الخيارات الثنائية.
سافاج 10 خيارات الأسهم.
سافاج لا سنتيرفيد خيارات الأسهم - صيد المدى الطويل.
سبورت-تاكت ريفل تشاسيس نظام هيكل مخصص عن طريق اختيار العمل الخاص بك والمطلوب بعقب الأسهم ونهاية الصدارة من الخيارات في القوائم المنسدلة ...
الصيد الأسهم | سافاج ماكميلان ثومبول |
سافاج يبني عدد لا بأس به من البنادق التكتيكية برميل الثقيلة، بما في ذلك 10 فكب مع الأسهم ماكميلان. نحن نلقي نظرة مفصلة على واحد هنا لنرى كيف ينفذ.
خيارات الأسهم لعمل الهدف سافاج؟ :
حتى مع سافاج نحن لا تأخذ دقة لمنح. بن لم يكن قادرا على اطلاق النار على هذا السلاح، ولكن حتى من دون أفضل مطلق النار لدينا سافاج نموذج 10 فكب - سر تنفيذها.
الأسهم - ستوكيد بندقية الأسهم.
5/17/2018 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ خيارات الأسهم لالحشية 10. هذا هو مناقشة حول خيارات الأسهم للوحشية 10 داخل المنتديات بندقية، وهي جزء من فئة القصاصات ذات الصلة. مرحبا إم جديد ...
وحشي خيارات الأسهم المحور - لونغ آيلاند الأسلحة النارية.
تخصيص سافاج نموذج 10 الصيد بندقية. خيارات الأسهم سافاج. وأشار جو أيضا إلى أنه يريد ترقية هذه البندقية مع الأسهم ضمن ميزانيته من 400 $.
تخصيص سافاج نموذج 10 الصيد بندقية -
5/27/2018 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ سافاج سنترفيد خيارات الأسهم؟ هذا هو مناقشة حول سافاج خيارات الأسهم المركزية؟ ضمن منتديات عمل بولت، جزء من منتدى البندقية ...
الأسهم سافاج :: سافاج :: تاكتيكال وركس، Inc.
ترقية سافاج فارمينت / التكتيكية العمل القصير (4.40 & كوت؛) بندقية سينترفيد إلى شعبية ميل إيكس نظام مجلة للانفصال إيكس. المجلات المتاحة: .223 / 10.
سافاج 110 با خيارات استبدال الأسهم - المدى الطويل.
لدي حالة ممتازة سافاج نموذج 10 في 308 مع 20 & كوت؛ متوسطة برميل الخيوط. تثبيت في إيكس 2.0 أو الأسهم (الجانب للطي)، 5 جولة منظمة العفو الدولية ما.
ماكميلان سافاج غونستوكس | ماكميلان الألياف الزجاجية الأسهم.
خيارات الأسهم لعمل الهدف سافاج؟ هل خيارات الأسهم هي نفس الخيارات الخاصة بالنموذج 12 و النموذج 10؟ وسوف تتطلب برميل خاص؟
سافاج 12 غونستوكس - أوساريفليستوكس.
الأسهم سافاج بندقية - الأسهم بندقية مخصصة للبنادق سافاج. لدينا ثومبهول مغلفة الأسهم لبنادق سافاج يعطي وأسلوب الغريبة جنبا إلى جنب مع العين المناسبة ألينمنت ل.
الأسهم سافاج بندقية - الأسهم بندقية مخصصة للبنادق سافاج.
الأسهم | خيارات | أمثلة. الأسهم التسعير - سافاج أعمى الداخلية ماج صندوق مدخل أسعار الأسهم تظهر للقاذف إنليت مكفوفين المجلات. مكالمة …
آلة تشويت & أمب؛ أداة - سافاج - تفاصيل المصنع.
9/24/2008 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ التفكير في بندقية بعيدة المدى صاروخ .. قررت كثيرا على وحشية في 308 .. أود نوعا من الأسهم (الجسم) مع الخد قابل للتعديل.
خيارات الأسهم ل ل سافاج بندقية. - M4Carbine.
الأمازون: سافاج 110 الأسهم. بعض الخيارات هي رئيس مؤهلة. خيارات أخرى للشراء. هوج سرير كامل كتلة بندقية الأسهم - سافاج 110،
سافاج أرمز 10FCP ماكميلان - قناص الوسطى.
6/30/2007 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ وأعتقد أن الكثير من الرماة سافاج ترقية الأسهم 10FP لمخزون B & أمب؛ C ذكرتم. أتذكر عندما كنت أبحث حقا في سافاج وكان يقرأ ...
سافاج مغلفة ثومبول الأسهم للانفصال.
ميدوايوسا يحمل خط كامل من سافاج 10 من جميع العلامات التجارية الكبرى.
سافاج بندقية بندقية الأسهم من إيبكو - استبدال.
هذا المخزون يناسب سافاج العمل قصيرة مصنع انفصال مجلة مع أسفل إطلاق الترباس سافاج. (41) سافاج مخزون (40) سافاج هيكل نظام (40) بولت مقابض ...
10FCP-سر لونغرانج خيارات الأسهم / الهيكل:
سافاج غونستوكس؛ سافاج 12 غونستوكس. اختر خيارات. روجر 10-22 الزناد ثومبهول فارمينت سافاج الأسهم،
سافاج نموذج 10 فكب-K - البنادق.
2/25/2018 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ خيارات الأسهم ل سافاج 10T - الافراج عن أسفل / الإفراج حارس الزناد مرحبا، حصلت على بندقية من كابيلاس المحلية كهدية عيد ميلاد.
& كوت؛ خيارات الأسهم & كوت؛ ل سافاج نموذج 10. | الطريق السريع.
يتم إدخال مخزونات سافاج لدينا بطريقة تقبل إما أكو-الزناد أو غير أكو الإجراءات الزناد. النموذج 10 هو عمل قصير، وهو للمكفوفين.
سبورت-تاكت ريفل تشاسيس سيستيم - دقيقة ماغ.
10 إلى 16 سينتيرفيد 4.40. ثابت، قبضة الرأسية سافاج 10/12 نسخة من هذا السهم. خيارات التسوق. العلامة التجارية. بيل & أمب؛ كارلسون (4)
خيارات الأسهم ل سافاج 10T - الإصدار السفلي / الزناد.
ريفلشوتر يستعرض سافاج نموذج 10 فكب-سر. لم أكن مملوكة بندقية سافاج. لقد قرأت التعليقات وسمعت الرماة الآخرين الغناء الثناء.
سافاج 10 الأسهم | موقع ئي باي.
تتميز بنادق سافاج آرمز بتكنولوجيا مسجلة على براءة اختراع مع أكوتريجر تم و باتريك كيلي الآن يظهر عودته مع بندقية سافاج مسر 10 الجديدة كليا.
سافاج نموذج 10FP-LE2 .308 التكتيكية تاكدريفر.
سافاج نموذج 10FP-LE2 .308 التكتيكية تاكدريفر على أساس الأسهم تصميم بندقية الصيد التي لديها الاصطناعية الأسهم. تصميم سافاج يسمح لرأس الترباس.
سافاج 10 غونستوكس - أوساريفليستوكس.
العثور على صفقات كبيرة على موقع ئي باي ل سافاج 10 الأسهم وحشية 110 الأسهم. تسوق مع الثقة.
سافاج 10/12 110/112 انفصال مجلة التكتيكية.
تفاصيل المنتج. التسوق حسب الأقسام. أجزاء بندقية؛ برو فارمينت سافاج 10 أسفل بولت الإصدار انفصال ماج قصيرة العمل مصنع برميل قناة الأسهم ث / أسود ...
سافاج نموذج 10 فكب-سر بندقية قنص - مراجعة بندقية جديدة.
5 أفكار حول "نموذج سافاج 10 خيارات الأسهم" أندت يقول: 17.06.2017 في 11:01. كان ينظر إلى الانتحار الحب ليكون في نهاية المطاف مظاهرة من الحب والتفاني.
نموذج سافاج 10 خيارات الأسهم - payehuvyva. web. fc2.
خيارات الأسهم المحور سافاج. 02.06.2017 alex_dm 5 تعليقات. وأضاف الأسهم الأسلحة إلى سلسلة مع برميل غير القابل للصدأ والخشب الصلب الخيارات الجديدة.
خيارات الأسهم المحور سافاج.
العثور على صفقات كبيرة على موقع ئي باي ل سافاج 10 الأسهم وحشية 110 الأسهم. تسوق مع الثقة.
سافاج 110 - 11790 - ميدوايوسا.
هذا هو تصميم الأسهم ثومبهول هو ل سافاج أعمى نوع مجلة الإجراءات. لديها قبضة مسدس أكثر تقليدية والرأسي من لدينا لازيروني ثومبول و.
سافاج نموذج 10 فكب-سر مراجعة - ريفلشوتر.
التكتيكي حزمة مخصصة سافاج 10 عمل قصير اليد اليسرى. التكتيكي حزمة مخصصة سافاج 110 عمل طويل الأسهم ل. السعر: $ 500.50 عرض التفاصيل. تكتيكي.
الشاسيه - أكوريت-ماغ.
12/5/2018 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ جلبت سافاج من 110FCP في 338 لابوا ماغنوم مع أخف وزنا هس الدقة الأسهم .. كنت أفكر في شيء سافاج 110 با خيارات استبدال الأسهم.
سافاج أرمز: الأسلحة النارية: نموذج: 10 فكب-سر.
هوغ سافاج 10، 12 & أمب؛ 16 أعلى تحميل مربع ماج قصيرة العمل الثقيلة برميل كامل كتلة كتلة الأسهم 11116 $ 259.95 $ 220.96.
خيارات الأسهم ل سافاج 10 - كستراد تفسا السنوي.
10 فكب-سر. سلسلة إنفاذ القانون. 785 $ مسرب. و سافاج أكوكستوك يتكون من نظام السكك الحديدية جامدة جزءا لا يتجزأ من الأسهم في جميع أنحاء فوريند من بندقية.
نتائج ل هوج سافاج 10 الأسهم - أوبتيكشبلانيت.
1/9/2018 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ صديق لي لديه اليد اليسرى سافاج نموذج 10 ويضغط بشدة لخيارات الأسهم. انه غير متأكد ما هو نوع من الأسهم انه بعد، فقط تبحث عن الخيارات.
تفاصيل المنتج - بويدز غونستوكس.
أخذ الأسهم راديو مشاهدة. مخزونات سافاج ماكميلان سينترفيد 10/110 - 14/114. تخفيض السعر! A3 سبورتر - سافاج سنترفيد نموذج $ 565.00 $ 458.00 حدد الخيارات.
الأمازون: سافاج 110 الأسهم.
سافاج & # 174؛ الأسلحة التكتيكية بندقية - تشويت ™ الأسهم. إيتم: إك-217297. سافاج & # 174؛ الأسلحة التكتيكية بندقية - تشويت ™ الأسهم. الثقيلة-- كفاف، زر-- برميل برميل مع.
&نسخ؛ سافاج 10 خيارات الأسهم الخيار الثنائي | سافاج 10 خيارات الأسهم أفضل الخيارات الثنائية.
سافاج 110 با الشبح 338 لابوا مع تعديل الأسهم.
وصف المنتج.
ما في المربع.
سافاج 110 با الشبح 338 لابوا انفصال مربع مجلة سدادات كابل قفل المالك دليل.
وقد سافاج تعاونت مع دريك أسوسياتس لتوسيع لها & لدكو؛ با & رديقو؛ خط من البنادق هيكل بعيدة المدى. النموذج الجديد 110 با الشبح في 338 لابوا هو أخف وزنا، خيار أكثر إحكاما في خط با. ويتميز مصنع مخطط نموذج 110 الماسورة العمل ماتد إلى نسخة مخصصة من دريك هنتر / ستالكر الهيكل متجانسة، والتي تم تعديلها إلى سافاج و رسكو؛ ق المواصفات. وقد احتلت مجموعة سافاج / دريك مماثلة المركز الأول لفريق الحرس الوطني والمركز الثامن بشكل عام في مسابقة سنيبر إنترناشونال سنيبر لعام 2018.
ميزات السلاح الناري.
5/8 24 الخيوط كمامة مع الفرامل دريك قطعة واحدة طويلة المدى الحديدية فاب الدفاع غلر-16 ستة موقف خيرة مع تعديل الخد الناهض أكوتريجر للتعديل.
مواصفات الأسلحة النارية.
سكو: 22640 العيار: 338 لابوا سلم: الحق معدل تويست: 9.3 الوزن: 11.15 رطلا الطول الإجمالي: 49 & كوت؛ طول برميل: 24 & كوت؛ أمو القدرة: 5 سلسلة: تطبيق القانون أكوتريجر: نعم أكوكستوك: نو مجلة: مربع للانفصال المواد الأسهم: الألومنيوم برميل المواد: الكربون الصلب الانتهاء من الأسهم: ماتي إنهاء برميل: ماتي الأسهم اللون: أسود لون برميل: أسود ميزات: . متآلف هيكل الألومنيوم تشكيله من الخام الخام؛ M-لوك فوريند؛ قطعة واحدة بيكاتيني السكك الحديدية. فاب الدفاع غلر-16 بوتستوك. كمامة الفرامل.
تعليقات العملاء.
آراء العملاء.
لم يتم كتابة مراجعات لهذا المنتج.
خدمة العملاء أسئلة وأجوبة التحقق من حالة الطلب اتصل بنا إرجاع معلومات الشحن العثور على تاجر ففل.
دليل المعلومات كيفية شراء البنادق على الانترنت الأكثر شعبية البنادق من 2017 دليل المشترين مؤشر مناظير دليل المشترين مجمع القوس دليل المشترين دليل السلاح الناري دليل بندقية الذخيرة دليل المشترين.
