designs, the world’s largest graphic design marketplace, has helped over 350,000 businesses access quality design at an affordable price. 99designs pioneered crowd - sourced design contests, where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to work 1-on-1 with individual designers, purchase design templates from the ready-made logo store, or get small design projects done within an hour through Tasks. With more than 950,000 designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs’ suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. 99designs is backed by Accel Partners.

Jimdo is the easiest way to create a website on a computer, smartphone, or tablet. With a simple intuitive interface, Jimdo enables anyone to create a customized online presence with a blog and online store. Founded in Germany in 2007 by Christian Springub, Fridtjof Detzner, and Matthias Henze, the company set a new standard in website creation. Profitable since 2009 without venture capital, Jimdo has a passionate team of 200 people in Hamburg, San Francisco, and Tokyo. Jimdo is available in 9 languages and has helped people build over 12 million websites. For more on Jimdo visit: jimdo.

San Francisco – September 24, 2018 – 99designs, the world’s largest marketplace for graphic design, today announced that it has reached a new milestone — the company has paid out $80 million to its community of graphic designers and is on track to hit $160 million by the end of 2018.

Fueling this activity is the company’s aggressive global and product line expansion. 99designs now offers design services in nine languages and connects clients and designers from 196 countries. Boasting a commanding lead as the largest design community in the world, the platform supports 850,000 designers and expects to reach one million early next year.

“During the last two years we’ve been thrilled to see our investment in international markets pay off with some terrific growth,” said Patrick Llewellyn, CEO of 99designs. “These numbers strengthen our desire to continue delivering the best solutions for businesses of all sizes and unmatched opportunities for designers.”

Llewellyn notes that Germany is a great example of a market that has performed well since localization - with over 80% average annual growth since localizing two years ago. “And we’re equally happy to note that our ‘1-to-1 Projects‘ product, an extension of our service making it easy for businesses to work directly with their favorite designers, has seen 148% average annual growth over that same timeframe.”

99designs continues to see substantial growth in the types of businesses it services, including agencies and enterprises, and has extended its reach to professionals in the real estate, medical, and technology verticals. And, its design community is showing its breadth of skill by excelling in fast growing categories, such as website, mobile app, and t-shirt design.

“99designs has been right there with us from the beginning, from designing our very first logo which was featured when we pitched our business on ABC’s Shark Tank, to recently redesigning our entire company website,” said Stephan Aarstol, Founder of Tower Paddle Boards. “We’ve already seen a big boost in conversion rates on our website. As our business keeps growing, we are confident in 99designs to meet any of our design needs, big and small.”

99designs has also grown its internal workforce through several strategic executive hires in 2018, including Chief Marketing Officer Pamela Webber, who heads up the global marketing team and David Kaplan, who joins as Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary. The company now employs more than 100 people in its offices in San Francisco, Melbourne, Berlin and Rio de Janeiro.

99designs, the world’s largest graphic design marketplace, has helped over 444,306 businesses access quality design at an affordable price. 99designs pioneered crowdsourced design contests, where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to work 1-on-1 with individual designers, purchase design templates from the ready-made logo store, or get small tasks done within an hour through Swiftly. With more than 310,000 designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs’ suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. 99designs is backed by Accel Partners.

San Francisco – August 4, 2018 – Eventbrite, the global self-service ticketing platform and events marketplace, and 99designs, the world’s largest marketplace for graphic design, today announced an integration that seamlessly connects event organizers to graphic designers, so they can source professional and unique banner designs for their event pages.

Through 99designs’ service Swiftly, Eventbrite event organizers can get small design jobs done quickly and effortlessly. Once an event organizer has created an event page on Eventbrite, they can visit swiftly/eventbrite, provide a description of the banner design they want, and a designer will be assigned to create the design within one hour, for $19. The new event page artwork can then be automatically uploaded to their event page.

“Eye-catching graphic design can attract people to your event page, but it can be hard to know where to turn for artistic help,” said Head of Platform Partnerships at Eventbrite, Dylan Serota. “Through our integration with 99designs, Eventbrite event organizers can tap into the well of talented Swiftly designers to help them create a striking event page.”

By partnering, Eventbrite and 99designs have simplified the marketing process for event organizers by eliminating the need to search for a designer, provide design specs, download the file created, and then upload it to the event page. Everything is handled behind the scenes; event organizers only need to submit their requests and then select the design they like.

“We are thrilled to extend our services and share our talented designer community with Eventbrite event organizers. Enabling organizers to get custom-designed event banners through our Swiftly service is the perfect solution for people seeking to stand out from the crowd and make their event a success,” said Patrick Llewellyn, President and CEO of 99designs.

The service is available today. For more information, visit the Eventbrite app page or swiftly/eventbrite.

99designs, the world’s largest graphic design marketplace, has helped over 444,306 businesses access quality design at an affordable price. 99designs pioneered crowdsourced design contests, where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to work 1-on-1 with individual designers, purchase design templates from the ready-made logo store, or get small tasks done within an hour through Swiftly. With more than 310,000 designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs’ suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. 99designs is backed by Accel Partners.

Eventbrite enables people all over the world to plan, promote, and sell out any event, and has sold over 200 million tickets and registrations worldwide. In 2018 alone, the company processed $1 billion in gross ticket sales for attendees in 190 countries. The online event ticketing service makes it easy for everyone to discover events, and to share the events they are attending with the people they know. In this way, Eventbrite brings communities together by encouraging people to connect through live experiences. Eventbrite's investors include Tiger Global, Sequoia Capital, T. Rowe Price, DAG Ventures, and Tenaya Capital. Learn more at eventbrite.

SAN FRANCISCO and SÃO PAULO – August 27, 2018 – 99designs, the largest online graphic design marketplace in the world, today announced it has acquired LogoChef, one of Brazil’s leading design marketplaces. 99designs has also launched a Portuguese version of its site at 99designs. br, and will now offer Portuguese-language support and local currency capability to customers and designers throughout the country.

“On the back of our successful launch last week of Swiftly, which significantly broadens our design product offering, we’re excited to be taking the next step in our globalization strategy with the acquisition of LogoChef,” said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “With small businesses and startups driving 99 percent of Brazil’s economy, we have an extraordinary opportunity to connect a new group of our core customers with designers there and around the world.” Llewellyn is in São Paulo this week to deliver a keynote address at The Next Web Conference Latin America.

LogoChef is 99designs’ second acquisition; in August 2018, 99designs acquired Berlin-based European design marketplace 12Designer. The acquisition and new site are part of 99designs’ expansion strategy in Latin America, which kicked off in March 2018 with the launch of Spanish-language versions of 99designs in Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and Chile. LogoChef co-founder Dan Strougo has been named 99designs’ Country Manager for Brazil, and will oversee the company’s efforts from its Rio de Janeiro office.

“We couldn’t be happier to welcome Dan and the LogoChef community to 99designs. Dan’s experience in our industry, gleaned not only through building a successful marketplace but also as a long-time graphic designer himself, makes him a perfect fit for growing our Brazilian business,” added Llewellyn. “We’re very pleased with the strong momentum we’ve seen in Europe since acquiring 12Designer last year and localizing in five local languages. We have high expectations that with Dan at the helm in Brazil we’ll also see rapid adoption of our services there.”

“I’ve always admired 99designs and held it as a benchmark for LogoChef,” said Strougo. “Joining forces offers LogoChef designers and customers a wide range of new benefits and opportunities. Customers now have access to 99designs’ extensive global designer community, including a strong group of designers here in Brazil, and designers have the opportunity to work with tens of thousands of additional potential clients.”

In conjunction with the introduction of 99designs. br, 99designs has partnered with Startup Circuit Brazil to provide special promotions for its members. Startup Circuit organizes dozens of networking events annually in cities across Brazil to bring together entrepreneurs, startups, investors and accelerators.

99designs has hosted more than 235,000 graphic design contests for startups, small businesses and other organizations worldwide since its founding in 2008. In the same period, the company has paid out more than $60 million to its global community of more than 245,000 graphic designers. Earlier this month 99designs launched Swiftly, a first-of-its-kind, flat-fee service for small design tasks.

99designs is the world's largest graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 240,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working via 1-to-1 Projects with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs' readymade logo store. 99designs also runs Swiftly, a new site and service that helps customers get small design tasks done quickly and effortlessly. 99designs was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

Lauren Gard, 99designs.

Emma Maidment, 99designs.

Polyana Ferrari, NR-7 Communications.

SAN FRANCISCO – August 13, 2018 – Online graphic design marketplace 99designs, which has paid out more than $60 million to its global design community since 2008, today announced the launch of Swiftly, a first-of-its-kind service for small design tasks. Swiftly enables customers to get existing graphic design files altered by professional graphic designers within hours.

“Swiftly is part of 99designs' broader plan to change the paradigm for how businesses worldwide get graphic design work done and how designers earn money,” said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “99designs contests have connected more than 230,000 customers with our extensive community of skilled designers. Now, with Swiftly, we’re introducing an entirely different model for businesses to get smaller design tasks done quickly and effortlessly. Swiftly’s launch underscores our determination to provide a full spectrum of graphic design solutions for customers and more opportunities for designers.”

Typical uses of Swiftly include altering logos, business cards, banner ads, marketing templates and icons; retouching, cropping and resizing photos; and vectorizing images. The process is fast and easy: customers simply upload design files, indicate the modifications required, and pay a flat $15 fee. A member of the Swiftly designer community claims the “task,” completes it, and delivers it to the customer within a few hours. After the customer reviews and approves the task, Swiftly facilitates handover of the design files to the customer and issues payment to the designer.

Swiftly designers are a curated group from 99designs’ community of more than 240,000 graphic designers in 192 countries. 99designs staff hand-selected these designers based on their design skill and hours of availability to ensure rapid turnaround 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

“Swiftly grew out of our awareness that many people don’t know where to turn for a quick graphic design project, either because they don’t employ in-house designers or their designers are tied up with more substantial projects,” said 99designs Chief Technology Officer Lachlan Donald, who led the team that developed Swiftly. “It’s exciting to have the opportunity to develop a totally new service that fulfills a real need for customers and gives freelance designers another way to make money. It’s a win-win for everyone.”

Swiftly is a new site and service from 99designs that helps customers get small design tasks done quickly and effortlessly. Customers simply upload a design file they need altered to Swiftly, pay a $15 fee, and get their completed project back in 24 hours or less. Each project is completed by an experienced member of Swiftly's design community.

99designs is the world's largest graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 240,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working via 1-to-1 Projects with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs' readymade logo store. 99designs also runs Swiftly, the new design task service that helps customers get small design tasks done quickly and effortlessly. 99designs was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

Lauren Gard, 99designs.

SAN FRANCISCO – June 4, 2018 – 99designs, the world’s largest graphic design marketplace, today announced it is accelerating its expansion in Asia with the launch of a new site for the Singapore market, an extensive tour of its large and active designer communities in Indonesia and the Philippines, and the hiring of regional design consultants to better serve the needs of customers throughout Asia.

“Word-of-mouth adoption of 99designs’ design contest model in Asia has been amazing since we launched 99designs five years ago, and we are now ready to more formally invest in accelerating our growth there,” said Patrick Llewellynn, president and CEO of 99designs. “Our customer bases in regional startup hubs like Singapore and Hong Kong have grown at a remarkable pace, and some of our largest and most successful design communities are in Indonesia and the Philippines.”

Jason Sew Hoy, Chief Operating Officer and Asia-Pacific General Manager of 99designs, is in Singapore this week to celebrate the launch of 99designs. sg with local customers and designers, as well as to speak at CrowdsourcingWeek, Echelon and Startup Grind Singapore. The new site enables Singapore customers to purchase design work on 99designs using local currency and access support through a local phone number. Singapore is one of 99designs’ top markets, with one of its highest sales per capita. 99designs. sg is 99designs’ second country site in Asia; last year the company launched a successful local-currency site for the Hong Kong market at 99designs. hk.

99designs Community Director Jason Aiken and a team of designer community liaisons have begun a two-week tour of Indonesia and the Philippines, where they will host numerous design events reaching thousands of designers, including a full-day National Conference for Indonesian designers in Yogyakarta on June 7.

Indonesia and the Philippines are among 99designs’ top designer markets, with thousands of designers in those regions earning a living by winning design contests on 99designs and carrying out follow-on work for clients they meet on the site. 99designs has paid out more than $10 million USD to graphic designers in Indonesia and the Philippines alone since its launch in 2008 – more than any other design marketplace has paid out to their entire global design community. In total, 99designs has paid out $54 million USD to its designer community of more than 444,306 designers from 192 countries.