اتصل بنا.
في حين يتم بذل كل جهد ممكن لتشمل دقيقة وصحيحة الصور والأوصاف والتسعير لجميع المنتجات، قد تحدث أخطاء غير مقصودة. تحتفظ سبورتسمان's أوتور سوبرستور بحق تعديل أو تغيير معلومات التسعير أو الأوصاف دون إشعار مسبق. إذا كان لديك سؤال حول عنصر، يرجى الاتصال أو البريد-- الإلكتروني لمزيد من المعلومات قبل وضع طلبك.
&نسخ؛ 2007-2018 سبورتسمان's أوتور سوبرستور. كل الحقوق محفوظة.
سافاج 110 با الشبح 338 لابوا مع تعديل الأسهم.
وصف المنتج.
ما في المربع.
سافاج 110 با الشبح 338 لابوا انفصال مربع مجلة سدادات كابل قفل المالك دليل.
وقد سافاج تعاونت مع دريك أسوسياتس لتوسيع لها & لدكو؛ با & رديقو؛ خط من البنادق هيكل بعيدة المدى. النموذج الجديد 110 با الشبح في 338 لابوا هو أخف وزنا، خيار أكثر إحكاما في خط با. ويتميز مصنع مخطط نموذج 110 الماسورة العمل ماتد إلى نسخة مخصصة من دريك هنتر / ستالكر الهيكل متجانسة، والتي تم تعديلها إلى سافاج و رسكو؛ ق المواصفات. وقد احتلت مجموعة سافاج / دريك مماثلة المركز الأول لفريق الحرس الوطني والمركز الثامن بشكل عام في مسابقة سنيبر إنترناشونال سنيبر لعام 2018.
ميزات السلاح الناري.
5/8 24 الخيوط كمامة مع الفرامل دريك قطعة واحدة طويلة المدى الحديدية فاب الدفاع غلر-16 ستة موقف خيرة مع تعديل الخد الناهض أكوتريجر للتعديل.
مواصفات الأسلحة النارية.
سكو: 22640 العيار: 338 لابوا سلم: الحق معدل تويست: 9.3 الوزن: 11.15 رطلا الطول الإجمالي: 49 & كوت؛ طول برميل: 24 & كوت؛ أمو القدرة: 5 سلسلة: تطبيق القانون أكوتريجر: نعم أكوكستوك: نو مجلة: مربع للانفصال المواد الأسهم: الألومنيوم برميل المواد: الكربون الصلب الانتهاء من الأسهم: ماتي إنهاء برميل: ماتي الأسهم اللون: أسود لون برميل: أسود ميزات: . متآلف هيكل الألومنيوم تشكيله من الخام الخام؛ M-لوك فوريند؛ قطعة واحدة بيكاتيني السكك الحديدية. فاب الدفاع غلر-16 بوتستوك. كمامة الفرامل.
تعليقات العملاء.
آراء العملاء.
لم يتم كتابة مراجعات لهذا المنتج.
خدمة العملاء أسئلة وأجوبة التحقق من حالة الطلب اتصل بنا إرجاع معلومات الشحن العثور على تاجر ففل.
دليل المعلومات كيفية شراء البنادق على الانترنت الأكثر شعبية البنادق من 2017 دليل المشترين مؤشر مناظير دليل المشترين مجمع القوس دليل المشترين دليل السلاح الناري دليل بندقية الذخيرة دليل المشترين.
اتصل بنا.
في حين يتم بذل كل جهد ممكن لتشمل دقيقة وصحيحة الصور والأوصاف والتسعير لجميع المنتجات، قد تحدث أخطاء غير مقصودة. تحتفظ سبورتسمان's أوتور سوبرستور بحق تعديل أو تغيير معلومات التسعير أو الأوصاف دون إشعار مسبق. إذا كان لديك سؤال حول عنصر، يرجى الاتصال أو البريد-- الإلكتروني لمزيد من المعلومات قبل وضع طلبك.
&نسخ؛ 2007-2018 سبورتسمان's أوتور سوبرستور. كل الحقوق محفوظة.
سافاج أرمز 110 با.
و 338 لابوا خرطوشة جيدة جدا للقص طويلة المدى واستخدامها في بنادق قنص القتالية لا تزال تنمو. وبسبب التبني المتزايد بين القناصة العسكرية، كانت هناك زيادة في الشعبية بين المتحمسين وكذلك الرماة التنافسية في صفوف المدنيين أيضا. الجانب السلبي ل 338 لابوا هو أنه يقوم على .416 ريجبي القضية التي لديها أكبر حالة رئيس القطر (.590 و # 8243؛) من الحالات ماغنوم القياسية (.532 & # 8243؛) ولسوء الحظ، فإن العديد من التجارية الإجراءات والمسامير ليست كبيرة بما فيه الكفاية للتعامل بسهولة أكبر حالة رئيس القطر. بسبب هذا، الإجراءات الشعبية مثل ريمنجتون 700 & # 8230؛ اقرأ المزيد & راكو؛
المصنع: سافاج أرمز الموديل: 110 با كاليبر: .338 لابوا ماغنوم.
.300 وينشستر ماغنوم برميل: الكربون الصلب، كفاف الثقيلة، مخدد طول برميل: 26 "(660mm) تويست: 1: 9" ر - 338 لابوا.
1:10 "ر - 300 فوز مجلة ماج: سافاج الأسلحة انفصال مجلة مجلة (دبم) مع 5 جولة مربع مجلة (338) 6 جولة مربع مجلة ل 300 فوز ماج الزناد: سافاج أكو-الزناد الأسهم: الألومنيوم تصميم وحدات المعادن إنهاء: بأكسيد غير لامع أسود الوزن: 15.75 رطل (7.16 كجم) الطول الكلي: 50.5 "(1283mm)
و 338 لابوا خرطوشة جيدة جدا للقص طويلة المدى واستخدامها في بنادق قنص القتالية لا تزال تنمو. وبسبب التبني المتزايد بين القناصة العسكرية، كانت هناك زيادة في الشعبية بين المتحمسين وكذلك الرماة التنافسية في صفوف المدنيين أيضا. الجانب السلبي ل 338 لابوا هو أنه يقوم على .416 ريجبي القضية التي لديها أكبر حالة رئيس القطر (.590 و # 8243؛) من الحالات ماغنوم القياسية (.532 & # 8243؛) ولسوء الحظ، فإن العديد من التجارية الإجراءات والمسامير ليست كبيرة بما فيه الكفاية للتعامل بسهولة أكبر حالة رئيس القطر. وبسبب هذا، تتطلب الإجراءات الشعبية مثل ريمنجتون 700 عمل خاص يجب القيام به لهم من أجل تناسب .338 لابوا، وفي أي وقت تذكر العمل الخاص، فهذا يعني المزيد من المال وأيضا انخفاض أعداد الإنتاج. على هذا النحو، ليس هناك الكثير من أقل الأسعار بأسعار معقولة 338 لبوا بنادق في السوق. هذا هو المكان الذي يأتي سافاج 110 با. يتم بناء إجراءات سافاج على تصميم وحدات، وذلك بدلا من الاضطرار إلى إجراء تعديلات رئيسية على تصميم الترباس، وكان ببساطة لجعل رأس الترباس جديدة وكانوا إلى حد كبير هناك. بالطبع بعض التفاصيل الأخرى مثل تصميم مجلة تحتاج إلى أن يؤديها أيضا. والنتيجة النهائية هي أنها كانت قادرة على الافراج عن بندقية قنص الدقة الحديثة غرفها في .338 لابوا لسعر معقول. الآن، معقولة لا يعني رخيصة كما سعر الشارع على هذه البنادق حوالي 2000 $ بأسعار 2018. هذا لا يزال غير رخيصة، لكنه أرخص من معظم الآخرين هناك وتبرير السعر، وشملت سافاج مختلف الخيارات والميزات لجعلها أكثر جاذبية. السؤال الكبير هو، هل سيؤدي؟ هذا هو المكان الذي نأتي في.
كان 110BA بعض مشاكل التسنين الأولية عندما تم الافراج عنهم لأول مرة ولكن تم فرزها الآن والبنادق متاحة بسهولة في السوق التجارية. يصلون إلى مربع سافاج نموذجي إلى حد ما، وإن كان أكبر من العادي، ويشمل بندقية، الترباس، دليل التعليمات وبعض بطاقات التسجيل والضمان الأخرى. كل شيء هو تعبئتها بشكل جيد وملفوفة في البلاستيك مع بعض النفط الخفيف لحماية التآكل. التعبئة والتغليف مصنوعة بشكل جيد ودائم وربما هو أفضل من معظم بنادق مصنع إنتاج الشامل. كما كنت فك بندقية تبدأ في إشعار بندقية كبيرة، مثل معظم جميع بنادق لابوا 338، ويبدو أن كل شيء على نطاق أكبر قليلا. الشيء الآخر الذي لاحظت هو أن هناك الكثير من القضبان على بندقية، كما أننا & # 8217 سوف نناقش في وقت لاحق.
على مدى العقد الماضي أو نحو ذلك سافاج قد جعل بصماتها في هذه الصناعة من خلال عدم خجولة حول الابتكار وكونها على استعداد لمحاولة أحدث بدعة وأنها تميل إلى جلبهم إلى السوق بسرعة. على 110BA الشيء الكبير الذي هو مختلف من معظم بنادق هناك مخزوناتهم. نظام هيكل الألمنيوم هو مسطح الألمنيوم وحدات مسطحة التي يتم الانتهاء في لون أسود لامع. هناك المزامير إنقاذ الوزن على الجانبين وهناك إعداد مجلة مربع للانفصال مع حارس الزناد سميكة. في الجزء الأمامي من حارس الزناد هناك رافعة إطلاق مجلة أن يبرز أسفل الحرس. تم تصميم المخزون وحدات لدمج أر-15 نمط قبضة المسدس وقبضة أنه يأتي مع مريحة ولديها منصة نمط بسغ-1 في الجزء السفلي لتوفير الدعم اليد. المنصة ضخمة، لكنها تؤدي وظيفتها بشكل جيد.
وكانت مخزونات قابل للتعديل ماجبول تحظى بشعبية كبيرة على بنادق أر و 110BA يتضمن نفس مخزون برس ماغبول للردعة. بالنسبة لأولئك الذين ليسوا على دراية برس، فقد اثنين من عجلات التكيف، واحدة لرفع مشط والآخر لضبط طول سحب. الأسهم مصنوعة بشكل جيد من البلاستيك الصلب كيدكس نمط ومع التعديلات سهلة وسوف تناسب فقط عن أي مطلق النار. البلاستيك نفسه لا يوفر تشيكويلد كبيرة ومطلق النار يمكن أن تجد في بعض الأحيان أنفسهم الانزلاق باستمرار ومحاولة للوصول إلى وضع غير الانزلاق، وخاصة إذا التعرق أو مع الطلاء على الوجه. ربما بعض الخدود أو حزام على خدش يمكن أن تساعد.
إذا لاحظت أن هناك أكواب دافق على الأسهم، وهذه ليست مثبتة من المصنع وتم تثبيتها من قبل المالك بعد شراء بندقية. هناك أنسشوتز نمط الإكسسوارات السكك الحديدية على الجزء السفلي من الساعد والتي يمكن استخدامها لإرفاق مختلف بيكاتيني القضبان نمط لاستخدامها لربط بيبود. وكانت هذه البندقية السكك الحديدية نمط بيكاتيني التي كانت تستخدم لإرفاق غ ممتازة & أمبير؛ G بيبود. هناك مرفق مربط حبال القياسية وكذلك التي يمكن استخدامها لإرفاق بيبود هاريس نمط. تدير السكة الإكسسوارات كامل طول الساعد مما يسمح باستخدام نطاق تعديل واسع، ولكن عند الحاجة.
العمل هو معيار سافاج 110 عمل طويل مع المتلقي الخلفي مدورة. والضوابط تكون مألوفة لأولئك الذين لديهم خبرة مع بنادق سافاج. هناك مفتاح تحرير الترباس / رافعة على الجانب الأيمن من العمل وإزالة الترباس تضغط عليه باستمرار مع الاستمرار على الزناد إلى العمق. عكس عملية لوضع الترباس مرة أخرى في العمل. السلامة هي أيضا في الموقع القياسي الذي هو في الجزء الخلفي من تانغ واسعة مع المسننات للمساعدة في العملية. بل هو سلامة الموقف ثلاثة، إلى الأمام لاطلاق النار، مرة أخرى الشق لأمان ولكن السماح لتشغيل الترباس، وأبعد موقف الخلفي أقفال الترباس والزناد.
الزناد هو سافاج أكو الزناد الذي كان حولها لفترة من الوقت الآن. كان الزناد تصميما ثوريا لزناد بندقية وسمح سافاج أن يكون لها سحب الزناد ضوء حتى الآن لا تزال توفر حماية المسؤولية كما لا توجد وسيلة للبندقية لاطلاق النار دون الإصبع الرماة على الزناد. يتم تحقيق ذلك من خلال وجود شفرة & # 8216؛ & # 8217؛ أن يبرز من خلال حذاء الزناد ويجب أن يكون هذا النصل الاكتئاب من أجل الزناد ليتم تفعيلها. مفهوم مشابه لآلية غلوك مسدس لتلك التي قد تكون أكثر دراية بهذا الإعداد. اندلعت الزناد على هذه البندقية نظيفة في قياس 1.25 رطلا. مع أي تاكيوب، إلى جانب شفرة، وبعض على السفر.
صورة أكوتريجر على سافاج 10FCP.
مقبض الترباس هو مقبض تكتيكي كبير على غرار الترباس الذي يتم تشكيله مع الأخاديد مسننة عليه وأنه هو أطول قليلا من معيار الترباس سافاج مقبض الباب. واحدة من الأشياء الجميلة حول البراغي سافاج هو أن تصميم وحداتها يسمح لسهولة الترباس مقبض الباب التبديل وهناك العديد من الشركات المصنعة هناك أن تفعل بعد السوق المقابض الترباس لبنادق سافاج. بقية الترباس هو نفس أي سافاج 110 الترباس أخرى، بما في ذلك رئيس الترباس وتصميم مستخرج. هناك حقا لا تبدو وكأنه كان هناك الكثير للقيام به ل سافاج لتكون قادرة على غرفة بنادقهم في 338 لابوا.
مجلة هي مجلة كومة واحدة التي تحمل 5 جولات من 338 لابوا الذخيرة. مجلة يناسب سنوجلي في فلوربلات وأنه يقفل في مكان بنقرة واحدة. تناسب يمكن أن تكون ضيقة ويتطلب بعض الممارسات لمعرفة أفضل طريقة للحصول عليه بسهولة إدراجها ويجلس. يبدو للعمل بشكل أفضل عن طريق إمالة مجلة إلى الأمام قليلا للحصول على الجزء الأمامي من المجلة في البداية ثم حركه على حتى يستقر بحزم في المكان. لاطلاق سراح مجلة المشغل يضغط رافعة إطلاق مجلة، في الجزء الأمامي من حارس الزناد، إلى الأمام حتى الملوثات العضوية الثابتة مجلة فضفاض. هذه الرافعة هي أيضا ثابتة ومن الصعب أن تعمل عند إبقاء اليد اطلاق النار على قبضة المسدس، على الرغم من أنه يمكن القيام به مع بعض الجهد. أسهل طريقة، على الرغم ربما ليس أفضل، هو إزالة يدك من قبضة المسدس.
كما ذكر من قبل، والعمل هو معيار سافاج 110 عمل طويل باستخدام العروة الارتداد القياسية و برميل قفل الجوز كما كل سافاج 10 10 و 110 بنادق أخرى. كما هو شائع مع معظم البنادق المنتجة بكميات كبيرة، الترباس يناسب في العمل مع قليلا من المنحدر ولكن هذا يساعد عند بناء وسخنة الدخول في العمل من استخدام المجال. الترباس نفسه الشرائح بسلاسة إلى حد ما على طول القضبان وغرف مع الحد الأدنى من الجهد. برميل هو 26 & # 8243؛ برميل الثقيلة طويلة مع 1: 9 & # 8243؛ ر تطور مصنوعة من الكربون الصلب. برميل لديها 6 المزامير للمساعدة في توفير بعض الوزن وهناك كمامبريك كبير في النهاية مع ثلاث غرف وأغلقت في الجزء السفلي للمساعدة في منع الغبار والأوساخ من تحريك على اطلاق النار. برميل والعمل لديها ماتي أسود بلوينغ تطبيق هذا هو إلى حد ما غير عاكسة.
هناك كبير قطعة واحدة السكك الحديدية على طول الجزء العلوي الذي يمتد قبل مجال تصاعد المجال الذي يستخدم لتركيب البصريات الرؤية الليلية. كما تمتد السكك الحديدية إلى أسفل على الجانبين الأيسر والأيمن من البندقية لتوفير مناطق التركيب الإضافية أيضا. وهذا يوفر الكثير من الخيارات المتزايدة ولكن أيضا إضافة إلى الوزن والجزء الأكبر من بندقية وسيكون من الجميل أن يكون خيار شراء بندقية دون القضبان الجانبية أو القضبان إلى الأمام إذا رغبت في ذلك. السكك الحديدية لديها أيضا 20 وزارة الزراعة غير قادر على تضمينه للمساعدة في تحقيق أقصى قدر من التعديلات الارتفاع من النطاق الذي تم اختياره. كما تم تصميم السكك الحديدية الموسعة بشكل صحيح لعدم لمس البرميل الذي يتم طرحه مجانا من أجل الدقة.
عموما بندقية كبيرة في أكثر من 50 & # 8243؛ طويلة وأيضا ثقيلة إلى حد ما في أكثر من 15 رطلا. لمجرد بندقية وحدها. عند إضافة البصريات، بيبود، وتحميل مجلة كنت تدفع 20 رطلا. المجموع للنظام. ولكن هذا ليس تماما من القاعدة لبندقية .338 لابوا كبيرة. 110BA يبدو الجزء ولديه كل القدرة على تركيب والاستفادة من أحدث الملحقات، على الرغم من ما إذا كانت بندقية & # 8220؛ تبدو & # 8221؛ جيد في عين الناظر. بعض هنا أحب تبدو، والبعض الآخر لا. ولكن هذا ليس ما نحن هنا ل، ونحن بحاجة إلى معرفة كيف ينفذ بندقية وما هي قدراتها.
لدينا اختبار شنت لدينا مضمونة ليوبولد فس-إي 6.5-20x50 ملليمتر اليورو المواصفات (30 ملليمتر أنبوب) النطاق الذي نستخدمه لكثير من استعراض بندقية هنا. نحن تستخدم متوسطة عالية نايتفورس 30MM خواتم، ونطاق اللازمة للحصول على ما يصل أعلى قليلا من المعتاد للحصول على جرس من نطاق عالية بما يكفي لعدم لمس السكك الحديدية الموسعة في المقدمة. وكان هذا مطلوبا حتى مع الاكتئاب الطفيف في السكك الحديدية لنطاق. لدينا 100 ساحة اختبارات الدقة استخدمنا هسم 250gr سييرا المباراة الملك، 300gr سييرا المباراة الملك، و السويسري P 247gr ستيكس عمل الذخيرة. لجولة واحدة من اختبار تمبس كانت 35 درجة مع المطر الخفيف والرياح من 3-7 ميلا في الساعة.
كان لدينا مشاكل في الماضي باستخدام سافاج أكو-مشغلات مع قفازات على وقرر أن جميع اطلاق النار ستجرى دون قفازات في محاولة للمساعدة في منع نفس أنواع المشاكل. بندقية تغذية من مجلة بشكل جيد للغاية وكان سلسا طوال الاختبارات. بل هو تصميم بسيط ولكن يبدو للعمل بشكل فعال. المجلات الصلب لا حشرجة كثيرا عندما يجلس، حتى عندما تكون فارغة. حاولنا أيضا تغذية واحدة مع مجلة فارغة يجلس في بندقية لاختبار القدرة على تحميل الطوارئ جولة واحدة والبندقية لم يكن هناك مشاكل. قبضة نمط أر مريحة ويوفر موقف تستقيم جيدة لليد اطلاق النار الخاص بك. الارتداد على بندقية خفيف ل. 338 لابوا، ويرجع ذلك إلى الفرامل كمامة فعالة جدا وبندقية ثقيلة. لسوء الحظ، هذا الارتداد المعتدل يقابله ماغبول.
شكل ومادية من الوريد هو بحيث أنه ليس من السهل الحصول على صلبة جيدة، وعدم الانزلاق لحام الخد، والقيام بذلك مطلوب لي أن غير قادر على رأسي إلى الجانب للمساعدة في عقد الأشياء في مكان والحفاظ على عيني الانحياز. لسوء الحظ هذا وضع بلدي الخد العظام الحق على قطعة الخد الصلبة وبعد حوالي 10 طلقة. بدأ الخد ليشعر به. حتى مع الارتداد المعتدل إلى حد ما من بندقية، استغرق حوالي 3 أيام للألم من كدمة العظام الخد للذهاب بعيدا بعد أول جلسة اطلاق النار. كان الألم كافيا لأنني غيرت لحام الخد ليت غير قادر حتى الآن على خدعة، مما يعني استخدام عضلات الرقبة لعقد رأسي في مكان بدلا من يستريح تماما على الأسهم. هذا غير مفضل أو مرغوب فيه. أنا أفضل أن نرى تصميم الأسهم أكثر تقليدية استخدامها.
واستمر الزناد المتسبب في حدوث مشاكل أيضا. واصلنا العديد من الإخفاقات لاطلاق النار كما لم يكن الاكتئاب تماما شفرة خلال الضغط الزناد وهذا حدث حتى من دون قفازات. والسبب هو لأن بعض الرماة مع أقصر أصابع، وأنا شملت، لا تجعيد الاصبع على طول الطريق لجعل كامل & # 8220؛ J & # 8221؛ على شكل هوك، عندما يحدث هذا النصل في أكو الزناد قد لا دائما الاكتئاب تماما، وأنها تفعل ما هو ثم من المفترض أن تفعل وكتل دبوس اطلاق النار من ضرب. تسمع نقرة، ولكن لا تحصل على عمود الرفع المرتبط. ربما التدريب يمكن تصحيح المشكلة، ولكن بالنسبة لأولئك الذين هم مثلي، الزناد الحالي ليست مناسبة للواجب التشغيلي وسوف يكون استبدال في المخزن. عندما يعمل الزناد، فمن الجميل والمساعدين مع الحصول على دقة كاملة للخروج من بندقية.
كما واجهنا اثنين من فشل الاستخراج أثناء استخدام ذخيرة هسم 300gr. في كلتا الحالتين شفرة المستخرج لم يلتصق حافة القضية من أجل استخراجه من الغرفة. يبدو مستخرج أن تكون طبيعية وأنها عملت لجميع الأحمال الأخرى وحدث فقط تلك مرتين، ولكن من الواضح، إذا كان ذلك يحدث بندقية يصبح كبير 20 رطل النادي بدلا من بندقية طويلة المدى الدقة. وكان قضيب التنظيف أسفل الجوف كل ما كان مطلوبا لإزالة النحاس. قمنا بقياس حالة رأس قطر إحدى الحالات التي فشلت في استخراج واكتشفت أنه كان .005 & # 8243؛ أصغر من بقية النحاس التي قمنا بقياسها. ال سافاج مستخرج ليست كبيرة جدا ويبدو أن هذا الفرق طفيف في الحجم كان كافيا لإبقائها قادرة على الاستيلاء على النحاس المستهلك. البنادق الأخرى مثل ساكو ترغ-42 لديها مستخرج أكثر عدوانية التي يبدو أن تكون قادرة على التعامل مع الفروق بشكل أفضل. النحاس ربما ينبغي أن يكون أكثر اتساقا، ولكن هذا لا بد من أن يشاهد عندما تستخدم بالاقتران مع هذه البندقية.
يتم سرد نتائج دقة 100 ساحة أدناه:
كما ترون من النتائج، فإن دقة 110BA لم يكن ما كنا نأمل. في حين أن بندقية اطلاق النار أفضل من وزارة الزراعة في بعض الأحيان مع هسم 250gr، كان مجرد بالكاد. وكانت المجموعات متسقة للغاية؛ لم يكن مجرد ضيق كما كنا نأمل. و ساكو ترغ-42 أن لدينا هنا النار على نفس الكثير من 250GSM ذخيرة هسم جيدا تحت 0.5 وزارة الزراعة و 300 غرام في حوالي 0.6 وزارة الزراعة حتى أننا لا يمكن أن يعزو إلى الذخيرة. عادة سافاج بنادق تبادل لاطلاق النار بشكل جيد جدا لبنادق مصنع لذلك أخذنا بندقية في يوم 2DD لاختبارات دقة فقط للتأكد، ولكن النتائج كانت هي نفسها. من الواضح أن هناك على الأرجح حمولة هناك التي سوف تبادل لاطلاق النار أفضل في هذه البندقية، وخاصة إذا كنت تحميل اليد. ولكن لم نتمكن من الحصول على أي دقة أفضل للخروج من بندقية مع هذه الأحمال الثلاثة.
لأن 250gr كان اطلاق النار على أفضل قررنا استخدامه لانطباعات اطلاق النار بعيدة المدى وفي 300 و 400 ياردة المجموعات تقاس الحق في أن 1 وزارة الزراعة مرة أخرى. لتصوير لوحات الصلب على نطاقات أطول يبدو للحفاظ على وزارة الزراعة نفسها من الأداء. الآن لا تحصل لي خطأ، 1 وزارة الزراعة لا تزال جيدة وهو ما نطلب كحد أدنى من بندقية / ذخيرة الجمع عند النظر في بندقية للاستخدام طويل المدى التكتيكي. ولكن كنا نأمل في أداء أفضل، وكما أشرنا، ربما مع ذخيرة مختلفة وسوف تأتي إلى تلقاء نفسها.
بندقية هو جهد لائق من قبل سافاج، ولكن ربما حاولوا من الصعب جدا لوضع جميع القطع الصحيحة معا بدلا من النظر إلى بندقية ككل. يوفر سافاج أيضا 110FCP مع الأسهم الدقة هس في 338 لابوا أن يستخدم نفس كموسبريك. نحن لم نحاول واحدة من تلك حتى الآن، ولكن الآن هذه هي الطريقة التي يمكن أن يميل إذا كنت شراء سافاج 338 بندقية لابوا، وأنه هو أقل من المال كذلك. أداء 110BA حسنا، وأوراق الألومنيوم والأجزاء الأخرى يجب أن تصمد بشكل جيد. ولكن مع مخزون ماغبول غير مريح، ومتوسط الأداء، و أكو الزناد أنني سوف تحتاج إلى استبدال، وأود أن تكون مترددة في التوصية 110BA.
إذا كنت تملك واحدة من هذه البنادق في 338 لابوا وكان لها تجارب مختلفة مع الدقة والراحة، واسمحوا لنا أن نعرف، ونحن يمكن أن يكون على يقين من تحديث المعلومات.