“The request for 99designs to visit Indonesia and the Philippines came directly from our designers, dozens of whom have worked with us to plan a full calendar of events,” said Aiken. “Our designers in these countries are incredibly proactive, and have already organized many meetups on their own to form social and professional networks. We couldn’t be more excited and delighted to meet them in person to provide support and education.”

Hiring of Regional Staff.

To help support its rapid growth in the region, 99designs has hired a staff of three design consultants based in The Philippines. These support staff will help ensure 24/7 customer support for the Asia-Pacific markets and will be available to help customers write design briefs and facilitate their contests.

“We’re working closely with our new staff in the Philippines and will continually evaluate the need for additional staff in other countries,” said Sew Hoy. “We’ve learned a lot about how best to approach internationalization over the past year in the course of launching nine new sites across Europe and Latin America, and we’re looking forward to applying those learnings as we focus on building our presence throughout the Asia-Pacific region.”

99designs is the world's largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 220,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs' readymade logo store. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

Lauren Gard (US/Worldwide)

Emma Maidment (Asia Pacific)

T: +613 9417 5661.

99designs, the largest online graphic design marketplace in the world, today introduced a Dutch version of its site at 99designs. nl and will now offer Dutch-language support and local currency capability to customers and designers.

“99designs has loved the Netherlands since our first Dutch customer launched a design contest the week we opened for business five years ago. Today, the Netherlands is among 99designs’ top ten markets thanks to the many startups and small businesses across the region who use our design marketplace to brand their companies,” said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn, who announced the launch of 99designs. nl today during a talk at The Next Web’s Conference Europe 2018 in Amsterdam. “As the Dutch startup scene accelerates, we’re looking forward to helping even more entrepreneurs there source great graphic design work by connecting them with the talented designers in our community.”

In conjunction with the launch, 99designs announced a partnership with Rockstart Accelerator, the Netherlands’ leading startup incubator, to provide customized design upgrades to the hundreds of innovative companies in their network. Founded in 2018, Rockstart Accelerator provides seed investment, six months of office space, mentors, and coaching by entrepreneurs-in residence to help promising startups launch and succeed.

“99designs is already a trusted design resource for Dutch startups needing affordable logos and other collateral, and launching a localized version of the site will help even more entrepreneurs make their dreams a reality,” said Rockstart Founder Oscar Kneppers. “Through our partnership with 99designs, Rockstart participants now have a key tool for building their brands quickly and efficiently. Boom!”

To celebrate the launch and the April 30th inauguration of Crown Prince Willem-Alexander to the Dutch throne, 99designs is inviting graphic designers in the Netherlands and around the world to enter 99designs’ "Design a Business Card Fit for the King” community contest. The winning designer will receive a €500 cash prize and be featured in 99designs’ blog and across its social media channels.

99designs has hosted more than 200,000 graphic design contests for startups, small businesses and other organizations worldwide since its founding in 2008. In the same period, the company has paid out €40 million to its global community of more than 220,000 graphic designers.

99designs is the world's largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 220,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs' readymade logo store. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

99designs, the largest online graphic design marketplace in the world, today launched localized Spanish-language versions of its service in Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. The company has appointed a Regional Manager for Latin America to manage the new sites, and will now offer Spanish-language support and local currency capability to customers and designers.

“The establishment of new government initiatives to fuel business innovation and a significant increase in venture capital investments in Latin America over the past several years has set the stage for tremendous expansion in the region’s startup and small business sectors,” said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “We’re excited to help Latin America’s entrepreneurs source quality, affordable graphic design by connecting them with thousands of talented designers from their own countries and around the world.”

99designs has named Angela Peña its Regional Manager for Latin America. Peña will be responsible for overseeing 99designs’ expansion throughout the region, including managing 99designs’ Latin American design community, leading marketing efforts, and building strategic local partnerships with startups, design groups and other organizations. Peña previously worked as Country Manager for Latin America and Spain at Talenthouse, an online marketplace connecting artists across a range of disciplines with celebrities and major brands.

“Having worked for several years with an amazing and diverse range of graphic designers in Latin America, I am eager to connect those designers with 99designs’ large and fast-growing pool of global clientele,” said Peña. “Our new Spanish-language sites will help designers and clients in Latin American work more efficiently on 99designs and develop longer-term collaborative working relationships with each other.”

In conjunction with the launch of its Latin American sites, 99designs also debuted a localized version of its site in Spain and a site for Spanish speakers in the United States. 99designs’ Spanish-language expansion comes fast on the heels of the marketplace’s introduction of localized versions of its service in Germany, France and Italy in the preceding six months.

To celebrate the launch of its Spanish-language sites and the strength of its Spanish-speaking designers, 99designs is sponsoring a “99designs Habla Español” t-shirt design contest. Designers are invited to create original t-shirts designs incorporating the phrase “99designs Habla Español” and will award up to five winners, each of whom will receive $500 and be featured across 99designs blog and social media channels.

99designs has hosted 200,000 graphic design contests for startups, small businesses and other organizations worldwide since its founding in 2008. In the same period, the company has paid out $50 million to its community of more than 210,000 graphic designers.

99designs is the world's largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 210,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs' readymade logo store. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

Lauren Gard, 99designs.

99designs, the world’s largest online graphic design marketplace, today announced the launch of Pro Tools, a new suite of services designed specifically to meet the needs of marketing agencies, web development agencies, and other businesses that frequently use freelance designers to source custom graphic design.

“We’ve been really excited by the adoption of 99designs’ marketplace model by agencies and larger companies. In the course of working with tens of thousands of these customers, it became increasingly apparent that we needed to develop tools specifically tailored to meet their demands,” said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “We look forward to working closely with our Pro Tools customers in coming months to further expand and refine the offering.”

The Pro Tools suite provides 99designs’ agency and other high-usage business customers with more streamlined talent sourcing and management; enhanced collaboration and feedback; and augmented privacy and security. Specific features of the Pro Tools suite include:

Invite-Only Contests streamline talent sourcing and management by enabling contest holders to choose and invite which designers may participate in their contests. White-Label Presentations helps 99designs’ customers share design options and solicit feedback with clients and internal teams privately, efficiently and effectively. Private Contests keep design drafts not ready for public viewing hidden from the search engines and the general public. Only members of the 99designs community can see the contests and must agree to an NDA to view the details. Blind Contests let customers who want even more privacy for their contest hide design entries from view by other designers in the contest. Custom NDAs enable customers with unique privacy requirements not covered in 99designs’ standard NDA to upload their own custom NDA that designers must agree to before they can view the contest.

99designs developed the Pro Tools suite based on interviews with hundreds of 99designs’ agency and other high-usage business customers that regularly source custom graphic design from 99designs. Approximately 13 percent of 99designs’ current customers are agencies working across a variety of disciplines ranging from marketing and public relations to web design and development.

“We were an early adopter of 99designs and have been successfully using the service for years to develop custom creative for a diverse set of clients,” said Zack Bujazia, Incredible Creative Officer at Incredible Marketing, a B2B marketing agency with offices in the United States and Australia. “The new Pro Tools suite will help us work more efficiently by simplifying feedback loops with our clients and empowering us to easily work with our favorite talent in the 99designs’ community.”

Customers can purchase the Pro Tools suite for $199 when they launch any contest on 99designs. For the next month, 99designs is offering Pro Tools for an introductory rate of $99.

99designs is the world's largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 200,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs' readymade logo store. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

Lauren Gard, 99designs.

99designs, the largest online graphic design marketplace in the world, today launched a localized Italian-language version of its site at 99designs. it. The company has appointed a Country Manager to manage the new Italian site and will now offer Italian-language support to customers and designers in the region.

“With Italy’s startup scene really taking off in recent months, it seemed the ideal time to give Italian entrepreneurs a native-language version of 99designs to help brand their companies and get to market quickly,” said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “As one of the most design-centric countries in the world, Italy has been an important part of 99designs’ European success to date. We already have a strong customer and designer base there and look forward to significant growth in 2018 and beyond.”

99designs has named Giulia Depentor its Italian Country Manager. Depentor joined 99designs in August 2018 with its acquisition of Berlin-based 12designer, where she managed the company’s Italian-language services. In her new role Depentor will be responsible for overseeing 99designs’ expansion in Italy, from leading marketing and community management efforts to building strategic local partnerships with startups and other organizations.

The launch of 99designs. it marks 99designs’ third new foreign-language offering in less than five months and the continuation of the company’s broad European expansion plans. In September 99designs launched 99designs. de for German speaking customers and designers, and in November introduced 99designs. fr for the French market.

“The rapid adoption of 99designs in Germany and France following our introduction of localized sites in these countries is a clear indication that offering regionally tailored platforms and support is critical,” said Eva Missling, 99designs’ General Manager of Europe and founder of 12designer. “Giulia’s passion, experience, and knowledge of the local language, culture and startup community make her the ideal candidate to lead our expansion efforts in Italy.”

To celebrate the launch of 99designs. it, 99designs and Italian entrepreneur platform Startupbusiness are inviting startups based in Italy to participate in 99designs Loves Italian Startups!. Nine startups will be selected to receive a free design contest (valued at up to 479 €), and will be featured on 99designs. it and Startupbusiness. it. Complete details and the application form can be found at 99designs/customer-blog/99designs-launches-italian-site-at-99designs-it/.

Since its founding in 2008, 99designs has hosted more than 185,000 graphic design contests for startups, small businesses and other organizations around the world. In the same period, the company has paid out more than $45 million to its community of 200,000 graphic designers from around the world. European customers currently account for more than 15 percent of design contests on 99designs.

99designs is the world's largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 200,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs' readymade logo store. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

Lauren Gard, 99designs.

Laura Codispoti, Theoria.

99designs, the largest online graphic design marketplace in the world, today announced it has launched a localized French-language version of its site at 99designs. fr. In addition, the company has hired a Country Manager for France in Paris and will now offer French-language support to its customers in the region. The moves signify important next steps in 99design’s European growth initiatives following its August acquisition of multilingual European creative design marketplace 12designer and September launch of 99designs. de, the company’s first non-English language site.

“As one of the cornerstone economies of the European Union, France is already an important market for 99designs. One of our key strategic goals this year has been to introduce a French-language site, on-the-ground local leadership and support for the French market,” said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “We’re very excited this is now a reality. Under the capable leadership of our new country manager in Paris, Siham Belouadheh, we are well positioned to learn, adapt and aggressively grow our services in France.”

Belouadheh joins 99designs with experience in public relations, business development and marketing management; most recently she led marketing and business development activities for Kaplan in France and Belgium. As country manager for France, she will oversee 99design’s French expansion from Paris and be tasked with growing awareness and adoption of the design marketplace among French designers, business owners, and local technology entrepreneurs and startup communities.

“France is a critical part of our early European success. We’re pleased to welcome Siham to the team and expect that her leadership and our new service offerings will accelerate our expansion there and in other French-speaking regions of Europe,” said Eva Missling, 99designs’ General Manager of Europe and founder of 12designer, with whom Belouadheh will work closely. “The launch of 99designs. fr will allow French customers to run contests more efficiently and effectively, and will encourage more skilled French graphic designers to participate on our platform.”

99designs has hosted more than 175,000 graphic design contests for small businesses, startups and other organizations around the world since its founding in 2008. In the same period, the company has paid out more than $43 million to its community of 190,000 graphic designers from around the world. European customers currently account for more than 15 percent of design contests on 99designs.

99designs is the world's largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 190,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs' readymade logo store. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

Media contact (Worldwide): Lauren Gard.

Media contact (France): Jean-François Kitten, Licence K.

+33(0)1 45 03 21 77 (office)

+33(0)6 11 29 30 28 (mobile)

99designs, the largest online graphic design marketplace in the world, today announced it has acquired Berlin-based, Grupo Intercom financed company 12designer, the leading creative design marketplace in Germany and the second largest in Europe after 99designs. The acquisition is 99designs’ first and signals the company’s ongoing focus on international expansion via localization following its $35 million Series A investment led by Accel Partners last year.

Germany is 99design’s number one non-English language market, its fifth largest overall and one of its fastest growing. Despite minimal marketing in Germany and other European countries, European small businesses and startups have accounted for approximately 15 percent of the 155,000 graphic design contests held on 99designs’ English-language site to date. The 12designer acquisition will allow 99designs to better meet the needs of European customers by providing support in their own languages and time zones.

“We’re very excited to welcome 12designer Founder and CEO Eva Missling and her talented team into the 99designs family. We believe their deep regional marketplace expertise and multi-lingual capabilities will prove instrumental in accelerating our delivery of truly localized world-class design services to European businesses and designers,” said 99designs CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “This acquisition enables us to build significantly on our existing momentum and resources in Europe and gives us an ideally situated base in Berlin. As the tech startup and design hub of Europe, there is no better place from which to implement our aggressive regional growth plans.”

In conjunction with the announcement, 99designs has named Missling the company’s new General Manager of Europe. She will be tasked with optimizing localization of 99designs services for European markets, accelerating growth in Germany and across Europe, and building a 99designs team in Berlin. She will also continue to oversee 12designer, which boasts a community of more than 20,000 designers interacting with customers in German, French, Spanish, Italian and English. 12designer will continue to operate as a stand-alone site in the near term.

“The 12designer team is eager to join 99designs and further our shared vision of connecting businesses seeking affordable, high-quality design services with skilled designers,” said Missling. “The combination of 99designs’ global reach and resources, 12designers’ regional experience, and the enormous multilingual talent pool here in Berlin will be a win for Europe’s small business owners and designers alike.”

Financial terms of the deal are not being publicly disclosed.

99designs is the world's largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 175,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs' readymade store. The company was co - founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

12designer, the largest German marketplace for crowdsourced creative design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design, print design, website design, slogans, naming services, and other creative work from a community of more than 20,000 professional creatives throughout Europe. Berlin-based 12designer was founded by Eva Missling together with Grupo Intercom and offers services in German, Spanish, French, Italian and English.

Media contact (Worldwide): Lauren Gard.

Media contact (Australia): Caroline Shawyer.

+61 (0) 401 496 334.

We hear a lot from business and technology pundits that design is becoming an increasingly important factor in the success of companies, but does that sentiment trickle down to the people actually running small businesses and deciding how much emphasis to place on design work? To find out, 99designs polled 1,500 small business owners, start-ups, entrepreneurs and design decision-makers on graphic design and its importance to their business.

The results sent a clear message: small businesses really do care about design, and expect it to become increasingly important to their success in the years ahead.

Here are the key findings, which you can see illustrated in our infographic:

Small businesses consider design important to their success : 80% of small business owners consider the design of their logos, websites, marketing materials and other branding tools either “very important” or “important” to the success of their companies. Just 3% indicated design is “not important.” Design will only become more important to business success in coming years : 67% expect graphic design to play an increasingly significant role in business success over the next five years. Small businesses plan to spend more on graphic design in the coming year : 78% of survey respondents anticipate their companies will spend the same or more on graphic design work in 2018. Only 21% plan to spend less. Affordability continues to be a factor for small businesses : 65% of small business owners said they would pay up to $500 for a new custom logo; 20% indicated they would pay as much as $1,000; and 15% indicated they would spend more than $1,000. With these numbers in mind, it’s not surprising to learn that the majority of small businesses are still taking a DIY approach: More than 50% source design work in-house or do it themselves, while 21% use freelancers, and 18% run crowdsourced design contests on sites like 99designs. Only 7% work with design agencies. Blue is the color small business owners most associate with success : Fifty-seven percent of respondents associate the color blue with success; the second most cited color is green (35%) followed by white (32%), black (29%) and red (21%). Purple was the color male respondents least often associate with success, while women were least likely to select orange. Apple topped the lists for best logo and best website, while Wal-Mart topped the worst lists for both categories : Asked to name the companies with the best and worst logos and websites, those identified most often were (in order of frequency): Best logos: Apple, Nike, Coca-Cola, Google and FedEx Worst logos: Wal-Mart, Microsoft, Pepsi, IBM and Google Best websites: Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook and Nike Worst websites: Wal-Mart, Yahoo, Facebook, MySpace and Microsoft.

The 99designs Business Design Survey was conducted online from March 2018 to May 2018. The 1,500 respondents were evenly split between 99designs customers and non-customers holding design decision-making roles within their companies who were polled through market research firm Ask your Target Market.

Media contact (Worldwide): Lauren Gard.

99designs the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, is challenging its own community of more than 150,000 graphic designers to revamp its homepage. The 99designs Homepage Redesign Contest kicks off today and will accept entries through May 14.

Submissions will be judged by 99designs staff and a panel of industry experts including Joe Gebbia, co-founder and CPO of Airbnb; Arem Duplessis, Design Director for The New York Times Magazines; Eric Ries, author of the bestselling book “The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses” and the blog “Startup Lessons Learned”; and Mark Harbottle, a serial entrepreneur who co-founded 99designs, Flippa and SitePoint, among other companies, and has played an instrumental role in shaping the products at all of them. (Additional information about the judges can be found here.)

99designs will choose up to three winning homepage designs, and will award a $1,000 cash prize to each winning designer. Following the contest, 99designs will test the homepage designs using its internal testing methodologies, and will incorporate winning elements into the next version of its homepage.

“We’ve always believed in ‘eating our own dog food,’ starting with the 99designs logo design contest we held in our early days,” said 99designs CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “No one knows us better than the thousands of graphic designers who spend hours every day interacting with customers in our marketplace, and we can’t wait to see what they come up with for 99designs.”

Designers who wish to participate in the 99designs Homepage Redesign Contest can register for free and review contest details on the contest page.

99designs, the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design, web design, t-shirt design, print design and other graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to a global community of more than 150,000 designers in 192 countries. In addition to its design contests, 99designs provides a 1-to-1 invoicing system that enables designers and customers to work together efficiently, and offers a ready-made logo store stocked with more than 20,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

Media contact (Worldwide): Lauren Gard.

Media contact (Australia): Caroline Shawyer.

+61 (0) 401 496 334.

99designs the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, together with Sharkwater Productions, today launched a logo design contest as part of a global branding campaign for award-winning filmmaker and eco-activist Rob Stewart’s new film, (R)Evolution.

Graphic designers worldwide are invited to review the contest details here and to submit logo designs through Friday, March 30th. The winning designer will win a $1,000 USD award and the logo will be seen around the world, including at (R)Evolution screenings at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2018 and the Toronto International Film Festival in September 2018. The public is encouraged to visit the contest at 99designs throughout the week to see the design entries as they are submitted, and to vote in a poll that will feature the finalists.

(R)Evolution is Stewart’s eagerly anticipated second film. His 2007 documentary Sharkwater won 35 international awards, was viewed by 124 million people, and spawned a global movement to end shark finning that led to a change in government policies around the globe. In (R)Evolution, Stewart journeys through 15 countries to explore the dangers threatening not just sharks, but all life in the oceans, the climate, and, ultimately, the survival of humanity.

The film is a call to action, and just the first step in Stewart’s global mission to empower young people between the ages of 15 to 30 to come together for a common cause. The (R)Evolution campaign, which will feature the winning logo throughout, is a new kind of environmental campaign for a new generation. Led by the environmental organization United Conservationists, it will educate, engage and empower youth to lead the movement through viral media across platforms and open-source resources including an online community, multimedia educational materials, a mobile application, an “Eco-Heroes” program and more.

“99designs is committed to helping social causes and not-for-profit organizations worldwide, and we’re excited to be assisting with this logo design contest,” said 99designs CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “It’s a natural fit with our global community of designers, who represent nearly 200 countries and encompass every political, socioeconomic and cultural background imaginable.”

“Today’s revolution is crowdsourced, for it provides people the power to come together to collaborate, share their talents and mobilize around ideas. This is what ignites social change,” Stewart remarked. “For the coming (R)Evolution film and campaign, we aim to do just that – collaborate to build a movement. Whether it is crowdsourcing a logo design with 99designs or open-sourcing educational materials to youth, we want to invite people all over the world to be a part of this environmental revolution. This is a revolution for everyone.”

99designs, the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design, web design, t-shirt design, print design and other graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design projects to a global community of more than 150,000 designers in 192 countries. In addition to its design contests, 99designs provides a 1-to-1 invoicing system that enables designers and customers to work together efficiently, and offers a ready-made logo store stocked with more than 13,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

About Sharkwater Productions.

Sharkwater Productions is dedicated to creating media that educates and empowers the public to take action in protecting the ecosystems that we depend on for survival. The award-winning 2007 film Sharkwater inspired a global movement; (R)Evolution, a feature film and campaign to premiere in 2018, aims to kick-start an environmental revolution.

About United Conservationists.

United Conservationists (UC) is a revolution for the next generation. UC believes that by educating and empowering youth through media to protect the ecosystems we all depend upon, we have the power to start a planetary revolution. UC is dedicated to creating the infrastructure for this movement, with a focus on educating the public through viral media across platforms, creating open-source campaigns that harness mass engagement and uniting a global conservation movement like no other organization has done before.

Media contact (Worldwide): Lauren Gard.

Media contact (United Conservationists): Julie Andersen.

99designs the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, celebrated its move into its new downtown San Francisco headquarters last night with a kick-off party attended by dozens of movers and shakers in the Silicon Valley startup scene.

99designs launched its U. S. presence in 2018 with just two employees in San Francisco. Today, 32 employees work out of the new space including CEO Patrick Llewellyn, the majority of the company’s executive team and many of the marketing, customer support and design community support team members.

“We designed the San Francisco office with room to grow our head count and to house visitors from our Australian team and the community at large,” said Llewellyn. “We’ve invested heavily in outfitting the space with state-of-the-art video conferencing technology in multiple locations – even our café area and kitchen – to enable for global all-hands meetings and constant connectivity between our teams.”

Located at 447 Battery Street at the border of the Financial District and historic Jackson Square, the 576 square metre (6,200 sq. ft.) full-floor office features expansive wood-beamed ceilings and exposed brick walls displaying poster-sized prints of winning logo designs created by 99designs’ designers. Another highlight: a mural of the San Francisco skyline painted by two 99designs community team members.

99designs’ Melbourne-based staff has grown as well, to 20, and the United Kingdom, where 99designs launched a localized website in February, is currently home to two team members.

99designs, the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design, web design, t-shirt design, print design and other graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design projects to a global community of more than 150,000 designers in 192 countries. In addition to its design contests, 99designs provides a 1-to-1 invoicing system that enables designers and customers to work together efficiently, and offers a ready-made logo store stocked with more than 13,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

Media contact (Worldwide): Lauren Gard.

99designs, the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, announced today it has launched into the UK at 99designs. co. uk and begun hiring staff locally as part of its strategic international growth plan. The company was founded in Melbourne in 2008 and began building out its San Francisco headquarters in 2018 - the UK will be the company’s launch pad for its European expansion.

“The UK has been a significant market for 99designs from the very beginning in terms of the design talent and customer base we’ve attracted there,” said CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “We’re looking forward to building a strong presence on the ground to help UK designers build their businesses, enable companies of all scope and size to source affordable high-quality graphic design work, and enhance and expand our services on all fronts.”

The UK is among 99designs’ fastest-growing major markets — the company has increased its monthly UK design contests 120% year over year, and expects accelerated growth as it ramps marketing and local outreach activities. 99designs has held more than 120,000 design contests on its site to date in categories ranging from logo, stationery and t-shirt design to website and mobile app design, and expects to surpass 200,000 design contests by year-end.

Some of 99designs’ top graphic designers reside in the UK, including Michael Kirby of Newcastle in the northeast of England. Kirby has made more than $30,000 in the last six months through a combination of designer payouts secured on 99designs plus ongoing client work sourced through the marketplace. 99designs has distributed more than $30 million to designers worldwide since its inception and projects it will pay out $25 million in 2018 alone.

“99designs offers the perfect solution for talented designers living in the north of England or less commercial areas to find work on a global stage without having to relocate, allowing them to grow and develop their business with little risk or overhead,” said Kirby, who was prompted to join 99designs after his design business took a hit in the recession. “I now have a huge amount of content and glowing testimonials from clients to populate the new business website I’m launching.”

UK businesses that have used 99designs for their graphic design needs include technology startups like Cambridge-based Hubflow, an enterprise mobile learning platform; brick and mortar retail outlets including London café and patisserie Le Petit Village; and charities such as KiDs of Bolton, founded by Bolton Wanderers captain Kevin Davies and his wife, Emma Davies.

99designs, the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design, web design, t-shirt design, print design and other graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design projects to a global community of more than 140,000 designers in 192 countries. In addition to its design contests, 99designs provides a 1-to-1 invoicing system that enables designers and customers to work together efficiently, and offers a ready-made logo store stocked with more than 13,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

Media contact (Worldwide): Lauren Gard.

Media contact (UK): Marc Ambasna-Jones.

+44 (0) 1225 481734.

Media contact (Australia): Caroline Shawyer.

+61 (0) 401 496 334.

99designs, the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, today announced it has doubled the number of monthly design contests held on its site year over year, hired key staff and executives to meet growing demand, and expects significantly accelerated growth in 2018.

99designs continues to experience substantial growth across its graphic design categories, including logo, web, t-shirt and print design, as well as new categories such as mobile app design. The four-year-old company, which has held more than 115,000 design contests on its site to date, has doubled the run rate of new contests from a year ago and is on track to surpass 200,000 design contests by year end.