سنيبر سينترال & # 8211؛ عام 2018.
82 تعليقات.
لقد تم اللعب حولها مع الألغام لأكثر قليلا من سنة الآن ووجدت أنك لا تستخدم هورنادي النحاس أو على الأقل أنا كاندن & # 8217؛ ر الحصول عليه للعمل وكذلك لابوا أو نوسلر النحاس. بعد الذهاب من خلال عدة مجموعات مسحوق / رصاصة مختلفة لقد استقر على 91 غرام، ريتومبو مع 285 هورنادي 285 ستكس رصاصة مجموعات في واحد موا في 100 ولا يبدو أن يحصل على أسوأ بكثير في نطاقات موسعة لم يكن لدي مشكلة خارج 1200 متر في ضرب الرأس والرقم الصلب الأهداف. مساحيق حاولت 50 بمغ (لإبطاء لطول برميل) إمر 7828 وكما ذكر ريتومبو وجدت أنه لم يكن هناك فرق كبير بين 7828 و ريتومبو بقدر الأداء دونرانج. لا بد لي من تثبيت مجموعة مختلفة من يتصاعد وخواتم للحصول على مزيد من الميل وأنا نفد من الارتفاع على نطاق قبل 1500 متر. وانا ذاهب الى محاولة سفير جبل التي سوف تعطيني آخر 20 موا ينبغي أن يكون كافيا أنها مكلفة ولكن أرخص وتكلفة صناعة السلاح لتغيير بندقية. حتى الآن أنا سعيد مع هذه البندقية ويشعر أنها جيدة قيمة الدولار الذخيرة مكلفة حتى لتحميل ولكن أرخص بكثير من 0.50 بمغ على الأقل هنا في كندا.
لدي 110BA وحشية. أعيد تحميل الخنزير دون 1000 الحق في 100 الحبوب ل 285 رصاصة الحبوب. هم بالتأكيد لا يصدق أو باريت يميل لكن هم أيضا لا 5-8000 دولار إما.
أعني 84 حبة خنزير دون 1000 لا 100 حبة. آسف للخطأ.
لدي 110 فكب. يبدو أن مثل 250gr سمك في 2920 إطارا في الثانية المتوسط. ريلودس باستخدام 95gr ريتومبو، النحاس هورنادي والفيدرالية GM215 التمهيدي. اليوم أنا اطلاق النار على عدد قليل من مجموعات لطيفة جدا، اثنان منها كانت أقل بكثير من 1/2 موا. أنا كان قد حظيت بقدر الحظ مع 285gr هورنادي رصاصة. إيف تحميل عدة تركيبات تهمة مسحوق مع ريتومبو. بعض المجموعات اللائقة ولكن ليس باستمرار، كما 250 غرام.
أريد بندقية قنص .338 لابوا مع بيبود ونطاق للخروج إلى ميل، وهل لديك نطاق هذا هو ضوء النهار والليل، مثل النجوم أو أن أكون أفضل الرؤية مع الرؤية، واسمحوا لي أن أعرف. أنا & # 8217؛ م في هذا لشراء. أعيش في كولومبوس أوهايو. أريد أن تسليمها، أو أنا نقدر أن تسليمها. لدي المال وأكثر من ذلك. أخبرونى من فضلكم. أنا & # 8217؛ م أكثر من جيدة لذلك. وسوف تدفع ثمن الغاز الخاص بك أيضا. وأود أيضا عدد قليل من مجلة مربع. شكرا لك على وقتك.
الاتصال بنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني ويمكننا مناقشة. يجب أن ترسل بندقية إلى الوكيل الخاص بك الذي من ثم تذهب من خلال عملية نقل الأسلحة النارية العادية وفقا للقوانين الاتحادية والولائية والمحلية.
أول شيء يجب أن يفهم الناس هو هذا لابوا .. استخدام لابوا النحاس وأي استخراج.
problems will be solved .. As for how well mine shoots well I get .495″ groups all day long with 300 Smk . I did replace the butt ugly break with a OPS. INC break and all is well.
as always your results may differ….
So the muzzle brake is removable? I was looking at this rifle so I could put a silencerco Suppressor on it!
We ourselves have yet to remove the brake on a 110BA, but yes, it is threaded on and removable.
The brake is removable. I remove the brake every time I put the gun in my Cannon safe. It is an eighty gun safe. The safe is full and it does not hold eighty guns, at least not eighty rifles and shotguns. I guess you could get eighty handguns and rifles combined into the safe total.
Diddo headshot 223.
Lapua brass. دائما! Why would you want to shoot anything else anyways? I’ve actually shot other brass and never had a problem with extraction. After measuring it sounds like it was a manufacturing error. But again. This is made for Lapua brass. Despite attempts to get the sizing right. Other brands often times may not cut it. Also Lapua lasts the longest reloading I’ve found. I can usually get 8-9 reloads out of Lapua. I load 300 gr & 250 gr SMK’s. Mostly 300 though. They fly better at 1 mile. And I love shooting long range. This rifle’s harmonic vibrations are excellent! I wonder what kind of tests you guys do on your rifles to be honest. Just taking a rifle out and having a bunch of people shoot it isn’t always very conclusive. Also the Accu-trigger does suit tall people better with trigger pull. But that goes into operator error if you’re pulling the trigger incorrectly. Anyways. 91 gr of Ramshot Magnum. Excellent propellant! Remington 9 1/2 magnum primers. Also for anyone who reads this. It sounds like this was a brand new rifle they got. I’m guessing never shot before. Don’t forget every rifle should have a break in period. Like a new car engine. You should shoot at least 100 rounds through a new barrel like this rifle before it’s considered to have an efficient copper build up down the barrel. Also cleanings between every 5-7 rounds. There’s so much more to consider in a rifle review. I just don’t think it was taken into effect here. But what do I know. We don’t know all their processes as they didn’t state them if they did do them. (Were they prone or on a bench etc) So take this review with a grain of salt. As well as my comment. I have many rifles. Some that are well over $12k without including the scope etc. .338 lapua, .308 in variants like the ultra etc., .408 cheytac, etc. However out of all my long range rifles I like my 110 BA the best. It was on the bottom end of the cost range and I can shoot sub 1/4 moa all day long. 100-800 meters. Above 800+ depends on conditions but on good conditions I can hit 1. – 1 1/2 moa. This is an AMAZING rifle. No I do not work for Savage. This is the only Savage rifle I own. But I do love it. I’d recommend you check out some of the other reviews out there and youtube as well. I kind of thought snipercentral would have a better review process than this? I guess it is what it is.
We ran the rifle through the same tests that we run every other rifle. Conducted in controlled environment using 2 or 3 shooters (all qualified snipers) to perform accuracy tests first at 100 yards where wind has minimal impact on groupings, and then we will shoot at longer ranges to understand how the rifle operates in field conditions. The 100 yard tests are always ran from a bench with a bag up front and a sand sock at the rear, long range field tests are done from the prone from a bipod. We use several different types of ammo to try and get a good sampling of rifle capability as we know some rifles like some ammo better. We have been doing this a long time and always continue to refine our processes to provide a fair and unbiased opinion and give the rifle the best chance possible to impress us and succeed. The trigger issue continues to be a problem on Savage rifles that we test and use. Yes, its less of a problem for large hands, not everyone has large hands and not every military unit, law enforcement shooter or civilian enthusiast has Lapua brass either. Thats why we do these tests.
I appreciate everyone’s input on the Lapua. I like the rifle very much but I have a question; what is an excellent rifle to snipe with and hunt with?
The options are endless as there are many excellent hunting and long range sniping rifles out there.
Chad, I presume you own the older model 110 BA in .338LM, not the newer Stealth model?
I would like to know if the stock accepts just about any AR-15 stock. Does it have an AR-15 buffer tube like the Stealth does?
Great comments on the Savage .338 lapua 110ba DBM model 18900. Perhaps a little less boasting, that usually leads one to wonder.
Perhaps you are right George. Guess I just got a little too excited. Was trying to validate credentials and not sound like it was the only rifle I own. I’ll tone it down in the future. في صحتك.
Stumbled across this article while looking for mags for mine, I got mine the first year they came out, then took me another year to find somebody to fix it. My lead was cut to short and would shove the bullet into the case when clambering a round. Pre fix groups ran from 1 to 1.5 inches for 5 shots @ 100 yards, post fix is 5/8 inch for 5 shots @ 100 yards(while sleep deprived).
لدي سؤال لك. The newer Stealth model has a buffer tube like AR-15 so you can install any AR-15 stock on it. Does the older 110 BA in .338 have this same feature? Is there an AR-15 buffer tube under the PRS stock?
currently shooting .308 in Rem 700 and M1A1 at 1,000 and less.
would like to get out a little further and think Lapua .338 is the way to go.
Like what I read on Savage 110BA and seem that for the $ I should try if not, probably Barrett.
.300 winmag would be a great choice.
I have a savage 110ba/le 300 wm and it is an outstanding gun. It took me a while too get used too the accu-trigger. There was a comment about the brake, but call it what you may it’s very affective. Shooting 200 yards I can stay on target and see it hit. Have not done any handloads yet, but so far it likes hsm 210 bergers. One reason I like it is the 300 is the same case as the 264 that I have shot for over 35 years. All though not a 338 lapua fan, too each is their own.
Had the 110FCP for a short while. First off the rifle in that configuration is too light for a cartridge of this power. Secondly it shot way left as if there was something askew with the factory pic rail mounting or barrel. Thirdly, the best I could get the rifle to print at 100yds with Hornady facotry ammo (sorry I do not remember what bullet weight) was 3″. Fourthly, the rear mounting screw could easily be hand tightened to where the bolt would bind up. Also, just watched an episode of Pig Man and he was shooting the BA110 at night with Vortex glass and ATN thermal. All I can say is, “not too good”.
want to know more about rifle.
I shoot my Savage 110FCP-HS Precision out to 1300yds (and beyond). I consistently hit (10 out of 11) a man-size steel with about 12″ groups (less than 1 moa) and 10-15mph crosswinds. At 100yds, my 3rd and 5rd groups at under ¼”. My Savage is finicky and likes Lapua brass, Berger 300 Hybrid bullets, Federal 215 primers, and 89.5gr of H1000. All bullets and powder are weighed the same, the brass trimmed the same, and annealed often. I seat the bullets to .003-.010″ off the lands (measuring the ogive). Out of hundreds of test loads, I found this to be the most accurate. I get the occasional stuck case due to slight over-pressure, so as recommended by Bryan Litz, I’m now testing by backing off to .015″, .030″, and .045″. I just converted my FCP-HS to a BA by installing the BA stock and a new McGowan SS match barrel. I will try to shoot it before it gets too cold. In addressing the trigger issue; I had issues with my Savage M12 F-Class 6.5×284, but never with the 110FCP. I’ll see if the BA stock causes me problems with cheek placement, etc. One commenter mentioned a loose screw touching the bolt. You have the wrong screws. The BA uses shorter screws than the FCP-HS. I had the same problem until I installed the proper length screws.
My 110 fcp hs shoots Norma 300 gr hpbt in the same hole. $69 per 20. Not sure if I can load them for less.
I use hornady brass and billets. I reload my own and have had no problems. this is the best rifle next to my m14.
To much annealing can cause too much undo case stretch.
I purchased mine in 2018 and have tested lots of handloads , this rifle likes H-4831 and H-1000 only .. 250 gr Hornady hp over 90 grains h-4831 and fed. 215 will shoot 3/4 in groups at 200 … 300 gr smk over 89.6 grains of h-1000 and fed 215 will also shoot under 1 inch at 200.
Waiting for the 110 BA .338 Lapua to come available in left hand action. any idea on production?
We haven’t heard anything here yet.
Gander Mountain, Utica Michigan has 1 on the shelf with scope $2400.
I know this is an older post, but I am looking for some advice here. I bought the 110BA a while back, am reloading with Lapua Brass. I have several different load configuration’s I will try as several of my friends shoot this round. My question is, “With a brand new long range rifle and a brand new Nightforce BEAST scope, what, in your opinion, is the fastest way to get on paper. I have no intention of dabbling with 100 yard shots. I am looking to train intensely for a minimum of 600 meters. I know there are procedures some shooters go thru. أي نصيحة؟
Well, to get yourself on paper at 600 yards, you will need a baseline. I know you said you dont want to shoot 100 yards, but thats the easiest way to start. Get your 100 yard zero, then use some ballistic charts for your ammo to get you “close” as you go to your longer ranges. If you just tried to start zeroing at 600 yards, you would end up wasting a lot of ammo. The way we do it, is you mount the scope and then bore sight the barrel to the scope at 100 yards. Then shoot a round at 25 yards. Adjust the scope so the rounds strike about 2″ low at 25 yards. Then go to 100 and you should be on paper. Adjust your zero until its point of aim point of impact at 100 yards (hitting where you point). Slip your scope knobs to zero/zero if you want (at least do wind). And then use your ballistic chart or software to dial in adjustments at each range out to where you want to shoot. Should be close. If you dont have software, it might be wisest to increase in 100 yard increments so you don’t waste too much ammo by jumping a big distance. If you have software that you can type in altitude, temp, humidity, you can probably take bigger increments.
Just bore sight it and go on.
What the best yardage to zero in at savage 338 lapua mag. For elk huntin. my gun is new have not shot it yet ? For Victoria B. C. يستطيع.
This will depend a lot on the environment you will be hunting in. If it is heavily wooded and you do not expect to have many shots beyond 100 yards, then the zero should be short. But if you will be hunting in wide open terrain and you have the skills and experience to shoot at long range, then you can stretch that zero distance further. We like to set our scope to the range that we expect to shoot at during an encounter.
Thank you all for the information.
I don’t think it has changed my mind. .338 Lapua still my dream gun and I’m still leaning hard towards the. BA 110.
What scope will be best? Mile range Vortex or Bersa looking forward to owning this someday. Not looking forward to ammo prices. But looking forward to learning to reload. شكرا مرة اخرى.
Check on countersniper I have one it works good for what I do.
I, m going to shoot my savage 338 lapua zero in @ 300 yrds. Vortex viper scope is my scope moa . Or mils 250 gr. Hornadys to turn the turret to shoot 600 or more I, m turning moa. Not mils.
Will receive mine next week. Hope I’m set for the .338 power. I’m hoping the Brake is effective. Shoot a lot of .308 from a S&W MP10, shoot with a Lantac Dragon Brake. Shoots like a 5.56. My question is scopes, only have a Nikko Sterling 5-20x50mm, it has the pull to turn and push to lock. Very sturdy on Bolt action .308 no brake and .308 semi-auto with brake. Question is will it survive a .338? May be going out scope hunting. with 20MOA mount I will have 70 adjustment and 10 hold over if I’m saying it correctly.
Well, it should hold up. The 110BA has an effective break but it is still a good amount of recoil. It will all depend on the quality of the internal mechanisms on the scope.
So, this gun isn’t for sissies, you gotta have MAN HANDS.
Love mine love shooting it except for one problem won’t inject cases after 10 rounds . Not reloads …
Love my 110BA with a 6x24x50 Vortex viper PST scope. After several months of sighting in my scope and experimenting with several different brands of ammunition, I found out that my 110BA likes 250 gr Lapua brand ammo. And I was able to put 5 rounds at 100 yards in center mass covering the size of a dime.
I just purchased a Savage 110BA 338LM on recommendation from a friend that has had the 110BA in 338LM for a couple of years and with his hand loads he regularly gets sub 1/4 moa groupings at 100y. I think he has a Jewell trigger in it also.
I commented on this site back on Nov 2018, and now have a followup. I finally tested my converted Savage 110FCP-HS to 110BA with the McGowan barrel. At 600yds, my best 4-rd grouping was 1.75″ (⅓ moa), but consistently hit 2.5″ groups ( .4 moa) with 5-8mph crosswinds. At 100yds, my 3-rd groups were under ¼”. My Savage likes Lapua brass and has extraction problems with HSM brass. After doing extensive barrel harmonics testing (Ladder tests), my current loads: Berger 300 Hybrid bullets, Federal 215 primers, and 90.3gr of H1000. All bullets and powder are weighed the same, the brass trimmed the same, and annealed often. I seat the bullets to .003-.005″ off the lands (bullets varied .002″ at the ogive). Remember, this load only works for MY rifle. Caution-this load may not be suitable or even safe for yours. Commenting on those shooters (including myself) who have had extraction issues even with Lapua brass, I discovered that a hot barrel contributes to this dramatically. I had stuck brass at 84.0grs-89.5grs with continued shooting. Allowing the barrel to cool after 3-4 rds fired, I was able to load up to 93.0grs without extraction issues. Now, the only issue now is at the hotter loads, the magazine loosens, drops down slightly, and causes feeding problems. I addressed this with Savage and we think it might have to do with the combination of converting to the BA stock and the hotter loads. I made an adjustment to the mag release lip (on the mag) and will be heading out to the range soon to test it. Comments and feedback on this are welcomed.
Can anyone enlighten me on this accu trigger . Took my 110BA out to shoot and click!! nothing.
Came home watched you tube and wondering is it just me. Anyone else with just a click? Or is it me?:)
We have ran into occasions where a trigger finger may not properly displace the little “blade” all the way so that you will only get a “click” but the firing pin does not drop. Head to the range and make sure your trigger finger is placed all the way on that trigger and making a nice “J” shape so that it fully displaces that blade when pulling the trigger. See if that is the issue or not.
With the accutrigger a simple adjustment will do most of the time.
I was wondering what rail you are using to mount your bipod? I am having a hard time finding a rail to mount my Accu-Tac SR-5 bipod on my 110BA.
Any of the accessory rail “rails” will work good.
Bought the BA110 1 year ago. Installed a Millet 6x24x50 scope. Yes, this is a low end build for this caliber. After ladder tests with different brass bullet combinations, best results for my build was Lapua brass, 285gr Hornady ELD bullets pushed by 86gr Retumbo. This is not a portable setup, but on the bench is very manageable for this power chambering. Living in the northeast, my long range options are limited, but I consistently have 1moa results at 200 yds w 5 shot groups. Recent foray to 600 yd range resulted in excellent X ring consistency after three ‘ranging’ rounds. I am very pleased with results. FYI, I did not get the consistency until after.
200 rounds. All the ladder testing and experience with this caliber may be reflected in the ‘break in’, If you are considering this rifle, this is a good value option – consider this as a $3k value for rifle, scope and your first 200 rounds. Reloading will cost you about $1.50 per round, which highly recommended for cost and optimum performance. في & # 8211؛ brass has limited availability, but factory loads are readily available @
$4.50-$6.00 per round.
Have fun – this chambering is amazing.
The hugh scope rail on my BA 110 would move under recoil. I tried everything except glueing the rail to the receiver. Only a few thousands but that’s to much. I purchased the small scope mount for 110 action with 40 moa, and the group size responded by about half.
The weight of the massive stock rail is more than four 8×40 screws can control, at least on my BA. I know of one person that expoxyed one and claimed that fixed the problem, but the thought of using exoxy seemed like a last resort to me.
I’ve never had an issue with the trigger on mine, nor have my friends who have shot it. My trigger is set at about 3 1/2 pounds. I’ve had no issue with Federal AE 250 grain, or S&B 250 grain. The S&B groups a little over 1 MOA, so I’m still looking for a more accurate load. I ditched the stock rail monstrosity because it is not a true 1913 rail. Instead, I have a Ken Ferell 20 MOA steel rail, La Rue LT-111 rings, and a.
Bushnell ERS FDE 3.5-21x.
I can’t reload this caliber because I’ve been unable to find the mythical shell plate for my Hornady progressive press. It’s been a fun gun, and I can fire standing offhand. I haven’t been hurt by the stock, but it certainly isn’t the most comfortable set up.
The Sako TRG is a better gun, but also twice the cost. If I had a do over the CZ HE II might be the hot ticket.
The trigger problem is from side loading. Pushing the trigger straight back works everytime. Side force during the trigger pull will cause the problem.
You can also adjust the trigger with a tool made-up for exactly that issue.
I purchased my 110 BA about 6 months ago for $1,360 after rebate. After brakining it in I took it Big Piney gun range 2 days ago, shot it 100 yards out to 800 yards. This was my first time shooting over 100 yards. I shot sub moa all the way out to 800yds. First time reloading also, you better believe I’m happy. I would recomend the Savage 110 BA to everyone, not one problem with this gun to date.
I’ve had my Savage 110 BA now for just over a year. Did nothing to it other than mount a Millet LRS-1 6-25×56 optic on it. I’ve tested various factory loads through it (as I don’t the time to reload) and found it really like Nosler Match Grade 300 gr BTHP. Other ammunition tested were Winchester Match, HSM, Sellier&Belliot, and Ferderal GM SMK. The Federal GM SMK had very similar results, However, I can get the Nosler Match for about $20 cheaper a box. So, with Nosler Match, from prone off bi-pod and sand bag: Initially the groups @ 100yards were .890″ to .995″ (just under 1MOA) constantly. However, at 800 to 1000yards, we were able to consistantky achieve 5″-6″ المجموعات. That puts us in the .5MOA to .75MOA area. Which to me is outstanding for a $2500 CAD rifle. After sticking with the Nosler Match for just over 100 rounds now, we are starting to see the groups tighten up. With consistand 3″- 4″ groups at 800yards (0.375-0.5MOA) and consistent 4″ & # 8211؛ 5″ groups at 1000yards (0.4 – 0.5MOA). Perhaps this improvement is due to the break in process of the rifle or it learning to like the Nosler Match even more. I don’t often get to shoot out past 1000yards. But a recent experience is what prompted me to write this review is that’s what we can call it. I attempted shots at a silhouette size steel target at 1450 yards. After 6 shots to learn my dope at that distance, I started landing rounds mid target. On a calm morning with 1-3 mph gusty breeze, 5 degrees celcious, 70% RH, I tried a 5 shot group. From Bi-Pod and sand bag. After hearing 5 dings, we got on the wheeler to have a look. Much to my surprise, 4 of the 5 shots formed an outstanding 7″ group with one of the 5 rounds hitting about 4″ high straight above the group. Considering the 4 we’ll grouped rounds… I was pleasantly surprised to see that the gun was capable of approx 0.5MOA at 1450yards. Wow is all I can say! Can’t wait to try it again. I’m not a professional shooter. I’m lucky to get out to shoot 4-5 times a year. What more can I say. $2500 Rifle, $700 Scope, $140 box of ammo. This is cheap cost and outstanding performance for 1450yard .338 lapua shots here in New Brunswick. In my very non expert opinion anyways.
Thanks for your field report.
I have been reading good and not so good things about the gun but I think I still gotta have one. I also was going to give the Millett scope a try.
Let us know how it goes.
Is it my imagination or did they change receivers on the rifle? They started out with a nice target receiver with just the ejection and load port a la model 12 with the one that looks like just their completely open top version a la model 10.
I don’t know they they ever changed them… but I may be wrong.
Any upcoming review of the Savage Stealth 338 Lapua?…preferably some performance and accuracy comparisons of this older 110BA rifle. شكر.
We have a review planned, but it will not be until later spring time.
Lot’s of great feedback here on the Savage BA 110 in .338 Lapua. Here’s mine: Bought it 6 month ago – LOVE IT! I’ve got a Remington 700 Sendero in a Accuracy International chassis (7mm Rem Mag) and a Weatherby Mk5 TRR (.300 Win Mag), and the Savage is my favourite by far. I do hand load which helps accuracy immensely. All my rifles shoot sub-MOA. People, the most important component of any LONG RANGE set-up is good optics! Hunters and sport shooters can get away with a low cost scope (300 yard range), but if you are shooting long distance, quality glass is essential. Having said that, I’ve found my best cartridges are: Lapua Brass, Berger OTM 250 hybrid’s (haven’t tried the 300’s yet as no one here locally sells them), CCI 250 LMR primers, Retumbo powder – 90.1 gn set to .008 off the lands. Fire formed neck-sized brass only. Vortex Razor Gen 2 4.5x27x56 MIL scope on Nightforce rings. Zero’ed @ 200 consistently shoots <1 inch groups at 300 yards, often hole-in-hole results.
If you are on the fence of buying this rifle, do it, you'll have no regrets. I can out shoot my friends Sako TRG-42 but that can be the shooter and not just the rifle. Wink.
Oh, forgot to add, “Shooting both prone and benchrest, off of an Altas bi-pod and rear sandbag. Nothing done to the factory trigger which broke at 1.3 pounds from the factory. Never had a complaint or issue”
I also love mine, one of the best mods is to get rid of that stupid scope rail. I installed a ken ferrell scope rail with 40 moa built in. It is also made of steel instead of aluminum, topped the rail off with night force steel rings and a vortex viper ffp pst. The only other mod that I did was to shim the rear of the trigger housing, it takes all of the crap out of the trigger.
آسف على الرد المتأخر. Was surfing the old thread to see about the new stealth. 5/8-24 would be your thread size.
Love my savage .338 lapua stealth… though I have not been able to fire it yet. Where is the best place to get bi pods and other goodies for it? As soon as I narrow down my scope and ammo choices I will be enjoying this amazing creation much more.
Well, I first would suggest our shop here on SC, but other good places are eurooptic, midwayusa, etc.
Does anybody else make a 1 with similar price so i can read up on it too – also can you get a 10 round mag for it – شكرًا.
I bought a Savage 110 BA about a year ago. I reload my own ammo and use 300 gr Berger backed by 89.5 gr of Retumbo. The range is 186 yards and I bust golf balls all day long (they completely disappear). I’ve let 14 year old girls and up shoot this rifle and get dirty looks from fathers and husbands when the girls and girlfriends/wives tell them they want one. Really a pleasure and a lot of fun to shoot. All my shooting friends want one now.
Wondering if you are using Lapua brass? I’m shooting the same rifle but with Berger 250 OTM’s. That’s all they had in stock at the time. I’ve just gotten some 300 OTM’s and was wondering where to start my ladder testing. I use 91.2 grains of retumbo and seat .008 off the lands. Milk jugs at 1500 all day long! أحبها!
Lapua, Hornady, HSM, Norma brass. Berger 300 OTM’s. I have some Lapua 300 Scenars I’m going to experiment with when the weather gets warmer…
Just got my savage .338 lapua stealth a few months ago. Waiting to figure ammo and to pay for my scope. (One step at a time)
I can not wait to shoot this. It’s an amazing beast. Thank you for all of your comments and this of post. I look forward to seeing more comments and hopefully adding some more of my own.
[…] Savage Arms 110 BA – Sniper Central – The 338 Lapua is a very good cartridge for long range sniping and its use in combat sniper rifles continues to grow. Because of the growing adoption among military. [& # 8230؛]
I’ve had my LH BA110 .338 Lapua for about a year. It’s a pleasure to shoot and is a 1/2 moa gun. I’m using Lapua brass, 91.0 gr Retumbo and Barnes LRX 280 gr. My groups didn’t tighten up until I closed up the free bore. My current load fits in the clip with about .040″ to spare. Removing the cumbersome factory rail and installing a steel picatinny base worked out great for me. My scope is a US Optics SN3 and it performs perfectly with this gun.