The amount of money 99designs distributes to its designers each month continues to surge—99designs expects to pay out approximately $1.5 million to its design community for contests held in January 2018, twice what designers earned for January contests last year. 99designs has paid out more than $29 million to designers to date and projects it will pay out $25 million to its designer community in 2018. Top designers on 99designs have reported earning more than $10,000 per month from a combination of designer payouts earned on 99designs plus ongoing client work sourced through the marketplace.

Doubling Staff and Executive Hires.

To meet growing demand, 99designs has doubled its staff to more than 50 employees in less than a year and hired two key executives: Jeff Titterton as Chief Marketing Officer and Caroline Moon as Chief Financial Officer.

“2018 was a stand-out year for 99designs, from rapid growth in design contests and payouts to the successful launch of the first localized versions of our site in Australia and Canada,” said CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “In 2018 we’re focused on continuous improvement of our services as crowdsourced graphic design enters the mainstream. Caroline and Jeff not only have the experience we need at this next stage of growth, they are also passionate about design, which makes them a great fit for our team and community.”

Titterton comes to 99designs with strong brand management, marketing and international experience, including his most recent post as VP of Marketing at social dating company Zoosk, where he led the company’s aggressive global expansion. He has also served as VP of Marketing at IMVU and SVP of Consumer Marketing and Services at PlanetOut, Inc.

“What I love about 99designs is that it solves a major pain point felt by so many of my colleagues—sourcing professional graphic design quickly and affordably,” said Titterton. “I’m looking forward to the next phase of our evolution as we focus on expanding our customer base and refining our services to better meet the needs of both designers and customers.”

Moon brings financial and analytical leadership, with particular expertise in online marketplace strategy. She previously served as CFO of independent ad exchange AdBrite and prior to that worked in a series of marketplace strategy and analysis roles at online marketplace eBay and Credit Suisse First Boston.

“99designs has been profitable since its inception – and that isn’t something many CFOs at venture-backed startups can say,” said Moon. “The confidence our investors have in us and the powerful engagement of our customers and designers is a testament to the strength of the crowdsourced model we’ve created. I’m looking forward to helping the company navigate the road ahead as we shift into our next phase of growth.”

99designs, the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design, web design, t-shirt design, print design and other graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design projects to a global community of more than 140,000 designers in 192 countries. In addition to its design contests, 99designs provides a 1-to-1 invoicing system that enables designers and customers to work together efficiently, and offers a ready-made logo store stocked with more than 13,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

Media contact (Worldwide): Lauren Gard.

Media contact (Australia): Caroline Shawyer.

+61 (0) 401 496 334.

October 11, 2018 – Today, 99designs, 99,999th design contest by establishing a $99,999 fund for design students. Since 2008, 99designs has pioneered the crowdsourced graphic design market by helping designers and small businesses around the world work together and build lasting relationships.

"It has been an exhilarating ride to 99,999 contests," said Mark Harbottle, co-founder of 99designs. "What better way to celebrate than by offering additional support to design students across the globe as they acquire the skills they need to build their careers."

99designs will award 1,010 x $99 bonus payments to students on top of every contest prize won, until the $99,999 cash pool runs out.

Every month over $1.2 million dollars is paid out to designers in the 99designs community as a result of design work commissioned by small businesses from around the world. In just over three years 99designs has:

Built a community of over 125,000 designers in over 192 countries Paid a total of $25 million to its designers Uploaded a new design to the site every 6 seconds Placed over 13,000 logos available for customization and sale in its logo store Launched 99,999 design contests to date.

"In the past year alone we've more than doubled our contest volume and made it significantly easier and more valuable for small businesses and designers alike to use our service. We also secured investment from leading Silicon Valley venture capital firm Accel Partners. This investment has enabled us to accelerate our growth and launch localized editions of our site in key markets," said Patrick Llewellyn, CEO of 99designs. "I want to thank our community of talented designers, the myriad of small businesses who use the service and our amazing team in Australia and San Francisco -- we couldn't have done it without you. Here's to the next 99,999 contests!"

99designs connects small businesses needing custom design work such as logos and websites to a global community of over 125,000 designers. Businesses benefit from engaging with multiple designers simultaneously making it easier to build the right relationship while designers are exposed to upwards of 1,200 new client opportunities at any given time and can showcase their work on a level playing field.

For more information about the Design Student Fund please see: 99designs/designers.

99designs, the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, announced a $35 million first-round investment led by Accel Partners, with participation from angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck), and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace).

Andrew Braccia and Ryan Sweeney of Accel Partners will join 99design’s Board of Directors, along with Michael Dearing, 99designs co-founder Mark Harbottle, and company CEO Patrick Llewellyn.

99designs was founded in Melbourne, Australia in February 2008, when co-founders Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz – the entrepreneurs behind sitepoint, Flippa and Learnable – spun it out of the SitePointForums. 99designs, which employs 26 staff in Melbourne and San Francisco, was bootstrapped and is profitable, and has enjoyed 120 percent year-on-year growth.

99designs has over 100,000 designers in 192 countries. The company has paid out over $19 million to designers to date. 99designs has hosted 75,000 projects, resulting in a new design uploaded every six seconds. There are more than 10,000 logos available for customization and sale in their logo store.

The new capital will be invested in international expansion, platform development, community initiatives like design scholarships, and aggressive hiring in San Francisco and Melbourne.

99designs is Accel Partners’ third investment in Australia, including Atlassian Software and OzForex.

Accel Partner Andrew Braccia said: “Accel Partners has a history of investing in online businesses that cater to the ever changing needs of small business owners and independent professionals. 99designs has quickly become a global market leader in its category, providing an invaluable service to its customers and their global community of design professionals. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to assist in the company’s next phase of growth.”

Michael Dearing, whose private investments include Admob (Google), Heroku (Salesforce) and Mix Labs (Twitter) said: “99designs caught my attention when I realized that nearly every one of the early stage companies and entrepreneurs I work with was turning to them to get great design work done. The team has created a marketplace that is easy for companies to get onboard with, and is also a boon for designers who can go after any of the hundreds of jobs open at any one time.”

99designs Co-Founder Mark Harbottle said: “I’m thrilled that Accel see the same potential in 99designs that we do. This obviously presents a fantastic opportunity for the 99designs team, but I’m most excited about what we have in store for our loyal community of designers, and the hundreds of thousands of businesses around the world who use 99designs. I’m looking forward to the next chapter.”

99designs CEO Patrick Llewellyn said: “This is an exciting time for the company as it pushes forward with expansion in several key areas. We now have the benefit of our talented and dedicated team, coupled with the best technology investors around. The board and shareholder advisors we have in place provide us with exceptional experience and insight to help guide our future growth.”

99designs is the #1 marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services. Its ready-made logo store has over 10,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf for $99, and its Design Contest Marketplace enables businesses to quickly and inexpensively source custom logo design, web design, business cards or any other graphic design work by launching design projects to a global community of over 100,000 designers. 99designs has hosted over 75,000 design contests to date, sees a new design uploaded every 6 seconds, and pays out approximately $1 million to its design community each month. To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs.

BUSINESS WIRE -- 99designs is donating 100% of its profits for Thursday, March 3 rd Pacific Time to benefit New Zealand’s Christchurch Earthquake Appeal. The earthquake that struck Christchurch on February 22 nd has claimed over 140 lives, injured thousands and caused billions of dollars in damages. To contribute simply launch a design contest on 99designs on March 3 rd and all profits will automatically be donated directly to the relief efforts. Please visit 99designs/christchurch to get started.

“Our hearts go out to the victims of this horrible tragedy”, said Matt Mickiewicz, Co-founder of 99designs. “We are proud to do our part to help the people of New Zealand in this time of great need.”

99designs is always looking for ways to help Not-for-Profit charitable causes around the globe. Please contact notforprofit@99designs for more information.

99designs is the #1 marketplace for small business graphic design. Its Ready-made logo store has over ten thousand high quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf for $99, while its Design Contest Marketplace enables businesses to quickly and inexpensively source custom logo design, web design, business cards or any other graphic design work by launching design projects to a global community of over 90,000 designers. 99designs has hosted over 67,000 design contests to date for brands such as TiVo and DISH Network. It sees a new design uploaded every 7 seconds and pays out over $800,000 to its design community every month.

For more information please visit: 99designs.

Thousands of High Quality Logos Can Be Purchased and Customized from 99.

BUSINESS WIRE -— 99designs, the #1 marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design for small business, today announced a new ‘Ready-made’ logo store where thousands of professional logos can be browsed, purchased and customized starting at just 99. The ‘Ready-made’ logo store from 99designs provides small businesses immediate access to a catalogue of original and professional logos while also creating additional opportunities for designers to generate revenue. The Ready-made storefront is now accessible and accepting logo uploads with the first logos available for sale in March.

The logo store compliments the existing design contest marketplace at 99designs to create two options for sourcing professional logos at an affordable price. Small businesses looking for the fastest solution can pick a logo “off the shelf” at the Ready-made store and quickly have it customized to fit their needs. Meanwhile, clients who desire the highest level of customization can choose to have their logo created from scratch by crowdsourcing it to the community of designers at 99designs.

"While our popular design contest marketplace is ideal if you're looking for a fully customized logo, many small business owners simply want a fast, cost effective, ‘off the shelf’ option,” said Mark Harbottle, Co-founder of 99designs. “With thousands of professional logo designs ripe for the picking, our new logo store serves this purpose nicely. At the same time, our 60,000 active designers who upload a fresh design every 10 seconds to 99designs will welcome another potential source of income, and another channel to expose their talent to thousands of new customers."

99designs is currently working with its designers to prepare and categorize the Ready-made logos for sale. Designers interested in uploading logos for sale can do so by visiting 99designs/readymade/submit/logo. The first logos will be available for purchase in March at 99designs/readymade/logos.

99designs is the largest marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design, connecting passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design services. It has held over 28,000 design contests to date with over 2,600,000 unique designs submitted. For more information please visit: 99designs.

April 24, 2009—99designs, the largest marketplace for crowdsourced design, has been named in the ‘SMART 100’ Index as one of Australia’s 100 most innovative products. The ‘SMART 100’ Index, co-created by leading business magazine Australian Anthill and market research leader Colmar Brunton, was selected over a six month process by 1,600 maven judges.

99designs enables businesses and entrepreneurs to quickly and inexpensively source custom designed logos, business cards, websites or any other graphical element by tapping into a growing community of over 32,000 graphic designers. Clients simply post a description of what they are looking to have designed, what they are willing to pay and how long the project will remain open for submissions. The average project sees 70-80 submissions from a dozen or more designers.

“Finding the right designer the traditional way is no easy task,” said Mark Harbottle, CEO and founder of 99designs. “By taking an innovative crowdsourcing approach through 99designs, you can literally be presented with 99 different designs from dozens of different designers, which vastly increases your chances of finding the right designer for your business. It’s a true honor to have our efforts be recognized as an inaugural member of the ‘SMART 100’ Index.”

“The SMART 100 aims to bring a greater commercial focus to the concept of innovation, returning ownership of the principles surrounding this important word to the private sector,” said James Tuckerman, Founder and Publisher of Anthill Magazine and founder of the ‘SMART 100’ Index. “Most awards rely on the expertise of a select few. The inaugural ‘SMART 100’ employed the knowledge and opinions of over 1,600 ‘maven’ judges.”

According to John Shanahan, CEO, Colmar Brunton, “The maven’s unique talent is his or her ability to unearth and identify, from all the new products and services available in the marketplace, the innovations that are worth propagating. A maven also generally has the ability to communicate the potential of the innovation to the broader public and, therefore, plays an integral role in the mass take-up of any innovation.”

About Australian Anthill.

Anthill is one of Australia’s leading business magazines and online communities. It is dedicated to innovation, entrepreneurship and the commercial development of Australian ideas. Anthill is distributed nationally through over 1,200 newsagents, via subscription and through its recently re-launched website (anthillonline).

Colmar Brunton is one of Australia’s largest market research agencies, with offices in Singapore and every mainland state of Australia. Colmar Brunton stays at the forefront of technology by embracing new ways to gain greater insights from research. Colmar Brunton and Anthill have partnered in the development of a new methodology that combines traditional measures with new technologies and crowdsourcing techniques.

99designs is the leading online design contest marketplace, connecting passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design services. It has held over 20,000 design contests to date, awarding over $4.5 Million USD to its design community. For more information please visit: 99designs.

SMB s Source Designs Quicker, More Inexpensively and With Greater Choice.

BUSINESS WIRE -— 99designs, the largest design contest marketplace, announced today the opening of its US headquarters. The company was created to enable SMB s and nonprofits to quickly and inexpensively crowdsource custom designed logos, business cards, websites and more; while at the same time creating a level playing field for designers to showcase their work and win new clients. The new office, located in San Francisco, is a result of 99designs’ rapid growth – the site is now reporting that a new design is uploaded every 30 seconds.

99designs brings the power of crowdsourcing to custom design. Using online design contests open to its design community of over 20,000 designers, 99designs greatly expands the number of creative minds working on a design project. Not only do clients benefit from the abundance of choice, but the design process itself is streamlined saving both time and money.

To begin this process, clients simply post design requirements and set a budget. Designers can immediately begin submitting their designs while clients guide the process by commenting on the submitted work. After the contest ends, usually in about a week, the client picks a winner and leaves with a finished design project.

“Crayons without Borders needed a logo so we could begin our fundraising efforts and 99designs was recommended to me through a friend. I honestly could not believe how many design options I got and how quick and painless the whole process was,” said Karen Kahn, founder of Crayons without Borders. “The community was the amazing aspect, because you essentially get your own focus group. I could read what the designers were saying about all of the designs and it helped inform my decision. Using 99designs was an incredible experience; I would use it again in a heartbeat.”

“Finding the right designer for your business the traditional way is often a long and complicated process leading to frustration and escalating expenses,” said Mark Harbottle, CEO and founder of 99designs. “What’s great about 99designs is that you can literally be presented with 99 different designs from dozens of different designers, which vastly increases your chances of finding the right designer for your business. Designers also benefit because they now have a place online where they can demonstrate their talent and build relationships with new clients. For designers, 99designs is the perfect marketing and lead generation tool.”

99designs connects clients needing design work to a thriving community of over 20,000 talented designers. In under a year, 99designs has held over 12,000 design projects. For more information please visit: 99designs.

99designs is an online design marketplace and community that connects passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design. It has held over 12,000 design contests to date with nearly 1,000,000 unique designs. For more information please visit: 99designs.

At this point in time there is over $90,000 USD in open prize money on 99designs. Around $13,000 USD of new cash is offered every day. This is not only a record for 99designs, we believe it’s a world record — we don’t know of any other site like 99designs anywhere that offers that kind of cashola to designers on a daily basis. That makes 99designs the #1 design contest marketplace on the Web.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, if you’re going to invest your time building a profile on a site like 99designs (either as a client or a designer) you want to make sure you’re getting maximum bang for your buck — more clients means more opportunities for designers to win new business, and more designers means more choice for our clients. Everyone wins!

We get a lot of email from clients and designers encouraging us to keep up the great work. We often circulate these messages amongst the team — it gives us a real kick. Here’s one we received earlier this week that really resonated with the team…

I just wanted to write you and say “Thank You” for developing 99designs. It has been truly a life saver for me. I would say that most of the designers are young an upcoming, while I am old enough to be their mother. I started studying art and design in high school many years ago. Because of family commitments, I wasn't able to pursue my dreams of becoming a graphic artist. I still tinkered with web design whenever I got the chance between being a parent, full time professional, cooking, cleaning, children activities, etc., etc.

Now that my children are grown, my husband gone, and I’m disabled, I found my true passion again. I found SitePoint by chance and started entering contest. I started with logos, but found that wasn’t my forte. Then I started entering web design uncoded contest. It took awhile but I started winning contest. I even won 5 contests for the month of February. I was even getting invited to enter contest.

I couldn't believe how well this was working. Because of 99designs, several design firms noticed my work and I now have more offers than I can handle. In the last 4 months, I have made over $20,000 from designing websites outside of 99designs. I haven’t had time to enter but a couple of contest on 99designs because of the outside offers. I owe this all to SitePoint and 99designs.

Being disabled, I am unable to go out and chase down new clients. I depended on word of mouth and clients viewing my designs on 99designs. I understand a lot of designers feel that sites like 99designs undervalue their work and talent. I have to disagree. Sites like 99design give individuals with talents, whether young or old, able or disabled, schooled or unschooled, an opportunity to display their art and demonstrate their abilities. It isn't easy. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and patience.

Again, Thank you 99designs. Through your contest my dream is finally coming true. It may have took 25 years, but better late than never.

It’s easy to get caught up in the technology and the business of making things bigger and better, and forget about the people who are actually using your site…

We try to stay as connected as we can to our users, we talk to you regularly via these blogs, private message, email, and of course our user voice page, but we never expected that this site could have such a profound impact on one person’s life. It made our day!

One of the little known benefits of design contests is the ability for winning designers to pick up direct work from clients once a contest has been won. It makes sense when you think about it.

Run a logo contest to find yourself a designer, then rather than go through the whole design contest process again, simply ask the winning designer for a quote to do your business cards and stationery in a similar style.

أوزفوريكس المدفوعة مسبقا بطاقة السفر.

تقييم المراجعة:

Not a good card. bank appears that different customers get discriminating results.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Dec 12, 2018.

هل كانت هذه المراجعة مفيدة؟ نعم فعلا.

A Disgrace.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Nov 20, 2018.

لماذا ا؟ How does it take 21 business days to close?

هل كانت هذه المراجعة مفيدة؟ نعم فعلا.


11 reviews 2 answers 14 helpful votes Private message.

An absolute disgrace.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Nov 19, 2018.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 نعم فعلا.

Bardon Kitchen.

3 reviews 9 helpful votes Private message.

Product is now withdrawn.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Nov 18, 2018.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 نعم فعلا.

Hi Bardon, our apologies for all the trouble you've gone through. We'd be happy to escalate this for you. Please send your best contact details and review to marketing@ozforex. au and we'll be in touch shortly.

OFX posted on Nov 19, 2018.


1 out of 5 , reviewed on Nov 13, 2018.

هل كانت هذه المراجعة مفيدة؟ نعم فعلا.

Hi Kenobi, our apologies for all the trouble you've gone through. We'd be happy to escalate this for you. Please send your best contact details and review to marketing@ozforex. au and we'll be in touch shortly.

OFX posted on Nov 18, 2018.

Who is accountable for this Financial Institution?

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Nov 07, 2018.

2 من الأشخاص وجدوا هذا مفيدا، أليس كذلك؟ نعم فعلا.

Untrue Value Solar.

3 reviews 3 comments 10 helpful votes Private message.

They Closed it Down, Waiting a Month to Get Funds Back.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Oct 18, 2018.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 نعم فعلا.

Hi, our apologies for all the trouble you've gone through. We'd be happy to escalate this for you. Please send your best contact details and review to marketing@ozforex. au and we'll be in touch shortly.

OFX posted on Oct 19, 2018.

Sure you will. What kind of company responds to a service and product complaint with an "email our marketing team" response?

Still waiting for my transfer you muppets!! Your overseas call centre keeps feeding me lies. Seriously the worst company ever.

Where is my money.

2 out of 5 , reviewed on Oct 14, 2018.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 نعم فعلا.

Hi, our apologies for all the trouble you've gone through. We take this matter very seriously. Please send your best contact details and a short description of the issue to marketing@ozforex. au and we'll be in touch shortly.

OFX posted on Oct 16, 2018.

Finally had money refunded after a few blunt emails. All responses through macquarie are very slow - 7weeks to get some money transferred. They have a bit to learn about customer service. I did not. اقرأ المزيد & راكو؛

Iggy Pop posted on Oct 21, 2018.

Takes Forever to Get Cash Back.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Oct 12, 2018.

2 من الأشخاص وجدوا هذا مفيدا، أليس كذلك؟ نعم فعلا.

Hi Sydney, thank you for taking your time and leaving us a review. We'd be happy to have a look into why there may be a delay in your transfer. If you could send your best contact details to marketing@ozforex. au we'll be in touch shortly.

OFX posted on Oct 12, 2018.

Steve Coupe.

2 تعليقات 3 أصوات مفيدة رسالة خاصة.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Oct 05, 2018.

3 أشخاص وجدوا هذا مفيدا، أليس كذلك؟ نعم فعلا.

Avoid Ozforex - once good now rubbish.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Sep 30, 2018.

Loaded last year before AUD tanked in anticipation of European travels this year. In July with more than Euro2000 in account the card expired. No replacement card issued. Rang them and they said I had not ordered one. So ordered a new card for AUD10.

Left on holiday in August and received advice product discontinued - make arrangements to withdraw fund. Having prepaid hotels etc, ended up having to withdraw unneeded cash from ATM at charges of euro2-6 per withdrawal. Then with 3 currencies, forced to convert residual amounts to AUD at laughable conversion rates provided by Oz Forex (5-8%+ lower than interbank rate).

Now having entered Australian bank account details, apparently my funds will be transferred in the next 7-21 days - how ridiculous?

No offer of refund on card. No attempt at providing a reasonable rate on the forced conversion.

Tempted by dispute resolution but have spent enough energy on this already and don't need the frustration. I know that is what they rely on but just want to be rid of them.

5 people found this helpful, do you? نعم فعلا.

Hi, our apologies for all the trouble you've gone through. We take this matter very seriously. Please send your best contact details and a short description of the issue to marketing@ozforex. au and we'll be in touch shortly.

OFX posted on Oct 01, 2018.

Lol! هل حقا؟ A short description of the issue? The full description was not sufficient? Yes, I can see that you really do take this matter very seriously. OK, here is my short description: I was OzForexed over!

Ozabroad posted on Oct 02, 2018.

Thanks for nothing OzForex.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Sep 25, 2018.

And I thought Macquarie/OzForex was a reputable company! Dodgy, dodgy, dodgy.

3 أشخاص وجدوا هذا مفيدا، أليس كذلك؟ نعم فعلا.

Hi Vee, thank you for taking your time and leaving us a review. We take this matter very seriously. Please send your best contact details and a short description of the issue to marketing@ozforex. au and we'll be in touch shortly.

OFX posted on Sep 25, 2018.

Ripped Off Macquarie Bank Sucks.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Sep 24, 2018.

3 أشخاص وجدوا هذا مفيدا، أليس كذلك؟ نعم فعلا.

Hi, our apologies for all the trouble you've gone through. We take this matter very seriously. Please send your best contact details and a short description of the issue to marketing@ozforex. au and we'll be in touch shortly.

OFX posted on Sep 25, 2018.

A bad deal from ozforex. Promise broken at my expense.

2 out of 5 , reviewed on Sep 24, 2018.

3 أشخاص وجدوا هذا مفيدا، أليس كذلك؟ نعم فعلا.

Hi, our apologies for all the trouble you've gone through. We take this matter very seriously. Please send your best contact details and a short description of the issue to marketing@ozforex. au and we'll be in touch shortly.

OFX posted on Sep 25, 2018.

Peter manthey.

Should closed down by bank regulator Sorry too late they are closing themselves down.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Sep 21, 2018.

5 people found this helpful, do you? نعم فعلا.

Hi Peter, thanks for sharing your experience. We take this matter very seriously. Please send your best contact details to marketing@ozforex. au and we'll be in touch shortly.

OFX posted on Sep 21, 2018.

1 تعليق 3 أصوات مفيدة رسالة خاصة.

Half Way Through 8 Week Holiday.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Sep 14, 2018.

Oxforex were well aware of our plans weeks before we left Perth.

No mention of card problems and guess what - Its all my money that's in the account ( everyone is the same )

Anyway, what am I supposed to do from here!!

If Ozforex are trying to destroy my holiday, congratulations, you are on the way.

Didn't expect to get ripped off by an aussie bank - absolutely disgraceful.

To add insult to injury, EU1100 disappeared from my account today - didn't even use the card.

And And And I am a shateholder of the business.

3 أشخاص وجدوا هذا مفيدا، أليس كذلك؟ نعم فعلا.

Hi Rod, sorry to hear about your experience. We take this matter very seriously. Please send your best contact details to marketing@ozforex. au and we'll be in touch shortly.

OFX posted on Sep 21, 2018.

ruined up & coming trip.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Sep 11, 2018.

3 أشخاص وجدوا هذا مفيدا، أليس كذلك؟ نعم فعلا.

Hi Debbie, sorry to hear about your experience. We take this matter very seriously. Please send your best contact details to marketing@ozforex. au and we'll be in touch shortly.

OFX posted on Sep 21, 2018.

Michelle S.

1 review 1 comment 3 helpful votes Private message.

Double Dipping.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Aug 27, 2018.

3 أشخاص وجدوا هذا مفيدا، أليس كذلك؟ نعم فعلا.

Hi Michelle, sorry to hear about your experience. We take this matter very seriously. If you have any other questions in future please send your best contact details to marketing@ozforex. au and we'll be in touch.

OFX posted on Sep 21, 2018.