This is definitely not a light rifle, but I was able to hike decently toting it in an Eberlestock pack with a scabbard.
ترك الرد إلغاء الرد.
Manufacturer: Savage Arms Model: 110 BA Caliber: .338 Lapua Magnum.
.300 Winchester Magnum Barrel: Carbon Steel, heavy contour, fluted Barrel Length: 26" (660mm) Twist: 1:9" RH - 338 Lapua.
1:10" RH - 300 Win Mag Magazine: Savage Arms Detachable Box Magazine (DBM) with 5 Round Box Magazine (338). 6 Round Box Magazine for 300 Win Mag Trigger: Savage Accu-trigger Stock: Aluminum Modular Design Metal Finish: Anodized matte black Weight: 15.75 lbs (7.16 kg) Overall Length: 50.5" (1283mm)
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Savage Arms 110 BA.
The 338 Lapua is a very good cartridge for long range sniping and its use in combat sniper rifles continues to grow. Because of the growing adoption among military snipers there has been an increase in popularity among enthusiast as well as competitive shooters in the civilian ranks as well. The downside to the 338 Lapua is that it is based on the .416 Rigby case which has a larger case head diameter (.590″) than the standard magnum cases (.532″) and unfortunately, many of the commercial actions and bolts are not large enough to easily handle the larger case head diameter. Because of this, popular actions like the Remington 700… اقرأ المزيد & راكو؛
Manufacturer: Savage Arms Model: 110 BA Caliber: .338 Lapua Magnum.
.300 Winchester Magnum Barrel: Carbon Steel, heavy contour, fluted Barrel Length: 26" (660mm) Twist: 1:9" RH - 338 Lapua.
1:10" RH - 300 Win Mag Magazine: Savage Arms Detachable Box Magazine (DBM) with 5 Round Box Magazine (338). 6 Round Box Magazine for 300 Win Mag Trigger: Savage Accu-trigger Stock: Aluminum Modular Design Metal Finish: Anodized matte black Weight: 15.75 lbs (7.16 kg) Overall Length: 50.5" (1283mm)
The 338 Lapua is a very good cartridge for long range sniping and its use in combat sniper rifles continues to grow. Because of the growing adoption among military snipers there has been an increase in popularity among enthusiast as well as competitive shooters in the civilian ranks as well. The downside to the 338 Lapua is that it is based on the .416 Rigby case which has a larger case head diameter (.590″) than the standard magnum cases (.532″) and unfortunately, many of the commercial actions and bolts are not large enough to easily handle the larger case head diameter. Because of this, popular actions like the Remington 700 require special work to be done to them in order to fit the .338 Lapua, and anytime you mention special work, it means more money and also lower production numbers. As such, there are not a lot of lower priced precision 338 Lapua rifles on the market. That is where the Savage 110 BA comes in. Savage actions are built on a modular design, so instead of them having to make major modifications to a bolt design, they simply had to make a new bolt head and they were pretty much there. Of course some other details such as magazine design needed to be performed as well. The end result is that they were able to release a modern precision sniper rifle chambered in the .338 Lapua for a reasonable price. Now, reasonable does not mean cheap as the street price on these rifles is around $2000 at 2018 prices. This is still not cheap, but it is cheaper than most others out there and to justify the price, Savage has included various options and features to make it even more attractive. The big question is, will it perform? That is where we come in.
The 110BA had some initial teething problems when they were first released but those were sorted out and now the rifles are readily available on the commercial market. They arrive in a fairly typical Savage box, though larger than a normal, and it includes the rifle, bolt, instruction manual and some other registration and warranty cards. Everything is nicely packaged and wrapped in plastic with some light oil for corrosion protection. The packaging is well made and durable and is probably better than most mass produced factory rifles. As you unpack the rifle you begin to notice the rifle is large, like most all 338 Lapua rifles, and everything seems to be on a bit larger scale. The other thing you notice is that there are a lot of rails on the rifle, as we’ll discuss later.
For the past decade or so Savage has been making their mark in the industry by not being shy about innovation and being willing to try the latest fad and they tend to bring them to market quickly. On the 110BA the big thing that is different than most rifles out there is their stock. The aluminum chassis system is a flat sided aluminum modular stock that is finished in a matte black color. There are weight saving flutes on the sides and there is a detachable box magazine setup with a thick trigger guard. At the front of the trigger guard there is a magazine release lever that protrudes down below the guard. The modular stock is designed to incorporate an AR-15 style pistol grip and the grip it comes with is comfortable and has a PSG-1 style platform at the bottom to provide hand support. The platform is bulky, but it does its job well.
The MagPul adjustable stocks have been very popular on the AR rifles and the 110BA incorporates the same MagPul PRS stock for the buttstock. For those that are not familiar with the PRS, it has two adjustment wheels, one for raising the comb and the other for adjusting the length of pull. The stocks are well made from a hard kydex style plastic and with the easy adjustments it will fit just about any shooter. The plastic itself does not provide a great cheekweld and the shooter can sometimes find themselves slipping down and continuously trying to get into a non-slipping position, especially if sweating or with face paint on. Perhaps some moleskin or strap on cheekpiece could help.
If you noticed that there are flush cups on the stock, those are not installed from the factory and were installed by the owner after purchasing the rifle. There is an Anschutz style accessory rail on the bottom of the forearm which can be used to attach various picatinny style rails to be used for attaching a bipod. This rifle had a picatinny style rail that was used to attach the excellent GG&G bipod. There is a standard sling stud attachment as well that can be used to attach a Harris style bipod. The accessory rail runs the full length of the forearm allowing for a wide adjustment range to be used however needed.
The action is a standard Savage 110 long action with the rounded rear receiver. The controls will be familiar for those that have experience with Savage rifles. There is a bolt release switch/lever on the right hand side of the action and to remove the bolt you press it down while holding the trigger to the rear. Reverse the process to put the bolt back into the action. The safety is also in the standard location which is at the back of the tang and is wide with serrations to help with operation. It is a three position safety, forward for fire, back one notch for safe but allowing the operation of the bolt, and the furthest back position locks the bolt and the trigger.
The trigger is the Savage Accu-Trigger which has been around for a while now. The trigger was a revolutionary design for a rifle trigger and allowed Savage to have a light trigger pull yet still provide liability protection as there is no way for the rifle to fire without the shooters finger on the trigger. This is accomplished by having a ‘blade’ that protrudes through the trigger shoe and this blade must be depressed in order for the trigger to be activated. The concept is similar to the Glock Pistol mechanism for those that may be more familiar with that setup. The trigger on this rifle broke cleanly at a measured 1.25 lbs. with no takeup, besides the blade, and some over travel.
Picture of the accutrigger on a Savage 10FCP.
The bolt handle is a large tactical style bolt handle that is machined with serrated grooves on it and it is a bit longer than the standard Savage bolt knob. One of the nice things about Savage bolts is that their modular design allows for easy bolt knob switching and there are several manufacturers out there that do after market bolt knobs for Savage rifles. The rest of the bolt is the same as any other Savage 110 bolt, including the bolt head and extractor design. There really does not look like there was much to do for Savage to be able to chamber their rifles in 338 Lapua.
The Magazine is a single stack magazine that holds 5 rounds of 338 Lapua ammunition. The magazine fits snuggly into the floorplate and it locks into place with a click. The fit can be tight and requires some practice to figure out the best way to easily get it inserted and seated. It seems to work best by tilting the magazine forward a bit to get the front of the magazine in first and then slide it on up until it snaps firmly in place. To release the magazine the operator presses the magazine release lever, at the front of the trigger guard, forward until the magazine pops loose. This lever is also firm and is difficult to operate when keeping the firing hand on the pistol grip, though it can be done with some effort. The easiest way, though probably not the best, is to remove your hand from the pistol grip.
As mentioned before, the action is a standard Savage 110 long action using the standard recoil lug and barrel locking nut as all other Savage 10 and 110 rifles. As is common with most mass produced rifles, the bolt fits into the action with a bit of slop but this helps when build up and grime get into the action from field use. The bolt itself slides fairly smoothly along the rails and chambers with minimal effort. The barrel is a 26″ long heavy barrel with 1:9″ RH twist and made from carbon steel. The barrel does have 6 flutes to help save some weight and there is a large muzzlebrake on the end with three chambers and closed at the bottom to help prevent dust and dirt from being stirred up upon firing. The barrel and action have a matte black bluing applied that is fairly non-reflective.
There is a large one piece rail along the top that extends ahead of the scope mounting area that is used for mounting night vision optics. The rail also extends down on the left and right hand sides of the rifle to provide accessory mounting areas as well. This provides a lot of mounting options but does also add to the weight and bulk of the rifle and it would be nice to have the option of purchasing the rifle without the side rails or forward rails if desired. The rail does also have a 20 MOA cant built into it to help maximize the elevation adjustments of the chosen scope. The extended rail is also properly designed to not touch the barrel which is free floated for accuracy.
Overall the rifle is large at over 50″ long and also fairly heavy at over 15 lbs. for just the rifle alone. When you add optics, bipod, and loaded magazine you are pushing 20 lbs. total for the system. But this is not completely out of the norm for a large .338 Lapua rifle. The 110BA looks the part and has all the capability to mount and utilize the latest accessories, though whether the rifle “looks” good is in the eye of the beholder. Some here liked the looks, others did not. But that is not what we are here for, we need to know how the rifle performs and what its capabilities are.
For our testing we mounted our trusty Leupold VX-III 6.5-20x50mm Euro spec (30mm tube) scope that we use for a lot of rifle reviews here. We utilized medium-high Nightforce 30mm rings, the scope needed to get up a little higher than normal to get the bell of the scope high enough to not touch the extended rail up front. This was required even with the slight depression in the rail for the scope. For our 100 yard accuracy tests we utilized the HSM 250gr Sierra Match King, 300gr Sierra Match King, and Swiss P 247gr Styx action ammunition. For round one of testing the temps were 35 degrees with a light rain and winds of 3-7 mph.
We have had troubles in the past using the Savage accu-triggers with gloves on and decided that all shooting would be conducted without gloves to try and help prevent the same types of problems. The rifle fed from the magazine very well and was smooth throughout the tests. It is a simple design but seems to work effectively. The steel magazines do not rattle around much when seated, even when empty. We also tried single feeding with an empty magazine seated in the rifle to test the ability to emergency load a single round and the rifle had no problems. The AR style grip is comfortable and provides a good upright position for your firing hand. Recoil on the rifle is mild for a .338 Lapua, this is due to a very effective muzzle brake and a heavy rifle. Unfortunately, that mild recoil is offset by the Magpul buttstock.
The shape and material of the buttstock is such that it is not easy to get a good solid, non-slipping cheek weld and to do so required me to cant my head to the side to help hold things in place and keep my eye aligned. Unfortunately this placed my cheek bone right on the hard cheek piece and after about 10 rounds; my cheek began to feel it. Even with the fairly mild recoil of the rifle, it took about 3 days for the pain from the cheek bone bruise to go away after the first shooting session. The pain was enough that I changed my cheek weld to not cant so far onto the cheekpiece, which meant using neck muscles to hold my head in place instead of resting it completely on the stock. This is not preferred or desired. I would prefer to see a more traditional stock design be used.
The accu-trigger continued to cause problems as well. We continued to have several failures to fire as the blade was not fully depressed during the trigger squeeze and this happened even without gloves. The reason is because some shooters with shorter fingers, myself included, do not curl the finger all the way around to make a full “J” shaped hook, when this happens the blade in the accu-trigger may not always fully depress and it does what it then is supposed to do and blocks the firing pin from striking. You hear a click, but do not get the associated boom. Perhaps training can correct the problem, but for those that are like me, the current trigger is not suitable for operational duty and a replacement would be in store. When the trigger is working, it is nice and aides with getting the full accuracy out of the rifle.
We also ran into two extraction failures while using the HSM 300gr ammunition. In both cases the extractor blade was not catching the rim of the case in order to extract it from the chamber. The extractor appears to be normal and it worked for all other loads and only happened those two times, but obviously, if that happens the rifle becomes a big 20 lb club instead of a long range precision rifle. A cleaning rod down the bore was all that was needed to remove the brass. We measured the case head diameter of one of the cases that failed to extract and discovered that it was .005″ smaller than the rest of the brass we measured. The Savage extractor is not an overly large one and it appears that this slight size difference was enough to keep it from being able to grab the spent brass. Other rifles such as the Sako TRG-42 have a more aggressive extractor that seems to be able to handle the variances better. The brass probably should be more consistent, but this does need to be watched when used in conjunction with this rifle.
The 100 yard accuracy results are listed below:
As you can see from the results, the accuracy of the 110BA was not what we were hoping. While the rifle shot better than MOA on occasion with the HSM 250gr, it was just barely. The groups were very consistent; it just was not as tight as we had hoped. The Sako TRG-42 that we have here shot the same lot of 250gr HSM ammo well under .5 MOA and the 300gr at about .6 MOA so we could not attribute it to the ammunition. Typically Savage rifles shoot very well for factory rifles so we took the rifle out on a 2nd day for accuracy tests just to be sure, but the results were the same. Obviously there is probably a load out there that will shoot better in this rifle, especially if you hand load. But we could not get any better accuracy out of the rifle with these three loads.
Because the 250gr was shooting the best we decided to use it for the long range shooting impressions and at 300 and 400 yards the groups measured right at that 1 MOA again. For shooting steel plates at longer ranges it seemed to maintain the same MOA of performance. Now do not get me wrong, 1 MOA is still good and is what we require as a minimum from a rifle/ammo combination when considering a rifle for long range tactical use. But we were hoping for better performance, and as we indicated, perhaps with different ammo it will come into its own.