It has been almost a month since I wrote this review and received your above mentioned response. In the meantime, I contacted your customer relations department (phone number supplied by the Finan. read more »

Michelle S posted on Sep 21, 2018.

A Pathetic Decision.

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Aug 26, 2018.

4 من الأشخاص وجدوا هذا مفيدا، أليس كذلك؟ نعم فعلا.

4 reviews 15 helpful votes Private message.

This sucks! Cancelled!

1 out of 5 , reviewed on Aug 25, 2018.

6 أشخاص وجدوا هذا مفيدا، أليس كذلك؟ نعم فعلا.

الأسئلة & أمب؛ الأجوبة.

Why is this site closed?

Cbcrg asked on Sep 28, 2018.

I'm not sure. Think Macquarie bank are introducing their own travel card.

Robyn G replied on Sep 29, 2018.

Hi All, We have an ozforex card each, discovered today 12/6/15 that one has been hacked, they bought $7,500.00 AU worth of goods from French online stores early this month. We reported this to Ozforex via the phone number on the card, but found it hard to understand the guy who answered, he said he does not have an email address but will refer the matter to their dispute team, he said to expect a reply in 6 to 8 weeks. I then emailed Ozforex Sydney & got a reply saying to phone the number on the card. From what I have read here, my journey has just begun. Now transferring funds in our other Ozforex card back to AU$ to withdraw at ATM all more expense to us. Figure we have lost enough. I am guessing there are more out there in the same boat as us! is there? if there is a lot more it may be time to talk to "A Current Affair" If they put this on TV I bet a lot of Ozforex card holders will rush to their computers to check their balance. دوغ.

Doug S asked on Jun 12, 2018.

Hi Doug, sorry to hear about this, we take these matters very seriously. Can you please email us your contact details to: marketing@ozforex. au.

OFX replied on Jun 15, 2018.

You have read my review. I still havent had my stolen funds returned and this is day 76 since I lodged dispute. I was also told 6 to 8 weeks. I have made a complaint to the FOS and a complaint to the ACCC.

The marketing department advises you above that they take this seriously. Well I too take being told 6-8 weeks very seriously indeed. on this note Doug, and on advice to restrict commentary to contain what is currently public, I do hope you get a quick resolution.

alex2001 replied on Jun 16, 2018.

Hi Ozforex Official,

Thank you for making contact, I have responded with my contact details to marketing@ozforex. au.

I also take these matters very seriously, most of our friends in our age group do not get involved with online banking of any kind as they just don't trust or understand the system and have doubts regarding security.

We however have embraced this modern technology and over the years only had one other unauthorized.

transaction on a credit card which the BANK investigated and refunded very promptly.

Due to this event with Ozforex we have lost all confidence in your security system as the card number used on all the unauthorized transactions was the spare card that you provided, which we have never used and this is supported by the fact that the only time this card number appears on a transaction history report is for the.

unauthorized transactions. As a result of this, we now have doubts regarding the security of online Banking in general.

The response we got when we called the phone number on the back of our card was extremely disappointing,

I assume the call went to an overseas call centre as there was a time delay in the conversation with a very hard to understand foreign person.

Doug S replied on Jun 16, 2018.

After reading reviews on this product I probably wouldn't "risk it" as one reviewer put it. Because ozforex monitors this page I will ask you for your answer on what is the true and correct total time it takes to sort out card fraud.

Well Brett, unfortunately it's not good news.

The PDF states 6 to 8 weeks or 45 days. Call centre personnel also states this. This is far from the truth in my situation and another customer Alex. I am at 8 weeks and still waiting for around 1/4 of my stolen money to be refunded. Only received part of the refund this week.

I advised the call centre of this fraud on 12th april. Oz forex did not advised mastercard of the fraud until 14 may. Mastercard have 45 day to respond of charge back from the 14th may.

I have asked oz forex a number of times to clarify all of this for over one month and only got the answers this week.

They have the worst customer service I have come across, with next to no communication. For weeks I have been asking for updates with my response being , its at disputes.

For the fact it took them over one month for desputes to look into this and then advise mastercard, just shows they were in on hurry to get this matter sorted.

I also spoke to a gentleman at McQuarie bank, he stated it should only take 2 weeks for desputes to look into fraud.

All 3 oz forex customers on this product review site have or will be closing our oz forex accounts as soon as we have all our money returned.

I would not recommend this card. I have since looked into other travel cards and the exchange rates are very similar.

Good luck with your decision.

cindy replied on May 29, 2018.

Isn't it funny how nobody from ozforex travel card will answer these questions of how long does it really take for resolution.

cindy replied on Jun 02, 2018.

Suggest you read the reviews. Performance self evident, care factor zero.

alex2001 replied on Jun 07, 2018.

تفاصيل المنتج.

Similar Travel Money.

ANZ Cash Packs.

Velocity Global Wallet.

السفر المال اوز.

Westpac Global Currency Card.

كانتاس كاش.

Commonwealth Bank Travel Money Card.

ANZ Travel Card.

NAB Traveller Card.

Related Travel Money.

ANZ Cash Packs.

Velocity Global Wallet.

السفر المال اوز.

Westpac Global Currency Card.

كانتاس كاش.

ابق على اتصال.

مثل صفحة الفيسبوك لدينا البقاء في معرفة على منتجات جديدة مذهلة.

You can also order direct from McDonalds - phone 14045 for placing orders . Likewise KFC do deliveries – ph 0361 757 161.

Sometimes the McD or KFC deliveries can’t get past hotel security gates unless you personally go there to authorize it or meet the delivery person at the security gates out front - so check first.

Our current favourite restaurants are:

Ultimo - Italian restaurant - JL Laksamana (near Mykonos )

This top class Italian restaurant is inexpensive and has a huge menu. The bill for 2 of us including beer was Rp 250,000 (AUD $30 Sep 2009). Many expats eat here – which is a good sign that the restaurant is up to standard. The dйcor is great with an outside garden eating area as well as inside seating. Remember to ask for a torch to see the menu clearly if eating outside in the garden area as the tables are candle lit. There is live entertainment in the garden area 5 nights per week.

Entrees range from about 20,000 and mains from Rp35 ,000 . The pizzas are good too. Don’t forget the desert section. Large Bintang beer is reasonable (RP26 ,000 – Sep 09) The restaurant is about 10 minutes (20,000 cab ride) from Jayakarta Hotel and well worth the trip. It’s our current favorite .

Feyloon Chinese Restauant JL Raya Kuta (Opposite Galeal Supermarket)

Great and inexpensive Chinese food. Their yum char lunches are delicious. Roast duck is one of their specialties and at Rp99 ,000 (Sep 2009) per half duck is good value. If you like Chinese this is a must try. Note they do takeaways also.

This is a sister restaurant of well known Bamboo corner and is situated on the lane between Poppies 1 and 2 in KUta . Gong has the same menu but is not so crowded! We recommend this place .

The food here is very inexpensive about 50% of what you pay in Legian . This place is a favourite of budget travelers and backpackers looking for good food at a great price!

Rumors JL Laksamana.

This restaurant is next to Ultimo (see above) and is owned by the same person who is a meat importer – hence the good prices! Rumours is great for steaks and their pizzas are good too. Its very reasonable and we recommend it. Cost for 2 (Aug 2008) was about Rp 130,000.

Take - Japanese restaurant Beside Bali Cyber Cafe - 600 metres before Jl Legian - on the sharp corner on the way to Ace Hardware.

Don't confuse with their sister restaurant, Take 2, which is on Jl Padma and not quite as good. Try their soft shell crab, salmon/ bluefin sashimi, dumplings, teriyaki chicken, roast potato ( Rp 9000) to name a few of our favorites. The price for 2 people including a bintang was AUD$35 and excellent value. Say hello to the owner (the old Japanese guy with 1 tooth) who is always there to keep an eye on things.

Enhay between Poppies 2 and JL Benesari . Very cheap but delicious. Total bill for 2 including beers (2) is about Rp 80,000.

Brasil Bali Jl Benasari.

A good warung not far from Enhay . It’s a great cheap place that has been operating for years. Avocado prawns (April 09 Rp 12,000) and their mixed juice Rp 9,000 are my favourites .

Warung Totemo JL Benesari.

Just 20 metres down from Brasil Bali (see above) Very cheap and good food.

Warung Sulewasi ( Jl Pettinget ) Good for lunch.

Traditional warung where you buy food from the counter. We loved their corn fritters (Rp1000 ea, beef rendung curry ( rp 6000) and their fruit juices ( Rp 5000 ) ( try the lemon juice). Food here is cheap but good.

Sips – Jl Raya Seminyak (opposite Bintang Supermarket)

This is a moderately priced and intimate small French restaurant which is run by an acclaimed (Michelin Star) French Chef. We loved the pate entrйe and there is a wide selection of traditional French mains you won’t find elsewhere. Well worth a visit.

Ryoshi Japanese Jl Raya Seninyak -

Good value Japanese food and great live entertainment upstairs on Mondays (Jazz) and Wednesdays (Blues) You may need to book on those nights to secure a table!

Situated next door to Bintang Supermarket this is a real treat. Many locals and expats eat here.

Queens Tandoor JL Raya Seminyak no 73 about Rp 15,000 taxi from Jayakarta . Web http ://queenstandoor/default-bali. asp.

You can also get their food delivered direct to your door via their takeaway service. Ph 0361 732770.

This is top class Indian food that’s a little expensive by Bali standards but still less than half what we pay back home.

We paid Rp 200,000 for 2 people including beers. (August 2008)

You must try the Dosa – a southern Indian treat.

Warung 96 - off Poppies 2 in KUta . Wood fired pizzas and Pasta are specialties here. A pizza is around Rp 40,000. Chilli Con Carne is my favourite .

Bamboo Corner on Poppies 1 is great value and has good juices and consistently good food at ridiculously cheap prices. Lunch for 2 people is about Rp40 ,000 .

In April 2009 I had a few banana milkshakes at Rp5000 each. The Indonesian breakie is Rp12 ,000 . Another favourite here is the lemon pancakes for Rp6000. Prices here are about 50% of what you pay at Legian . It’s a 30 minute walk down the beach from Jayakarta. Note that they have another Bamboo Corner restaurant called TJ’s Mexican – Poppies 1.

Breakfast here is good – we had the Mexican version which was a welcome change – traditional breakies also available .. We haven’t had dinner here recently but by all accounts it’s good and recommended.

Rainbow Cafe on Poppies 2 opposite Bounty Hotel is also a good value place to eat.

Halfway down Poppies 1 is Nusa Indah which is good for a few bintangs and has cheap and very good food. The staff are always friendly. A three course meal and 3 bintangs cost less than Rp 100,000 for both of us.

Mamma’s Bar in JL Legian offers good value food and drinks and is always busy. We haven’t eaten there but have heard good reports.

Eating places near Jayakarta:

We think the breakfasts at the Jayakarta are good but expensive. We prefer a 3 or 4 minute walk to Tommies , Zanzibar, or Lanai or one of the places nearby to have breakfast. It shouldn’t cost more than Rp 40,000 for a full American breakfast with all the trimmings!

Tommies Cafй (Good for breakfast)

This cafй is on Rum Jungle Rd (opposite Yut’s about 30 metres further up the road) - around 200 metres up the street from the Jayakarta gates. This cafй is owned by a New Zealander ( Desma ) and her Balinese business partner (Tommy – who also own the leather shop – opposite Posers Pub). It’s open for breakfasts and snacks until about 4pm. They have very good freshly made muffins (Sep 2009 Rp10 ,000 ) toasted sandwiches ( Rp 17,000) iced coffees and smoothies (Rp11,000). Suzanne loved the toasted avocado, bacon and tomato sandwich. Desma even has marmite or vegemite if you need that with your toast. When you see Desma say hi to her from Max and Suzanne from NZ!

Go out to the beachfront from the Jayakarta Hotel and turn right and you will find Zanzibar about 200 metres along the road. ( Jl Double 6 - Great location and good food.) We often have the American Breakfast (big) at Zanzibar , cost in Aug 2008 Rp 35, 000. Note that Zanzibar has free wireless internet access so take your laptop. Lanai is next door and is equally OK.

If you fancy a 45 minute walk along the beach (past the bungy tower) Warung Pantai at Batu Belig is a nice little restaurant right on the beach. Its a quiet spot with a great outlook and cheap food. We had a good breakfast there and with free exercise thrown in.

Marzano JL Double Six.

This Italian restaurant is on the corner of Double Six near Warung Asia. It opened in early 2009 and has built up a good reputation for good value Italian food. Pizza’s and pasta’s are the specialties. Meal for 2 including 2 beers was Rp150 ,000 Sep 2009. It is usually very busy which is a sign they are doing it right!