The rifle is a decent effort by Savage, but perhaps they have tried too hard to put all the right pieces together rather than looking at the rifle as a whole. Savage also offers their 110FCP with HS precision stock in 338 Lapua that uses the same muzzlebrake. We have not tried one of those out yet, but right now that is the way I would be leaning if I were purchasing a Savage 338 Lapua rifle, and it is less money as well. The 110BA performed okay, and the aluminum stock and other parts should hold up well. But with the uncomfortable MagPul stock, average performance, and an accu-trigger that I would need to replaced, I would be reluctant to recommend the 110BA.
If you own one of these rifles in 338 Lapua and have had different experiences with accuracy and comfort, let us know and we can be sure to update the information.
Sniper Central – عام 2018.
I have been playing around with mine for a little over a year now and have found that you do not use Hornady brass or at least I couldn’t get it to work as well as lapua or nosler brass. after going thru several different powder/bullet combinations I have settled on 91 gr, of retumbo with a 285 hornady 285 stx bullet it groups at one moa at 100 and does not seem to get much worse at extended ranges I had no trouble out to 1200 meters in hitting head and figure steel targets. The powders i tried were 50 BMG (to slow for barrel length) IMR 7828 and as mentioned retumbo I found there was not much difference between the 7828 and the retumbo as far as downrange performance. I have to install a different set of mounts and rings to get more tilt as I run out of elevation on the scope before 1500 meters. I am going to try a SPHUR mount which will give me another 20 moa it should be enough they are expensive but cheaper and gunsmithing cost to change the rifle. So far I am happy with this rifle and feel it is good dollar value ammo is expensive even to load but a lot cheaper than .50 BMG at least here in Canada.
I have a savage 110BA. I reload hog don 1000 right at 100 grains for 285 grain bullet. They are definitely not your sakes or Barrett meads but they also are not 5-8000 dollars either.
I meant 84 grains of hog don 1000 not 100 grains. Sorry for mistake.
I have a 110 FCP. It seems to like the 250gr SMK at 2920 fps avg. Reloads using 95gr Retumbo, Hornady brass and Federal GM215 primer. Today i shot a few very nice groups, two of which were well under 1/2 moa. I havent had as much luck with the 285gr Hornady bullet. Ive loaded several powder charge combinations with Retumbo. Some decent groups but not consistently, as the 250gr.
I want the savage sniper rifle .338 lapua with bipod and a scope for out to a mile, and do you have a scope that is day light and night light, like a starlight or would I be better withnight vision, let me know. I’m in this to buy. I live in columbus Ohio. I want it delivered, or I would appreciate it delivered. I have the money and more. أخبرونى من فضلكم. I’m more than good for it. I will pay for your gas also. I would also like a few box magazine. شكرا لك على وقتك.
Contact us via email and we can discuss. The rifle will have to be sent to your dealer who would then go through the normal firearms transfer process according to federal, state and local laws.
The first thing folks must understand is this is a Lapua.. use Lapua brass and any extraction.
problems will be solved .. As for how well mine shoots well I get .495″ groups all day long with 300 Smk . I did replace the butt ugly break with a OPS. INC break and all is well.
as always your results may differ….
So the muzzle brake is removable? I was looking at this rifle so I could put a silencerco Suppressor on it!
We ourselves have yet to remove the brake on a 110BA, but yes, it is threaded on and removable.
The brake is removable. I remove the brake every time I put the gun in my Cannon safe. It is an eighty gun safe. The safe is full and it does not hold eighty guns, at least not eighty rifles and shotguns. I guess you could get eighty handguns and rifles combined into the safe total.
Diddo headshot 223.
Lapua brass. دائما! Why would you want to shoot anything else anyways? I’ve actually shot other brass and never had a problem with extraction. After measuring it sounds like it was a manufacturing error. But again. This is made for Lapua brass. Despite attempts to get the sizing right. Other brands often times may not cut it. Also Lapua lasts the longest reloading I’ve found. I can usually get 8-9 reloads out of Lapua. I load 300 gr & 250 gr SMK’s. Mostly 300 though. They fly better at 1 mile. And I love shooting long range. This rifle’s harmonic vibrations are excellent! I wonder what kind of tests you guys do on your rifles to be honest. Just taking a rifle out and having a bunch of people shoot it isn’t always very conclusive. Also the Accu-trigger does suit tall people better with trigger pull. But that goes into operator error if you’re pulling the trigger incorrectly. Anyways. 91 gr of Ramshot Magnum. Excellent propellant! Remington 9 1/2 magnum primers. Also for anyone who reads this. It sounds like this was a brand new rifle they got. I’m guessing never shot before. Don’t forget every rifle should have a break in period. Like a new car engine. You should shoot at least 100 rounds through a new barrel like this rifle before it’s considered to have an efficient copper build up down the barrel. Also cleanings between every 5-7 rounds. There’s so much more to consider in a rifle review. I just don’t think it was taken into effect here. But what do I know. We don’t know all their processes as they didn’t state them if they did do them. (Were they prone or on a bench etc) So take this review with a grain of salt. As well as my comment. I have many rifles. Some that are well over $12k without including the scope etc. .338 lapua, .308 in variants like the ultra etc., .408 cheytac, etc. However out of all my long range rifles I like my 110 BA the best. It was on the bottom end of the cost range and I can shoot sub 1/4 moa all day long. 100-800 meters. Above 800+ depends on conditions but on good conditions I can hit 1. – 1 1/2 moa. This is an AMAZING rifle. No I do not work for Savage. This is the only Savage rifle I own. But I do love it. I’d recommend you check out some of the other reviews out there and youtube as well. I kind of thought snipercentral would have a better review process than this? I guess it is what it is.
We ran the rifle through the same tests that we run every other rifle. Conducted in controlled environment using 2 or 3 shooters (all qualified snipers) to perform accuracy tests first at 100 yards where wind has minimal impact on groupings, and then we will shoot at longer ranges to understand how the rifle operates in field conditions. The 100 yard tests are always ran from a bench with a bag up front and a sand sock at the rear, long range field tests are done from the prone from a bipod. We use several different types of ammo to try and get a good sampling of rifle capability as we know some rifles like some ammo better. We have been doing this a long time and always continue to refine our processes to provide a fair and unbiased opinion and give the rifle the best chance possible to impress us and succeed. The trigger issue continues to be a problem on Savage rifles that we test and use. Yes, its less of a problem for large hands, not everyone has large hands and not every military unit, law enforcement shooter or civilian enthusiast has Lapua brass either. Thats why we do these tests.
I appreciate everyone’s input on the Lapua. I like the rifle very much but I have a question; what is an excellent rifle to snipe with and hunt with?
The options are endless as there are many excellent hunting and long range sniping rifles out there.
Chad, I presume you own the older model 110 BA in .338LM, not the newer Stealth model?
I would like to know if the stock accepts just about any AR-15 stock. Does it have an AR-15 buffer tube like the Stealth does?
Great comments on the Savage .338 lapua 110ba DBM model 18900. Perhaps a little less boasting, that usually leads one to wonder.
Perhaps you are right George. Guess I just got a little too excited. Was trying to validate credentials and not sound like it was the only rifle I own. I’ll tone it down in the future. في صحتك.
Stumbled across this article while looking for mags for mine, I got mine the first year they came out, then took me another year to find somebody to fix it. My lead was cut to short and would shove the bullet into the case when clambering a round. Pre fix groups ran from 1 to 1.5 inches for 5 shots @ 100 yards, post fix is 5/8 inch for 5 shots @ 100 yards(while sleep deprived).
لدي سؤال لك. The newer Stealth model has a buffer tube like AR-15 so you can install any AR-15 stock on it. Does the older 110 BA in .338 have this same feature? Is there an AR-15 buffer tube under the PRS stock?
currently shooting .308 in Rem 700 and M1A1 at 1,000 and less.
would like to get out a little further and think Lapua .338 is the way to go.
Like what I read on Savage 110BA and seem that for the $ I should try if not, probably Barrett.
.300 winmag would be a great choice.
I have a savage 110ba/le 300 wm and it is an outstanding gun. It took me a while too get used too the accu-trigger. There was a comment about the brake, but call it what you may it’s very affective. Shooting 200 yards I can stay on target and see it hit. Have not done any handloads yet, but so far it likes hsm 210 bergers. One reason I like it is the 300 is the same case as the 264 that I have shot for over 35 years. All though not a 338 lapua fan, too each is their own.
Had the 110FCP for a short while. First off the rifle in that configuration is too light for a cartridge of this power. Secondly it shot way left as if there was something askew with the factory pic rail mounting or barrel. Thirdly, the best I could get the rifle to print at 100yds with Hornady facotry ammo (sorry I do not remember what bullet weight) was 3″. Fourthly, the rear mounting screw could easily be hand tightened to where the bolt would bind up. Also, just watched an episode of Pig Man and he was shooting the BA110 at night with Vortex glass and ATN thermal. All I can say is, “not too good”.
want to know more about rifle.
I shoot my Savage 110FCP-HS Precision out to 1300yds (and beyond). I consistently hit (10 out of 11) a man-size steel with about 12″ groups (less than 1 moa) and 10-15mph crosswinds. At 100yds, my 3rd and 5rd groups at under ¼”. My Savage is finicky and likes Lapua brass, Berger 300 Hybrid bullets, Federal 215 primers, and 89.5gr of H1000. All bullets and powder are weighed the same, the brass trimmed the same, and annealed often. I seat the bullets to .003-.010″ off the lands (measuring the ogive). Out of hundreds of test loads, I found this to be the most accurate. I get the occasional stuck case due to slight over-pressure, so as recommended by Bryan Litz, I’m now testing by backing off to .015″, .030″, and .045″. I just converted my FCP-HS to a BA by installing the BA stock and a new McGowan SS match barrel. I will try to shoot it before it gets too cold. In addressing the trigger issue; I had issues with my Savage M12 F-Class 6.5×284, but never with the 110FCP. I’ll see if the BA stock causes me problems with cheek placement, etc. One commenter mentioned a loose screw touching the bolt. You have the wrong screws. The BA uses shorter screws than the FCP-HS. I had the same problem until I installed the proper length screws.
My 110 fcp hs shoots Norma 300 gr hpbt in the same hole. $69 per 20. Not sure if I can load them for less.
I use hornady brass and billets. I reload my own and have had no problems. this is the best rifle next to my m14.
To much annealing can cause too much undo case stretch.
I purchased mine in 2018 and have tested lots of handloads , this rifle likes H-4831 and H-1000 only .. 250 gr Hornady hp over 90 grains h-4831 and fed. 215 will shoot 3/4 in groups at 200 … 300 gr smk over 89.6 grains of h-1000 and fed 215 will also shoot under 1 inch at 200.
Waiting for the 110 BA .338 Lapua to come available in left hand action. any idea on production?
We haven’t heard anything here yet.
Gander Mountain, Utica Michigan has 1 on the shelf with scope $2400.
I know this is an older post, but I am looking for some advice here. I bought the 110BA a while back, am reloading with Lapua Brass. I have several different load configuration’s I will try as several of my friends shoot this round. My question is, “With a brand new long range rifle and a brand new Nightforce BEAST scope, what, in your opinion, is the fastest way to get on paper. I have no intention of dabbling with 100 yard shots. I am looking to train intensely for a minimum of 600 meters. I know there are procedures some shooters go thru. أي نصيحة؟
Well, to get yourself on paper at 600 yards, you will need a baseline. I know you said you dont want to shoot 100 yards, but thats the easiest way to start. Get your 100 yard zero, then use some ballistic charts for your ammo to get you “close” as you go to your longer ranges. If you just tried to start zeroing at 600 yards, you would end up wasting a lot of ammo. The way we do it, is you mount the scope and then bore sight the barrel to the scope at 100 yards. Then shoot a round at 25 yards. Adjust the scope so the rounds strike about 2″ low at 25 yards. Then go to 100 and you should be on paper. Adjust your zero until its point of aim point of impact at 100 yards (hitting where you point). Slip your scope knobs to zero/zero if you want (at least do wind). And then use your ballistic chart or software to dial in adjustments at each range out to where you want to shoot. Should be close. If you dont have software, it might be wisest to increase in 100 yard increments so you don’t waste too much ammo by jumping a big distance. If you have software that you can type in altitude, temp, humidity, you can probably take bigger increments.
Just bore sight it and go on.
What the best yardage to zero in at savage 338 lapua mag. For elk huntin. my gun is new have not shot it yet ? For Victoria B. C. يستطيع.
This will depend a lot on the environment you will be hunting in. If it is heavily wooded and you do not expect to have many shots beyond 100 yards, then the zero should be short. But if you will be hunting in wide open terrain and you have the skills and experience to shoot at long range, then you can stretch that zero distance further. We like to set our scope to the range that we expect to shoot at during an encounter.
Thank you all for the information.
I don’t think it has changed my mind. .338 Lapua still my dream gun and I’m still leaning hard towards the. BA 110.
What scope will be best? Mile range Vortex or Bersa looking forward to owning this someday. Not looking forward to ammo prices. But looking forward to learning to reload. شكرا مرة اخرى.
Check on countersniper I have one it works good for what I do.
I, m going to shoot my savage 338 lapua zero in @ 300 yrds. Vortex viper scope is my scope moa . Or mils 250 gr. Hornadys to turn the turret to shoot 600 or more I, m turning moa. Not mils.