This is next door to Jayakarta and has the tree growing through the roof. Its a good place for a beer and the upstairs roof area often has a DJ playing music. We thought the food average to OK.

This hotel, next to Zanzibar and close to Double Six corner, opened to the public - Spring 2008. O.

N hosts a top seafood, tappas bar, and teppanyaki restaurant, featuring a stunning dйcor. Suzanne and I are friends of the developers of this resort. If you want to have a look around go to reception and ask for Mark (sales manager) he will arrange to show you around the complex as they have apartments for sale there. Tell him I sent you!

Next door to Zanzibar and about 200m along from Jayakarta. We have had many breakfasts there. The full breakfast is Rp 40,000. Their dinners are equally well made and good value. (Big burger and fries Rp 46,000, Caesar salad 35 ,000,large pizza 40,000. They also have free wireless internet. If you sit upstairs you get a great sea view as well for free!!

Next door to Lanai on the beachfront, this popular restaurant is good for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Pricing is reasonable and similar to Lanai. We have had many meals here. (Large American brekkie Rp40 ,000 )

Tekor is 50m past Zanzibar on the beachfront and is excellent for all meals. Their breakfasts at about Rp 38,000 are good. We have had American breakfast there a number of times. They now have free wireless internet. They specialize in more traditional type dishes than Zanzibar and Lanai.

Next door to Lanai - has good food at reasonable prices. Try their daily special. I like their pizza. They have a band on Fridays which is good entertainment - especially the Salsa dancers!

Yut's Place which has good steaks from around Rp 49,000 as well as Indonesian foods and salads. I liked their Caesar salad and veal Cordon Blue (Gordon Blue – as many Balinese call it). If you tire of Indonesian food they will fit the bill with a good range of mainly Swiss and Western style food. It’s a 5 minute walk from the Jayakarta Hotel outside the mail gate.

Left out of Jayakarta Hotel and when you get to JL Doublesix go 30 metres to the left and across the road is Warung Murah . It serves great local food and juices at cheap prices. I always have the mixed juice (Rp7000).

Also left outside the Jayakarta security gate and about 500m walk is Warung Asia which specializes in Thai food. This is left outside Jayakarta main entrance gate and about 50 metres before Double Six intersection. Excellent Thai cuisine. This place is popular with locals and expats and we recommend it. It was busy each time we ate there so that it a good sign for a restaurant. We recommended it to guests when in Bali (April 08) and they found it great.

Remember that many restaurants sell large beer at happy hour prices for a few hours in early evening to attract customers. Prices like Rp16,000 - Rp24,000 for a large Bintang or Bali Hai beer are common and often work out cheaper than what you can get in the supermarket! Cocktails with the local ' Arak ' spirit are cheap but keep a few panadol handy for next morning.

On the subject of alcohol we found the Hatten's Rose wine made in Bali, good to drink. Especially if chilled well. At last visit (Aug 2009) it was Rp90 ,000 a bottle or Rp170,000 per cask from the supermarket. It makes you laugh when you read the label though, it says "to be drunk now, DO NOT CELLAR" There is local copy spirits available called Robinsons which tastes like Bacardi etc. When used to make banana daiquiris and the like you wouldn't know the difference.

Half way down Poppies Lane 1 next door to the Secret Garden Bar & Restaurant there is a little outdoor cocktail bar that sells jugs of cocktails for Rp45,000, large Bintangs Rp19,000 and soft drinks Rp3,500 at happy hour (6 to 9 pm). They make a special one called "fall over juice" and it does seem to work quite well after number 3. Their pina colada and frozen margarita is also worth a shot. They also have small Guinness beer for Rp15 ,000 each. A Scottish lady (Heather) owns the place and is very knowledgeable about soccer. The old Scottish guy near the end of the bar is Jimmy, I think he is welded onto the bar!

If you are going past a KFC and want a cheap snack we often order KFC soup - its yummy and costs about Rp 5500. McDonalds sell snow freeze type ice creams dipped in hot chocolate. At Rp4000 they are good on a hot day.

One of the best places, to buy fresh bread and cakes is the Bali Bakery (Corner Jl Imam Bongol & Jl Patih Jelantik ) They have good meals there too. Try the soup of the day! We often take a fresh baguette home to eat. If you eat in try their soup of the day Rp35 ,000 .

The Bali Deli - you can get your order delivered to you if you want a snack or browse their wonderful selection of breads, meats and cheeses. Many imported items at reasonable prices.

Directly outside the Jayakarta beach entrance, on the sand is a couple of good beach bars – Nyoman’s (left hand side) and Franks Bar (RHS) these guys sell cold beer and drinks, play the drums and keep you entertained. It’s a good way to wind down at the end of the day and maybe meet a few different people and watch the sunset.

Well patronised and with very good food. On the corner of Padma and Padma Utara .

Captain Cook Pub.

Opposite Yuts Restaurant. Jl Werkudara on right hand side. They show live sports here such as AFL, NRL and Union.

Don't forget to check the Beatmag to find the location of the popular restaurants.

We have found it better to take our local banknotes (NZ) for conversion into Rupiahs . Australian notes are fine but take $50 and $100 notes and you sometimes get a slightly better rate. Damaged notes will be rejected, so check there are no tears. ATMs work ok - I think most banks charge about $5 per transaction for ATM use - so you may as well get a decent amount of cash out in one transaction. I can’t see the point of changing NZ or OZ dollars at home into US dollars, then changing them to Rupiahs in Bali as the only thing you are doing is giving the local Bank another whack of commission. The only US dollars you need is the US$25 Visa on arrival money. (As mentioned below.)

If you want to send money to Bali from Oz or NZ we have used OZ Forex which has rates better than most banks. See here ozforex. au/

To get an idea what approximate rate you should be getting check xe/ucc/ which is a good universal currency converter.

Keep valuables in the safe deposit box at Hotel reception.

Use of credit cards is fine in major department stores but many smaller retailers will add a surcharge. We have found Visa and MasterCard to be the most popular cards. Make sure you have a PIN number for your card which enables it to work in ATMs. There are heaps of ATMs around Bali. If you have an ANZ card, take it with you. Many eating establishments, including the Bali Bakery offer a 10% discount if you use it. We try to minimize our use of credit cards as there have been reports of unscrupulous vendors recording your cards numbers and then using your card for unauthorized transactions. We prefer to take cash rather than use credit cards.

Tipping - usually we don't but for good service at restaurants we add an extra thousand Rupiahs or two. Remember just how little this is to us but what a difference it is to them. The average wage is less than AUD $100 per month in Bali .

Money changers – IMPORTANT .

Bring your local currency with you as money changers and banks are plentiful.

For larger currency transactions (say over AUD$1k) its best to go to the bank as they have the best rates and are 100% honest (so far). But for normal currency changing when not near our BCA bank we use any of the PT Kuta Central Agency - Money Changers their main office is 500m around Bemo Corner past the Kuta BCA Bank.

When at the Jayakarta we mainly use the Kodak store near Posers Pub. The money changer there is a PT Kuta Central Agent and is situated in the Kodak shop, next to Posers Pub, which is about 10 minutes walk, to the right outside from the Jayakarta – opposite the BCA ATM machine. We have NEVER had a problem here.

The money changer beside Matahari in Kuta square is also good - PT Kuta Central is the biggest and best changer, have many outlets and is where many of the other money changers change their currencies!

Remember NOT ALL MONEY CHANGERS ARE HONEST and Count your money before you leave their premises. Remember if you see a rate that seems too good to be true - it probably is.

It’s a good idea to change even amounts (say AUD$100) as its easier for you to calculate what you should be getting. That way it’s harder for any rogue money changer to defraud you.

Be careful not to confuse 10,000 notes with 100,000 notes - its a bit confusing with all those noughts . One of our friends writes up a credit card size ready reckoner showing the conversion rate for Rupiahs to our currency for 100,000 up to 1,000,000 in 100,000 steps. He keeps this handy when shopping - a small calculator is also handy if you have one.

If you need a Bank we use the BCA in Kuta , 200 metres around Bemo Corner on the road to Denpasar . If you are a regular traveler to Bali it may be useful to open a Bali Bank account and get an ATM/Debit card. Some banks require you have residency (KITAS ) in Bali but many don’t – so shop around. If you have an Indonesian Bank account you can remit funds directly from your home country in one go.

Taxis are cheap in Bali. If you have the choice always get a light blue, Bluebird TAXI . Note that they have a Bluebird logo on their roof.

There are many of them. Just hail them from the side of the road. Their phone number is (0362) 70 11 11 if you want to book one. They wont try to rip you off like some (read MOST) of the other taxi firms will. As a matter of interest we always take a light blue Taxi to Denpasar from Kuta and its typically around Rp 60,000 each way. I always round the fare up to the nearest thousand. On the way back it may be difficult to get a blue cab so negotiate a fixed rate with another taxi. Usually 70,000 is OK from Denpasar to Kuta/Legian area. If using another taxi firm, insist they use a meter or at least agree a price first.

Remember that all taxis have a meter, even the non-Blue Bali Taxi's. During 2005, and now in 2009, the Indonesian Government removed most of the subsidies on fuel with the result petrol prices more than quadrupled. This is the reason taxi fares are somewhat higher than they were. In Sep 2009 a litre of petrol cost Rp5000.

When arriving in Bali go to the right outside the airport and get a voucher for a taxi. The set cost for the taxi is around Rp 50,000 to Legian and Kuta .

If you are brave, or have the time you can go out into the car park and negotiate with a van driver, often better for a large group or if you have many bags. The price from airport to Kuta/Legian is around Rp 50,000 to Rp 55,000 for a van. From the hotels at Legian to the airport the light blue taxi should cost around Rp 50,000. When bringing a surfboard be aware the airport taxis charge a Rp50 ,000 surcharge!

When using the taxi to get from Legian to restaurants and bars in Poppies Lane we often get out on Jl Legian opposite Poppies 2 and walk - quicker than taking the taxi all the way around. Fare approx Rp 20,000.

Going from Kuta back to Jayakarta we usually go to the beach end of Poppies 1 and get a taxi to the sharp 90 degree corner where Jl Melasti starts then take the 10 minute walk back along the cobbled walkway to the Jayakarta Apartment at Legian . Its a pleasant walk and good shortcut if you want to walk all the way from Legian to Kuta and it takes about 25 minutes. At night you can see the bright lights of hundreds of fishing boats in a line, 20km or more out from the beach. I think they catch squid and tuna.

Places you should go.

For day trips we like the Bali bird park . There is a reptile park next door if you are up to it. It’s an hour’s drive north of Legian .

There is a 2 ha safari park which we liked, situated at Gianyar , a centre of art and culture in Bali , just 30 kms from Ngurah Rai Airport or Kuta Beach . They have a large restaurant, plenty of animals including a rare white tiger, snakes, elephants, birds that do tricks and heaps of other interesting wildlife. We were pleased we went.

Ubud is an interesting place where many artists hang out. It has a more relaxed feel than Kuta and has good markets - art, carving and sculpting etc. There is plenty to see on the way.

Nusa Lembongan is an island off the east coast of Bali that has good snorkeling and surfing. Accommodation is cheap and it’s a good way to break your trip.

Lombok . 40km across the sea from Bali, is an Island a little smaller than Bali and home to about 2 million people. Its a 90% Muslim country compared to Bali , which is 90% Hindu. The scenery on Lombok is stunning. Prices are cheaper and its much quieter than Bali . The Gili Islands, renowned for diving and partying, are a short distance from Lombok and worth a visit. The Lombok surf is amongst the worlds best. A recent surf magazine rated a surf break near Kuta beach ( Lombok ) the best left hand break in the world! You can go by air ( Rp 600,000 return) or sea ( Rp 60,000 return) from Bali.

In August 2008 we spent a couple of nights at Amed which is on the opposite coast to Kuta . This is a quiet fishing village noted for its snorkeling and diving. Amed is a bit drier and hotter than Legian and the pace of life is slower. Its 2.5 hours drive from Kuta and we think it’s a good place to visit for a night or two. If you hire a motorbike there go for a short ride along the coast you will see some stunning scenery. Our driver ( Wayan ) took us there.

Golf is expensive in Bali. Green fees can be upwards of US$100 and with caddy fees an extra Rp100 ,000 the cost can add up. However - there are some beautiful courses to play on. I would rank them in order of scenery and layout: Pecatu (near Dreamland Beach), Tanah Lot (North of Canggu ), Bedugal (near Lake Brattan ) Sanur – nice little 9 hole course where you can use a trundler .

Bedugal markets and Lake Brattan is a good day trip with plenty to look at on the way there. The markets offer a good selection of veges and fruit. We love the fresh strawberries and the cashew nuts. 10 minutes further on is Lake Brattan and the lovely grounds and temple you can wander about. This is a good day trip if combined with a couple of hours shopping in Denpassar on the way home!