Will receive mine next week. Hope I’m set for the .338 power. I’m hoping the Brake is effective. Shoot a lot of .308 from a S&W MP10, shoot with a Lantac Dragon Brake. Shoots like a 5.56. My question is scopes, only have a Nikko Sterling 5-20x50mm, it has the pull to turn and push to lock. Very sturdy on Bolt action .308 no brake and .308 semi-auto with brake. Question is will it survive a .338? May be going out scope hunting. with 20MOA mount I will have 70 adjustment and 10 hold over if I’m saying it correctly.
Well, it should hold up. The 110BA has an effective break but it is still a good amount of recoil. It will all depend on the quality of the internal mechanisms on the scope.
So, this gun isn’t for sissies, you gotta have MAN HANDS.
Love mine love shooting it except for one problem won’t inject cases after 10 rounds . Not reloads …
Love my 110BA with a 6x24x50 Vortex viper PST scope. After several months of sighting in my scope and experimenting with several different brands of ammunition, I found out that my 110BA likes 250 gr Lapua brand ammo. And I was able to put 5 rounds at 100 yards in center mass covering the size of a dime.
I just purchased a Savage 110BA 338LM on recommendation from a friend that has had the 110BA in 338LM for a couple of years and with his hand loads he regularly gets sub 1/4 moa groupings at 100y. I think he has a Jewell trigger in it also.
I commented on this site back on Nov 2018, and now have a followup. I finally tested my converted Savage 110FCP-HS to 110BA with the McGowan barrel. At 600yds, my best 4-rd grouping was 1.75″ (⅓ moa), but consistently hit 2.5″ groups ( .4 moa) with 5-8mph crosswinds. At 100yds, my 3-rd groups were under ¼”. My Savage likes Lapua brass and has extraction problems with HSM brass. After doing extensive barrel harmonics testing (Ladder tests), my current loads: Berger 300 Hybrid bullets, Federal 215 primers, and 90.3gr of H1000. All bullets and powder are weighed the same, the brass trimmed the same, and annealed often. I seat the bullets to .003-.005″ off the lands (bullets varied .002″ at the ogive). Remember, this load only works for MY rifle. Caution-this load may not be suitable or even safe for yours. Commenting on those shooters (including myself) who have had extraction issues even with Lapua brass, I discovered that a hot barrel contributes to this dramatically. I had stuck brass at 84.0grs-89.5grs with continued shooting. Allowing the barrel to cool after 3-4 rds fired, I was able to load up to 93.0grs without extraction issues. Now, the only issue now is at the hotter loads, the magazine loosens, drops down slightly, and causes feeding problems. I addressed this with Savage and we think it might have to do with the combination of converting to the BA stock and the hotter loads. I made an adjustment to the mag release lip (on the mag) and will be heading out to the range soon to test it. Comments and feedback on this are welcomed.
Can anyone enlighten me on this accu trigger . Took my 110BA out to shoot and click!! nothing.
Came home watched you tube and wondering is it just me. Anyone else with just a click? Or is it me?:)
We have ran into occasions where a trigger finger may not properly displace the little “blade” all the way so that you will only get a “click” but the firing pin does not drop. Head to the range and make sure your trigger finger is placed all the way on that trigger and making a nice “J” shape so that it fully displaces that blade when pulling the trigger. See if that is the issue or not.
With the accutrigger a simple adjustment will do most of the time.
I was wondering what rail you are using to mount your bipod? I am having a hard time finding a rail to mount my Accu-Tac SR-5 bipod on my 110BA.
Any of the accessory rail “rails” will work good.
Bought the BA110 1 year ago. Installed a Millet 6x24x50 scope. Yes, this is a low end build for this caliber. After ladder tests with different brass bullet combinations, best results for my build was Lapua brass, 285gr Hornady ELD bullets pushed by 86gr Retumbo. This is not a portable setup, but on the bench is very manageable for this power chambering. Living in the northeast, my long range options are limited, but I consistently have 1moa results at 200 yds w 5 shot groups. Recent foray to 600 yd range resulted in excellent X ring consistency after three ‘ranging’ rounds. I am very pleased with results. FYI, I did not get the consistency until after.
200 rounds. All the ladder testing and experience with this caliber may be reflected in the ‘break in’, If you are considering this rifle, this is a good value option – consider this as a $3k value for rifle, scope and your first 200 rounds. Reloading will cost you about $1.50 per round, which highly recommended for cost and optimum performance. في & # 8211؛ brass has limited availability, but factory loads are readily available @
$4.50-$6.00 per round.
Have fun – this chambering is amazing.
The hugh scope rail on my BA 110 would move under recoil. I tried everything except glueing the rail to the receiver. Only a few thousands but that’s to much. I purchased the small scope mount for 110 action with 40 moa, and the group size responded by about half.
The weight of the massive stock rail is more than four 8×40 screws can control, at least on my BA. I know of one person that expoxyed one and claimed that fixed the problem, but the thought of using exoxy seemed like a last resort to me.
I’ve never had an issue with the trigger on mine, nor have my friends who have shot it. My trigger is set at about 3 1/2 pounds. I’ve had no issue with Federal AE 250 grain, or S&B 250 grain. The S&B groups a little over 1 MOA, so I’m still looking for a more accurate load. I ditched the stock rail monstrosity because it is not a true 1913 rail. Instead, I have a Ken Ferell 20 MOA steel rail, La Rue LT-111 rings, and a.
Bushnell ERS FDE 3.5-21x.
I can’t reload this caliber because I’ve been unable to find the mythical shell plate for my Hornady progressive press. It’s been a fun gun, and I can fire standing offhand. I haven’t been hurt by the stock, but it certainly isn’t the most comfortable set up.
The Sako TRG is a better gun, but also twice the cost. If I had a do over the CZ HE II might be the hot ticket.
The trigger problem is from side loading. Pushing the trigger straight back works everytime. Side force during the trigger pull will cause the problem.
You can also adjust the trigger with a tool made-up for exactly that issue.
I purchased my 110 BA about 6 months ago for $1,360 after rebate. After brakining it in I took it Big Piney gun range 2 days ago, shot it 100 yards out to 800 yards. This was my first time shooting over 100 yards. I shot sub moa all the way out to 800yds. First time reloading also, you better believe I’m happy. I would recomend the Savage 110 BA to everyone, not one problem with this gun to date.
I’ve had my Savage 110 BA now for just over a year. Did nothing to it other than mount a Millet LRS-1 6-25×56 optic on it. I’ve tested various factory loads through it (as I don’t the time to reload) and found it really like Nosler Match Grade 300 gr BTHP. Other ammunition tested were Winchester Match, HSM, Sellier&Belliot, and Ferderal GM SMK. The Federal GM SMK had very similar results, However, I can get the Nosler Match for about $20 cheaper a box. So, with Nosler Match, from prone off bi-pod and sand bag: Initially the groups @ 100yards were .890″ to .995″ (just under 1MOA) constantly. However, at 800 to 1000yards, we were able to consistantky achieve 5″-6″ المجموعات. That puts us in the .5MOA to .75MOA area. Which to me is outstanding for a $2500 CAD rifle. After sticking with the Nosler Match for just over 100 rounds now, we are starting to see the groups tighten up. With consistand 3″- 4″ groups at 800yards (0.375-0.5MOA) and consistent 4″ & # 8211؛ 5″ groups at 1000yards (0.4 – 0.5MOA). Perhaps this improvement is due to the break in process of the rifle or it learning to like the Nosler Match even more. I don’t often get to shoot out past 1000yards. But a recent experience is what prompted me to write this review is that’s what we can call it. I attempted shots at a silhouette size steel target at 1450 yards. After 6 shots to learn my dope at that distance, I started landing rounds mid target. On a calm morning with 1-3 mph gusty breeze, 5 degrees celcious, 70% RH, I tried a 5 shot group. From Bi-Pod and sand bag. After hearing 5 dings, we got on the wheeler to have a look. Much to my surprise, 4 of the 5 shots formed an outstanding 7″ group with one of the 5 rounds hitting about 4″ high straight above the group. Considering the 4 we’ll grouped rounds… I was pleasantly surprised to see that the gun was capable of approx 0.5MOA at 1450yards. Wow is all I can say! Can’t wait to try it again. I’m not a professional shooter. I’m lucky to get out to shoot 4-5 times a year. What more can I say. $2500 Rifle, $700 Scope, $140 box of ammo. This is cheap cost and outstanding performance for 1450yard .338 lapua shots here in New Brunswick. In my very non expert opinion anyways.
Thanks for your field report.
I have been reading good and not so good things about the gun but I think I still gotta have one. I also was going to give the Millett scope a try.
Let us know how it goes.
Is it my imagination or did they change receivers on the rifle? They started out with a nice target receiver with just the ejection and load port a la model 12 with the one that looks like just their completely open top version a la model 10.
I don’t know they they ever changed them… but I may be wrong.
Any upcoming review of the Savage Stealth 338 Lapua?…preferably some performance and accuracy comparisons of this older 110BA rifle. شكر.
We have a review planned, but it will not be until later spring time.
Lot’s of great feedback here on the Savage BA 110 in .338 Lapua. Here’s mine: Bought it 6 month ago – LOVE IT! I’ve got a Remington 700 Sendero in a Accuracy International chassis (7mm Rem Mag) and a Weatherby Mk5 TRR (.300 Win Mag), and the Savage is my favourite by far. I do hand load which helps accuracy immensely. All my rifles shoot sub-MOA. People, the most important component of any LONG RANGE set-up is good optics! Hunters and sport shooters can get away with a low cost scope (300 yard range), but if you are shooting long distance, quality glass is essential. Having said that, I’ve found my best cartridges are: Lapua Brass, Berger OTM 250 hybrid’s (haven’t tried the 300’s yet as no one here locally sells them), CCI 250 LMR primers, Retumbo powder – 90.1 gn set to .008 off the lands. Fire formed neck-sized brass only. Vortex Razor Gen 2 4.5x27x56 MIL scope on Nightforce rings. Zero’ed @ 200 consistently shoots <1 inch groups at 300 yards, often hole-in-hole results.
If you are on the fence of buying this rifle, do it, you'll have no regrets. I can out shoot my friends Sako TRG-42 but that can be the shooter and not just the rifle. Wink.
Oh, forgot to add, “Shooting both prone and benchrest, off of an Altas bi-pod and rear sandbag. Nothing done to the factory trigger which broke at 1.3 pounds from the factory. Never had a complaint or issue”
I also love mine, one of the best mods is to get rid of that stupid scope rail. I installed a ken ferrell scope rail with 40 moa built in. It is also made of steel instead of aluminum, topped the rail off with night force steel rings and a vortex viper ffp pst. The only other mod that I did was to shim the rear of the trigger housing, it takes all of the crap out of the trigger.
آسف على الرد المتأخر. Was surfing the old thread to see about the new stealth. 5/8-24 would be your thread size.
Love my savage .338 lapua stealth… though I have not been able to fire it yet. Where is the best place to get bi pods and other goodies for it? As soon as I narrow down my scope and ammo choices I will be enjoying this amazing creation much more.
Well, I first would suggest our shop here on SC, but other good places are eurooptic, midwayusa, etc.
Does anybody else make a 1 with similar price so i can read up on it too – also can you get a 10 round mag for it – شكرًا.
I bought a Savage 110 BA about a year ago. I reload my own ammo and use 300 gr Berger backed by 89.5 gr of Retumbo. The range is 186 yards and I bust golf balls all day long (they completely disappear). I’ve let 14 year old girls and up shoot this rifle and get dirty looks from fathers and husbands when the girls and girlfriends/wives tell them they want one. Really a pleasure and a lot of fun to shoot. All my shooting friends want one now.
Wondering if you are using Lapua brass? I’m shooting the same rifle but with Berger 250 OTM’s. That’s all they had in stock at the time. I’ve just gotten some 300 OTM’s and was wondering where to start my ladder testing. I use 91.2 grains of retumbo and seat .008 off the lands. Milk jugs at 1500 all day long! أحبها!
Lapua, Hornady, HSM, Norma brass. Berger 300 OTM’s. I have some Lapua 300 Scenars I’m going to experiment with when the weather gets warmer…
Just got my savage .338 lapua stealth a few months ago. Waiting to figure ammo and to pay for my scope. (One step at a time)
I can not wait to shoot this. It’s an amazing beast. Thank you for all of your comments and this of post. I look forward to seeing more comments and hopefully adding some more of my own.
[…] Savage Arms 110 BA – Sniper Central – The 338 Lapua is a very good cartridge for long range sniping and its use in combat sniper rifles continues to grow. Because of the growing adoption among military. [& # 8230؛]
I’ve had my LH BA110 .338 Lapua for about a year. It’s a pleasure to shoot and is a 1/2 moa gun. I’m using Lapua brass, 91.0 gr Retumbo and Barnes LRX 280 gr. My groups didn’t tighten up until I closed up the free bore. My current load fits in the clip with about .040″ to spare. Removing the cumbersome factory rail and installing a steel picatinny base worked out great for me. My scope is a US Optics SN3 and it performs perfectly with this gun.
This is definitely not a light rifle, but I was able to hike decently toting it in an Eberlestock pack with a scabbard.
ترك الرد إلغاء الرد.
Manufacturer: Savage Arms Model: 110 BA Caliber: .338 Lapua Magnum.
.300 Winchester Magnum Barrel: Carbon Steel, heavy contour, fluted Barrel Length: 26" (660mm) Twist: 1:9" RH - 338 Lapua.
1:10" RH - 300 Win Mag Magazine: Savage Arms Detachable Box Magazine (DBM) with 5 Round Box Magazine (338). 6 Round Box Magazine for 300 Win Mag Trigger: Savage Accu-trigger Stock: Aluminum Modular Design Metal Finish: Anodized matte black Weight: 15.75 lbs (7.16 kg) Overall Length: 50.5" (1283mm)
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