Waterbom Park is a must for kids and has various swim slides and water based attractions. Its opposite Discovery shopping mall.

There are many places to go late at night that are close to the Jayakarta. There are nightclubs, Dйjа vu (next to Zanzibar) Double Six, (next to Bungy tower) and many more nightclubs at JL Dhyana Pura . Many of these places don’t crank up until after midnight but operate until daylight. There are other bars and restaurants that have live music including Billys Bar, Hard Rock Cafй and Ryoshi (Monday and Wednesdays) Mades Warung (Saturday).

Don't drink the tap water . We have found it good value to buy large 3 gallon water at the Supermarket and take it to the apartment in the taxi - you need to purchase the bottle first. There is a shop outside the Jayakarta Hotel that will swap empties over and carry them up to the apartment for you. We paid Rp 11,000 for the refill including freight! If you are out and about its a good idea to take a small bottle of water with you. Dehydration is easy if you don't drink water often. Fruit juices cost very little and taste delicious.

Electrical Appliances It’s rare to find a light bulb over 25 watts – perhaps that’s a reason many of the rooms are dark! Toasters that never toast and jugs that never boil are common because their wattage (or power) is about 33% of what we use back home. We have our own jugs in all our apartments after guests complained about the 45 minute time to boil a Bali kettle. Bali customs often ask why our suitcases are filled up with various electrical appliances from home.

Be aware that excess baggage fees are often charged when you take home more than 20KG per person of checked on luggage ( note 15 kg limit for Air Asia). Excess baggage fees can be expensive. Ways around this are: Take as much carry on stuff as you can, although there is an 7kg limit for carry on nowadays as well as size restriction (sometimes they don't check carry on). Carry on bags that are expandable and have wheels and extendable handle to pull them with are a good investment and it means you wont break your arms lugging them about the airport. If really stuck you can wear as much clothing and coats as possible and stuff the pockets with stuff. You can check baggage weights by standing on scales with, then without, your bags then subtract the difference. If flying Jetstar they can be strict on baggage, also take a warm jacket on the flight with you as they charge for blankets and take delight at keeping the plane COLD. We also take along some snacks like nuts and biscuits as you pay for meals and drinks. Many airlines now enable you to prepay excess luggage online at reduced prices. Check their websites.

Many airlines such as Air Asia now allow you to pay online for excess luggage in advance. This works out much cheaper than if you paid at the airport. You can also choose your own seat before you fly and even order your meals before you travel !. Checkout the airlines website.

It pays to check the airline websites frequently to keep an eye for special airfares. You may like to sign up for their regular newsletters which often give you advance notice of impending deals. Lately Air Asia, Jetsar , and Pacific Blue have had some excellent deals from OZ to Bali.

Always keep it in a safe place. Its an idea to get at least 1 photocopy of your passport, before you travel, to keep on you in Bali for ID purposes. Its better to lose the copy! Remember that when travelling your passport must not expire within 6 months after you leave Bali. Government Agencies can take forever to re-issue passports or make amendments so allow plenty of time.

Carry on luggage - liquids.

Lately (Feb 2008) most airports won’t let you take bottles containing more than 100ml with you onto the plane. Its OK to pack these items in your checked luggage, but otherwise be prepared to lose your expensive cosmetics etc. if they are in containers of more than 100ml. We learnt the hard way and had $80 of duty free booze confiscated !

When you get off the plane get a Visa on Arrival (VOA) before proceeding to the customs queue. Pay with undamaged US currency $25 if you can. Have the exact amount. It’s quicker and you get a better rate doing it this way. You can pay in most currencies but they give you a lousy rate and it takes a bit longer. If you travel regularly on business there is a fairly new travel card issued through APEC which you may qualify for. Checkout immi. gov. au/skilled/business/apec/index. htm Note that this card also gives express customs clearance, free customs entry to APEC countries.

Some of our guests have used VIP visa on arrival in order to avoid the lengthy queues at customs (2 hours plus sometimes!) This costs around AUD$25 each. Do a search of balitravelforum/ for VIP visa on arrival.

If you travel heaps and stay a while and are 55 years + you may qualify for a retirement visa. See here expat. or. id/info/retirement. html.

You can bring wine and spirits into Bali but the quantity is restricted - think its limited to 1 litre per person. If they find more they fine you or confiscate it - be careful. We know some people who fill their water drink bottles with wine to get over the limit, which seems to work ok. Be careful about the 100ml liquid carry on rule mentioned above.

Toilets in Bali are getting better but some don’t provide toilet paper. I always have some in my back pocket for emergency use! The major department stores all provide public toilets of decent quality as do most restaurants.

Departure Tax is now Rp 150,000 per passenger so remember to have this available when you get to the airport. If you need a snack before you leave the McDonalds outside the airport is much cheaper than any of the food inside.

Hiring a motorcycle can be a fun way to get about. Remember you need an International drivers licence ! I didn't bother and got fined Rp 200,000!! (The bike rental is Rp 40,000 per day in April 2009 and includes the helmet but not petrol.) Car hire , if you're brave is around Rp 400,000 for 3 days hire. I tried to get a temporary licence while in Bali, but the procedure was stressful and a miserable failure! My friend who lives in Bali says he can get a 3 month licence in Bali for Rp 200,000 and it doesn’t involve any driving tests, but you have to go in the back door of the police department! – I haven’t tried that yet but watch this space .. Remember to get an International drivers licence in your own Country before you leave (including the motorbike stamp). You also need to have your overseas licence with you as well as the International one. Many police are waiting to pick on and fine unlicensed foreigners. We have heard many stories about foreigners being fined for various reasons including - not tooting your horn enough! not wearing a seatbelt, stopping on the road before doing a turn, driving in the centre of the road. A friend of ours got fined Rp 50,000 for not wearing a shirt when riding a motorbike!! The fines range from Rp 50,000 to 200,000. You seem to be able to negotiate the fine and my last fine was Rp 50,000 which was half of what he asked, (April 08) for going the wrong way down a street. It’s a good idea to carry 2 wallets and have one with Rp 50,000 in to use for fines. You show the policeman the wallet with the Rp50k and you should get off with that. If you bargain you should get away with the 50,000 fine as that’s the standard that expats here expect to pay. BTW don’t expect a receipt for the fine.

I have tried to study the road rules but there are none that I can find. The only rules seem to be: Small gives way to big and if you have an accident its your fault because as a tourist if you hadn't been there, then there wouldn't have been an accident.

We have our own bikes ( Peddling bikes ) in Bali and its a neat way to get around. It often much quicker than the taxi as you can go backwards down the one way streets - if you are careful! We ride our bikes to Kuta , from Legian and also to Seminyak and it takes no time at all. Our bikes often beat the taxi into town. You can hire a peddling bike near the entrance of the Jayakarta Hotel - Legian . Prices are around Rp10 ,000 per day. Remember to wear a helmet for your safety.

If travelling around Bali get a driver and an air-conditioned van to take you. Negotiate the cost before you go and make sure their van or car is in good condition and has working AC . The cost for the day including driver will be in the vicinity of Rp 450,000 and a half day about Rp 250,000.We use. Wayan . It is customary to buy the driver lunch and a drink. Be aware they often get commission from their mates if you buy something en route! Expect to bargain with the driver prior to settling the fee for the day. The drivers outside the gate of the Jayakarta seem more willing to bargain than the drivers inside the gate – it often depends how busy they are. We have encountered a wide variety of drivers including some who seem to have a death wish. I tell some of them to slow down a bit. One way to engage them in conversation, even if they know virtually no English, is to ask them their opinion on the best motorbike. They all seem to know the list prices of every conceivable motorbike ever sold in Bali, including the second hand market. As at Sep 2009 a brand new 125 cc Honda Supra was just over 15 million Rupiahs .

When swimming, always swim in a patrolled area. The surf is fun but can be dangerous at times so if you are not experienced be careful. For a good day trip go to Dreamland beach (20km from Legian ) - the beach is wonderful. The swimming opposite the Jayakarta, at Legian is excellent and 4 minutes walk from our apartment. Remember to swim between the flags.

Mobile phone calls are cheap in Bali, so take your cell phone . You will need an unlocked mobile phone and a Bali simcard . If you go to the stalls outside Matahari in Kuta Square one of the sales girls will insert it. Some (even cheap) new phones come with a prepaid card included. We paid Rp 55,000 for a Rp 50,000 new prepay sim card from the shop 200m from Jayakarta. We keep our card in Bali and a friend tops them up at 10,000 per month so we can keep the same number. If you top up with Rp 100,000 you get to keep the number for up to 4 months before the number is lost. If you are staying at the Jayakarta get a Pro XL card as their coverage is strongest. The shop outside Jayakarta entrance, 50 metres walk past the Kodak shop near BIMC medical centre sells top up cards and can arrange a new sim card for you.

Local calls cost about Rp 1,500 per minute and texts ( SMS) were about Rp 500 each to NZ/Oz or Rp 350 to another Bali phone. International calls to Australia are about Rp 5,000/minute - but check first. If calling overseas on Pro XL you need to dial the prefix 01000 then the number. Eg 01000 613xxxxxxxxx as this gives you the cheaper rate. I think the other carriers have similar deals.

Bali uses 240 volt power so Australian/NZ devices work in both places - just remember to buy an adapter to enable the appliance to be plugged in. Supermarkets sell power adapters cheaply. Some of the wiring is suspect in Bali. Suzanne has been known to wear rubber jandals (thongs) when turning on some hotel electrical switches!

There are many internet cafes and a growing number of wireless hot spots in Bali, find one you like but remember some are faster and cheaper than others. We now have internet available in all our apartments but you can also use the little internet shop, left outside the Jayakarta gate, about 100 metres down the road and is Rp 250 per minute. You get free small water and a plate of peanuts thrown in. They also do laundry, and their neighbour next door is a restaurant so its a kind of one stop shop. Note that more restaurants are providing free wireless internet access (albeit slooowly ) . Zanzibar, Lanai and Tekkor Bali Restaurants which are on the beachfront, a short walk from the Jayakarta have free wireless. Why not enjoy a juice (or bintang ) while you surf the net for free!

Before you travel to Bali, or anywhere, for that matter, - make sure you have insurance including medical cover just to be sure. I am unsure if it works in other countries but here in NZ if you pay for your air travel with a gold or Platinum MasterCard/visa then your insurance cover is free. Contact your card issuer to check. Most insurer's have comprehensive travel policies, so get a quote.

Medical costs can be expensive in Bali and if you needed to be medi-vaced home its $$$$$.

A good laundry and the one we currently use is Mila Laundry situated 300m from Jayakarta gates on Rum Jungle Rd on the bend and near Yuts Restaurant. A typical weeks laundry for 2 of us costs Rp 50,000. Our cleaner ( Ketut ) can arrange laundry services and will arrange pickup and delivery.

We get our business cards printed at Bali Graphic Design at Jl Raya Legian no 472. Cost per 100 business cards is Rp 25,000 ( Dec 2006) including the setup and design cost! They also do posters and other printing.

Bali Dentist ( Retno W Agung ) – phone 0361 288501 Email retno. agung@gmail.

As luck would have it, I stumbled on to a great dentist in Bali. Dr Retno Agung has a dental practice opposite the big McDonalds sign at Sanur . ( Jln Bypass Ngurah Rai No 4A Br Tamansari Sanur ) After an initial consultation it was decided I needed major work including 4 crowns, various fillings plus other sundry stuff. Served me right for not going to the dentist back home for 11 years! After 8 visits to the dentist the end result was brilliant. Total cost Aud$1400 which is way less than back home. If you see Dr Retno , tell her Max from NZ says hi. See pic Dr Retno , her staff and me! Note that Dr Retno has a Dentistry degree from a US University and can speak 4 languages!

Update May 2009! Dr Retno fixed my badly broken tooth which required root canal surgery plus did another major filling and a clean. All up this needed 4 visits and the work was of a high standard – total cost under Rp2 million. I’m sure the saving from what I would have paid at home paid for my airfare!

Dr Retno says she is happy to see new clients. Best to phone or email her for an appointment. Don’t forget to mention Max and Suzanne recommended her.

Doctors JL Laksamana – next to Ultimo.

Our guests have used the Bali Clinic to treat their 2yo and were most impressed. I think the cost was about AUD$65 and included the medicines needed. Another guest has used the doctor who is on call through the Jayakarta Hotel and has been happy with his services. See reception for contact details. There is also a doctor directly opposite the Jayakarta ( Padma Clinic ), but I haven't had feedback on it.

Our manager Suandi can arrange a baby sitter for you. Ph 0812 364 1150.

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